Saturday, March 24, 2012

Favourite Things Friday

It's no longer Friday in my part of the world . In fact it's 9am Saturday so this week Im re-naming this little linky party Slack Shay Saturday. I'm so sorry. In a week where I worked an insane amount of hours, my oven decided to give up the ghost , I've been helping out a friend  , I emergency baby sat Little P overnight (and he thought 2 am to 4 am was playtime so I did my annual senior CPR exam on about three hours sleep -joy! )  and my body grew a pimple on my chin that was the size of a small child , Favourite Things Friday kind of got a little lost. I was going to post last night when I got home but sleep seemed much more imperative. 

Work is over for this week, with a non functioning oven I dont have to torture myself with trying to bake this weekend, I passed the CPR exam , and I finally got up the guts to bust that pimple last night so life is looking up. 

This weeks favourite is that I love to go out for lunch. Normally during the week lunch is something utterly boring like tuna and crackers or a homemade sandwich or even a bag of chips and a chocolate bar eaten at my desk  but occasionally some of the girls at work and I lash out and "do " lunch.  There are a couple of fabulous little cafes near where I work that have a great atmopshere or do fantastic food and that's where we head when our manky sandwiches or reheated leftovers look less appealing than ever or when we have something to celebrate. 

Yesterday Nat talked me into Asian food without much reluctance on my part which left my chicken sammich feeling lonely in the fridge.  Sometimes we head to a fabulous little place called Endue that doubles as a gift/home wares shop. Invariably I spend far more money there than I should buying home wares in my lunch break. Can I help it that they have so many beautiful things?  A third of my knick knacks have come from this place which means I've officially spent enough there to be putting at least one of the owners kids through private high school. 

There is something completely decadent in my mind about playing hooky for an hour and going out for a good nosh up. Lakeside does curly fries with ranch dressing and all day breakfast. Eating breakfast at lunchtime on work day just blows my mind. I always go back to work feeling totally refreshed and ready to tackle the afternoon. I like to bring dessert back and eat that at my desk for a mid afternoon snack....

I get ridiculously excited about the idea of eating lunch out. And it's pretty much  the only time I eat salad. Mmmmmmmm Caesar Salad.....

I hope you'll join me in linking up with a favourite of your own. For my Northern Hemisphere friends, you'll actually be on time (unlike your hostess this week ) because it's still Friday in your neck of the woods. 


  1. It's still Friday here so you aren't really slacking!

  2. It's Friday here too! So you are not behind in this part of the world. I thought is was funny when it wasn't posted last night... but I just thought I will check tonight! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. lol It is completely understandable! I just had a peek @ Endue's facebook....lovely looking place and do tell what that scrummy looking cup of dessert is! The Leisurely Wife button looks very good. Thank you! ;)

  4. Better late than never. I would say you could just say that Friday hadn't ended yet, but with the week you described, I don't think that approach would have any appeal at all!

    Hope you get a chance to catch up on your rest this weekend.

  5. Sara was wondering what had happened to you .. I love going out to lunch too. The only thing is that if I go to a real restaurant I don't seem to be able to keep it to an hour. Great favorite!

    It's still Friday here and I have a few hours to figure out what to post as my favorite ...

  6. It's still Friday here so you're good sister! And besides...I honestly don't know how you do all that you do. I get exhausted sitting here reading about all your adventures while eating my chocolate bar. I don't even have to get my lard butt out of the chair to break a sweat. Thank you for doing my body well! :o) xoxo

  7. Eating lunch out--love it, and I even got to do it today with some girlfriends/former coworkers. You only eat salad when you go out? That's sort of like me and fish. I like to order fish when we go out, probably because I don't cook it as often at home., Saturday!

  8. Thank god, I was getting worried. I though maybe you'd won crosslotto and run away to Hawaii. That would have been the most epic Favourite Things Friday ever, and we would have all had to give up because we'd know we could never match it.

    Eating out in the mount isn't so great. Also, everyone else's lunchtime is my breakfast, but fortunatelly, I'm a big fan of cereal.

  9. He he love that you were so late to your own linky party. Squid and I went to Bowerbird Bazaar straight from school, as I had come home early from work with a migraine I was still a bit drugged up to the eyeballs which made for someinterestingdriving home and I kind of a bit too out of it to think k of a FTF this week. just had a laugh re read my comment and auto correct had done kinky party. Back to commenting on your favourite love going out too lunch/tea with friends, not so much with the family that always ends up being a nightmare lol. But dinner with the girls is rig up there

  10. Typical. I finally got myself organised enough this week to have a FTF in mind and you weren't home! Too busy eating lovely food while I ate my chicken sandwich at home. Never mind, you have just succeeded in reminding me that I used to have a life and eat out on a regular basis. Hope you are enjoying your weekend and have bought some cakes to eat since you can't make your own.

  11. Agreed- any opportunity to sit down to a hot meal with friends tops my list, too. I feel like breakfast is even more decadent....a great way to start the day!

  12. Appliances are notorious for giving out just when you really need them--our dishwasher did that recently and it was three weeks before we got one bought and installed. At least baking disasters are averted for now :)

    I love eating lunch out but don't usually get fancy lunches. I could eat salad every day. Especially if accompanied by pizza...

  13. After working for all those years i am now a "lady who likes to lunch" and I love a Caesar Salad too. Great Favourite. I forgot to come back and Link up....Sorry!

  14. Mr. Bug and I go out to lunch quite often! When the Little Bugs were little and I stayed home and he worked from home, it was easier to go out during the day than to arrange for a baby sitter so we could go out in the evenings. Now, Mr. Bug sleeps from about 3 pm to 10 pm, so lunch is where our days collide. We go out almost every week. There are about a hundred little ethnic food places near my work, most of them under a mile away. There is an amazing Thai place right next door (I park in their parking lot and then go in the back door to work), a place that serves Sri Lankan food, a Chinese place, a couple of Indian restaurants, three different Italian places, several Mexican places, a Brasilian grill, and two Japanese places. Besides all of that, there is a sort of new age hippie place, a few sandwich/bakery/deli places, and an amazing homestyle restaurant. If you get tired of that, then there are two pizza chains and half-a-dozen fast food restaurants. I could probably eat somewhere different every day for a month.

    Eating lunch out is awesome!

    xo -E


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