Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Big Mojo

Australia is full of big things. I even did a post about some of them once. But nothing has been bigger this week than my mojo. I was so smokin',  I was on fire. 

Inspired by a post Tazzie did late last week, I made a jelly roll race quilt. Nobody wanted to do it with me so I raced against myself. It took 2 hours and 15 minutes from start to finish.  I'm currently on a pitstop while I wait for my border and backing fabric to arrive. 

I finished some more flowers for my grandmother's flower garden. Only 28 to go. Plus about 800 plain hexies to go round them all...I keep telling myself it's going to be brilliant when it's finished (in about 2015) 

I made 10 more blocks for my poor neglected selvage quilt but due to an unfortunate cutting incident I only have 9 to show you here.  

Ironically that is the number of whole fingers I have left after a second incident with the rotary cutter.  The amount of blood was quite impressive. Mr. P had to do a mercy dash to the chemist for medical supplies so I could stick the side of my finger back in place. Naturally I kept sewing until the supplies arrived. I was a woman on a mission and nothing was going to stop my mojo.

The Contrary HST quilt got one more border. The other three that match are well under way. I'm hoping for finish on this quilt top in the next few days. I'm making it for someone I like a lot and she has no idea I'm doing it. I love surprises.

More from the Quite Contrary Fabric Line- all of the hourglass blocks finally got squared up and laid out so I can sew them together into something that resembles a quilt top.

I started cutting blocks for a tumbler quilt. I've been itching to start this for weeks. Then I did some calculations and realised I had  to cut 324 of the little blighters.

So I convinced myself that I should probably check my template was OK and started making this cushion as a prototype instead.

And my lantern quilt got 20 blocks finished. I really love this fabric and the quilt is unlike anything I've ever done before. And since these are technically Christmas fabrics I'm hoping I'll finally finish a Christmas quilt I actually want to keep. (I know- Christmas in April -I'm a wild and crazy girl ) 

With all this mojo going on , my vow to sew a zip on my own, without Sara's tutelage was put on the back burner (can you say procrastination?) but I did put together some scraps for the front and back of the pouch.

I am on a 5 day break until Monday so in between playdough duty with Little P and the mundane chores that make up the rest of my life I'm planning to continue this amazing run of creativity. 

To see more creative peeps pop on over to Kate's and have a look what other people did with their 15 minutes this week...


  1. Wow go you! Amazing what procrastination can achieve... Who cares, look at everything else you got done. Score :)

  2. Now I know where my mojo's gone, You stole it. I want it back.
    I think you may need to do a course in how to not kill yourself while rotary cutting. You remind me of the knight in Monty Python, that kept on going even with all his limbs cut off. Just a flesh wound!
    Looking good Shay, lots of beauties there, I love the hourglass block quilt, and I'm pleased you didn't show a photo of the blood covered selvage block.

  3. I like your jelly roll quilt!!!
    Sorry about the damaged finger.
    Nice hexies, strip blocks, tumblers, beautiful hourglass quilt top ... girl you have been busy!

  4. Holy mojo!! And, I'm sorry, how much of your finger did you slice off? Because when I did mine, I couldn't sew for a week without getting woozy at the thought of it.

  5. *TsssssssssssT* Yep, you really are sizzling! Hope the finger heals uneventfully and soon. Congrats on all the stuff you've gotten done lately. I heart your hourglass quilt!

  6. Have you slept any recently? Wow an amazing amout of energy and creativity. I love the hour glass quilt, very pretty. It has some cool optical effects going on too.

    I've been working on a GFG quilt for 5 years and hope to be done by the time DT finishes high school. So you've got plenty of time to finish up your gorgeous hexies.

  7. holy cats Mrs. P ... I think you've been drinking too much coffee, tea or mountain dew !!!! go go go .... love it all.

  8. You sure to pull out the lovelies when the mojo is fully charged. Loving all the pretty colours in your sewing report today - I may even be inspired to use my one day off for a little sewing as the weatherman has turned up the air con!

    Enjoy your little break and play doh duty of course.

  9. so much eye candy here this week~!!~ good for you~!

    i hope that your finger heals quickly although it doesn't sound like it's slowing you down any.


  10. wow - you got it back with a vengeance - ride it girl, ride it!! still absolutely loving the hourglass quilt - the colours are just beautiful

  11. Wow you must have had some REALLY good coffee!!! You really got alot done ~ good for you!
    I love the hourglass quilt top, want to make one of those too someday

  12. Your Mojo was really on overtime! That accounts for the 5-day break time. =)

  13. Impressive Shay, I am tired just reading it!! What a lot of things going on...but what pretty things they are!

  14. I need to take a break now impressed with your creativity has exhausted me though! Enjoy your break.....get that zip sewn!!

