Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cue the Rocky Theme Music

This whole weekend has reeked of ground hog day. I've been working on WIPS. The same ones I've been working on since about 1983.

But by this afternoon , I was feeling like this.

Because I can move mountains of unfinished projects when I put my mind to it. 

I whipped up 4 Farmers Wife Blocks which gives me a grand total of 8. I keep reminding myself it's not a race. (and wondering why no matter how carefully I cut and sew I end up with blocks anywhere from 6-7 inches when I'm finished) 

I knocked off  the last 20 Hourglass Blocks. I was doing the happy dance and fist pumping the air. I'm going to be so glad when this quilt is done because I cant wait to see how it looks!

And here's the finished pile. All 64 of them. 

I finished the last of the Rainbow Log cabin Blocks too...

And laid them out so I can sew the top this week ...Scrappy and bright really makes me happy. I LOVE the way this quilt looks. 

My flower garden hexagons got a workout  after being neglected for about two months.  3 more done and another almost finished. I still have 36 to go....Fortunately, I'm not in a hurry.

Chocolate tarts rose like a phoenix from the ashes. This was meant to be chocolate fudge but I screwed it up so badly at the heating condensed milk stage that  I had to improvise so as not to waste 400 grams (that's almost a pound ) of very nice dark chocolate. The tarts taste divine and it just wouldn't be right if I didn't manage to mess it up somehow. Just one question? Why does my pastry always end up looking like it has leprosy? 

So I'm a happy camper ...I can finally see some progress and light at the end of the tunnel with projects that have been lurking forever , and I'm enjoying sucking the chocolate filling out of those tart cases. I'd call that a successful weekend.


  1. I am exhausted just READING all that you accomplished!

  2. That's amazing! I have noticed sometimes projects which take a long time tend to all get done at once. With me it is either feast or famine.... Congratulations on your feast...

  3. Yes! No wonder you did the Rocky dance. Looks like a great weekend. I'm pretty happy with my weekend too. I didn't do enough to pump the air like Rocky, but there was definitely some quiet plodding.

  4. I would do a dance, too! The blocks look great and the tarts look....well, they look edible. Chocolate doesn't have to look pretty if it's edible. ;)

  5. The chocolate tarts look yummy! Great SAVE there.
    Your rainbow blocks make me smile, too. I love them. I love scrapy rainbow quilts.
    Most excellent weekend.

  6. Hope you are still dancing - might help work off the calories! Really love the rainbow scrappy quilt!

  7. Holy crap! That is sooo much! Can't wait to see the hourglass finish, but all your quilt projects look lovely!

  8. You go girl! Rocky theme music is definitely warranted here, you sewed like a champion! All of your projects look fantastic! Hooray for finishing up WIPs! I hope to get a little time in over the next couple weeks to do the same. And I totally hear you a out being careful but having blocks finish up at a variet of sizes....what gives? This is why I think I shall never be in a bee, I am sure mine would be the mutant block of the set. My granny square blocks are all shapes and sizes, will have to do some creative finessing there to not lose all my points in the seam, grrrrr!

  9. You are amazing, wow to the finishes and the further alongs, too. All are pretty, I'm liking the bright happy rainbow and those FW squares are coo-ol. I haven't even wanted to try those, I'm sure I'd feel inadequate when I pulled the ruler out, and then say "but it's not good enough"....
    Save me one of those yummy tarts, will you?

  10. lol You deserved to do the Rocky dance. Your FW blocks are looking lovely. Are you doing all the blocks in reds? You are eight ahead of me.....I think the pattern is cursed or something. The first block I made was 1/4in too short on one side, so was made into a quilt ruler cover. The second one I lost all the pieces for a week! lol That makes two of us who are having problems! I've started a collaborative blog for anyone working on FW at a slow pace. There are five of us at the moment. Everyone works at their own pace, on the blocks we want, when we want. It is a no pressure thing....The link is if you would like a look. Give me a yell if you would like to join and I will add you. The hourglass blocks look great. The colours are very pretty. I'm a sucker for log cabins and rainbow designs. Together they are a perfect combination. Your hexies are looking pretty. Do you use whip stitch or ladder stitch? Gotta love it when you can save a disaster. So long as your pastry tastes good, nothing else matters. You know how to make pastry, which puts you one step further along than a lot of them are on My Kitchen Rules! lol

  11. Oh look at you go! Who lit the fire under your a**e? Or did you eat all that chocolate and do it on a sugar high. (That works for me quite often!)