  15. Phew, You've been busy!!! I love those jelly roll race quilts. I've got some jelly rolls waiting for a bit of action. I don't know if I'd be as fast as you though. I'm so in love with your hourglass block quilt!! Congrats on a super productive week.

  16. I can not only say procrastination I frequently practice it! Wow! What a week! I loved reading about it all. So cheerful, so invigorating, and soooo inspiring! I'm off to create now. Thank you Shay!

  17. Very inspiring post! Except the part about the missing finger. ;) Sounds like your mojo didn't only come back, but brought a few friends, too! Way to go. That looks like really fun, fresh Christmas fabric. Can't wait to see that one. Your other projects are gorgeous too. xo

  18. Girl, you are amazing! But I think it is good idea to work on a million projects at the same time..that way once you get going you have a lot of finishes in a very short time. I am still working way to much and am not geting any quilting done at all :-(
    Love all your quilts and hope your finger it doing o.k.

  19. I sincerely hope you did not bleed on any selveges that I sent you! Marg and I were discussing your rotary cutting technique this week. Do you think we jinxed you?! Hope you heal up quickly and wouldn't it be safer to let Little P do the cutting for you?

  20. You certainly did find your mojo .. looks like you may have found mine too! Nice week. I might have to try the jelly roll race. I have a jelly roll that I've been trying to figure out how to use ... The hourglass blocks look really great. I like that fabric line.

    Sorry to hear about your finger slicing accident -- glad it didn't slow you down. I wonder how much you would have accomplished had you had all 10 fingers. Great week!!

  21. Wow!!!! You really are burning along!
    You go girl

  22. Read your post this morning but I obviously got distracted before i made a comment. Congratulations on finding your mojo. I need to just find the mojo to concentrate on one thing at a time, so I can actually finish something. Great effort hopefully lots more stitching over your break. I did a bit more today on a couple of projects.

  23. Told you it would come back. I've been thinking about one of those jelly roll race quilts as well. It would be quick and satisfying - something else to go on the list!

  24. When you get your mojo back, you get it in a big way! Sorry about the rotary incident. My favorite thing you worked on...besides playdough duty, is the hourglass quilt. I love how that looks, laid out. Lane

  25. Wow, you were on fire! How lovely to have touched so many different bits of wonderful fabric in a week. Love your jelly roll, and I was inspired by Tazzie too, but haven't yet put pedal to the metal...Glad your fingers are still all accounted for!

  26. Wow, so impressive!!! Hey, someone told me they appliqued their hexies onto a plain white background fabric and voila - no additional 1,000's of plain hexies to plod through!

  27. sigh...your pictures make me jealous...I miss quilting!!! :(

  28. You have been such a busy girl! I can't wait to see what you will accomplish while you are off. Hope we get to see some photos of the playdough creations you and little P make!

  29. you are smokin hot girlfriend!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the hour glass quilt. If you find it's in need of a home, please feel free to send it my way. :o) Love all the things you've been doing! You are such an inspiration to me. Work it girl!

  30. Holy cow! Bottle that creative energy up and you can make a fortune! I'd buy some for sure. Beautiful projects, one and all. There's no way you will have room for all of them in your house when they are done. You have my address - I'm happy to take any of them off your hands. I'm that kind of friend, not choosy at all.

  31. If my mojo has finished playing at your house would you send it home please...surely it has learnt from your mojo now how to play love love the hourglass quilt progress, feel free to have a giveaway and pick me! are taking me seriously aren't you?...oh OK, just send the mojo home and we'll call it quits... :)))
    Oh well done on all the other progress too...that is one awesomely big week...

  32. Shazam! That is a seriously huge amount of amazingness going on there! I'll work backwards and start with all those fun, colorful scraps for the pouch and say WOW! That will be so cute. And don't let that zip intimidate you! Your zips are fabulous. I've seen them.

    I can't wait to see more of the hourglass blocks. That is really going to be a fun quilt!

    Tumblers . . . please don't tempt me. I was in JoAnn's yesterday and almost bought the tumbler die . It was on sale for 25% off. But I was on a tight time schedule and an even tighter budget. Your tumbler cushion is going to be so pretty! I love those colors! And those red polka-dots and the tan-ish fabric you picked are going to be really amazing!

    OK. So, those hourglass blocks are SO amazing! I love how that quilt came together! You have really great taste! The HST quilt is really fun too!

    Your string blocks are tempting me too. Those are so pretty! Oh, and sorry about your finger and the rotary cutter. I hope you're healing quickly!

    You know how I feel about those Hexies. So cute!

    And last, but not least, I love that Jelly Roll race quilt! It is really fun!

    You are amazing!

    xo -E


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