  12. Wow! Lots of really beautiful projects! I love that scrappy rainbow log cabin! And I can't wait to see your hourglass quilt either!

    What fabric line are you using for your hexie flowers? Those are really pretty! There might be hexies in my future!

    Apparently, you've kicked the Ides of March squarely in the fanny. Good for you! Now, if I could only do the same!

    Congrats on a very successful weekend.

    xo -E

  13. I'm running the Rocky theme song in my brain...thanks for that! Gah

    Impressive crossing-off-the-to-do-list crafting. Proud of you!

    I have no explanation for baking since I don't do it!

  14. So you got your mojo back then! So much going on, I don't know where to start - all lovely.

  15. Anything that ends with sucking chocolate has got to be good. You've got your quilty mojo back... that calls for celebrations!

  16. You made up for any non-productive time in one day. That is amazing. The hourglass quilt will be beautiful. I can't wait to see it and how you finish it off. I admire the patience/diligence with the hexies .. oh, and your rainbow quilt is just amazingly beautiful. and on top of that cooking .. I think I can hear the Rocky theme from here ..

    Have a great week!

  17. when your mojo returns it surely makes you work hard!
    Love everything here - those red and white FW blocks look amazing, and your hourglasses are perfect, they will make a very pretty quilt.
    Bright and scrappy is looking gorgeous all laid out there waiting for the next sewing session.
    Yum chocolate tarts - you would have needed those to keep up your energy while sewing up a storm.
    Enjoy your week.

  18. Holy Guacamole Batman, that fire under your a**e really got you going. You certainly did move mountains. Very very impressed. Those FW blocks are looking fabulous.
    I'm thinking you could do a regular post on your baking attempts. Kind of like Slack Tea Thursday, which by the way, I still miss. Unlike your awesome cooking skills, your baking always produces something to talk about.
    A very successful weekend Shay!

  19. OMG!! Woman You are a Power Machine...Love the look of your Hourglass and well done on the Tarts...Delish!

  20. Wow, you have been busy! The chocolate tarts look very nice, any chance of the recipe?

  21. That's it...I'm getting you a Super Woman t-shirt. End of story.

  22. Gosh I don't know what I have been doing....I think it must those chokkie tarts you have been imbibing. Beautiful progress made on everything.

  23. Wow your Mojo sure has come back from walkabout with energy and vigour! Whew! I need a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down just from reading all you've achieved, no wonder Rocky theme music is pumping...send over a chocolate tart will you I think I need one!...

  24. You know I am going to be doing the Rocky song for days now don't you! Wow you are on fire!!! All of that looks awesome and it must feel so good to be almost finished some of them. I promised myself tonight that I would no longer read more than 2 books at once and no longer knit/crochet more than two projects at once...yeah right, I just started another new project! (well it was for a friend so that doesn't count) :-)

  25. wow - and you slept when??? looking very good at chez pj' your fw, the hourglass blocks (can't wait to see that finished too!)....just about everything - go you!!

  26. Love your reference to "Groundhog Day" AND, if I lived closer, I'd drop by for a tart...

  27. your WIPs are all beautiful -- congratulations for making progress on so many !!!

    mine are more like WOH ... works on hiatus.

  28. You sure can move mountains! Look at you go! Chocolate tarts must be the secret fuel. Lovely things, all of them.

  29. Shay, are you still having Fav. Fridays??

  30. Wow! The mojo came back in a big way!


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