It's like I wandered off to make a coffee last week and just never made it back. It's been a mad house here. Miss P and Little P have been in residence and there just hasn't been time for blogging. Or cleaning the house, or hanging out the washing or even scratching myself. I don't know how anyone with kids ever manages to get to the computer to read emails let alone maintain a blog!
And if I'm being honest, it was part of my plan for my holidays to not spend all of it on the computer/blogging so I think we can say that's been successful too. Before I went on holidays I'd lost my blogging mojo and thought a bit of a break might be in order. I apologise for all the unread blog posts and ignored emails but sometimes a gal just has to shake things up a bit and change her routine to get back in the saddle. I usually spend a huge amount of time blogging, commenting and replying to emails and I just needed a break (wow - do I sound whiny!)
There hasn't been a lot of progress on my own sewing and quilting projects this past week. Miss P announced she wanted to learn how to make baby bibs so she could sell them to people on the Facebook Young Mum's group that she is a co-owner of. It's taken me about a week to get over the shock of her announcement (Miss P wants to sew ?) and we've been busy buying and choosing fabric, cutting out backs and fronts, and sewing bibs. She has orders for about 15 bibs already and is full of other ideas about things she could make and sell and we've been tossing round the idea of a market stall at the end of the year as well as some other products she could make for sale. I finished my last contribution yesterday to the bib cause (the rest is up to her - lets see how serious she is !) and I'm ready to get back to doing some of my own stuff. I have floor cushions calling my name as well as the modified log cabin blocks for my scrap quilt.
In other news, my ex father in law passed away early this week so I'll be off to his funeral tomorrow with Miss P. Without going into a lot of detail, the relationships my ex in laws have with the people closest to them tend to be very complicated. My ex husband hasn't spoken to his own parents in over 17 years. I doubt he'll be attending the funeral but if he does it will be an emotional day and there could be fireworks since he hasn't seen Miss P since she was 4 years old. I'll be the one holding it all together for every one else and sweeping up the tarnished reputations and handing out the tissues if he does make an appearance.
I'm bibbed out. |
Favourite Things Friday will be back tomorrow and normal blogging activity will resume from then. I'm going to spend some of my Australia Day eating lamb burgers and checking out what's been going on in my prolonged absence. If I get really organised I may even bang out some lamingtons.

I hope the funeral isn't too horrid. I know how crappy families can be and how fraught days like that can be. Just keep telling yourself it will be over soon!
I was beginning to worry about you but having gone through a similar "mentality" last year with blogging/time, etc. I wanted to wait until you showed back up. Aren't you proud of my restraint? :)
That said, it did give me a chance to decide just what I wanted my blog to mean to me and how often I wanted to updated it (or not) so that I'm happy and comfy. That's still a work in progress.
Good luck to Miss P with her endeavor and I hope the funeral is not horrible. It's good that you are attending despite what could be.
And how was the cup of coffee you went off to make? Good, I hope. Miss P's baby bibs are gorgeous. Can't wait to see how her little business venture takes off!
So sorry to hear of the loss of your ex-FIL. Hopefully everyone will remember exactly why they are there at the funeral, and pay their respects without too much drama. I'll keep you in my prayers.
(((HUGS))) and enjoy your lamb burgers. Is that a traditional food for celebrating Australia Day? Perhaps it's similar to us eating hamburgers & hot dogs on the 4th of July. ☺
I'm proud of you for going to the funeral and taking your daughter. I love the way you face challenges head-on. Here's hoping it's a celebration of life. I think we all have stories of funerals that have become more about the dysfunctional adults left behind (at least I do). Truly sad.
You deserve a break, and I bet those other moms will love the bibs!
What do you put on your lamb burger?
Gotta love family I usually just avoid mine seems the right thing to do for my sanity. You are probably going to need FTF this week. Got to say I have been a bit absent from blogland and looking at blogs or commenting on blogs too. My only excuse is the kids are on holidays and I am back at work which has been busy which it usually isn't at this time of year. Have a good Australia day. Have 5 kiddies here for a sleep over on the weekend for squids birthday so I had better get my s#$$# together.
Ah, families......need I say more, mine has its share of strange folk too. Good on Miss P for having a go at her project! We'll see you back whenever you are ready, refreshed from your break we hope.
I agree with Kirsten, very proud of you that you are willing to go to the funeral and support Miss P.
You could run a great little sweat shop with the two of you sewing to your hearts content!
Lamburgers with fetta and mint would be very yummy today. Bummer I don't have any, and you know how I feel about Vegemite. Maybe I should settle for some lamingtons, pavlova and Tim Tams instead.
I hope the funeral goes well- or, as well as a funeral could go.
I suggest burp rags for Miss P to sell, if you guys can get your hands on them Down Under. I use the prefolded ones and stitch fabric down the center fold. She could make them match the bibs.
... beaming some positive thoughts your way. it's good of you to be the Adult ... but when families are crazy you can't take it all on yourself to be the glue or buffer or mediator ...
looking forward to a second FTF for me ... thanks!
Shay, I hope everything goes smoothly at the funeral although sadly they normally bring out the worst in people don't they?
How lovely that Miss P is sewing, always make such a difference if you get appreciated for it and being paid is a wonderful appreciation.
I hope it all goes without too much incidence. Everyone has craziness somewhere in the family. mmmmm lamb burgers sound delish. Thinking of you!
Hope it goes much smoother at the furneral than you are anticipating. Family furnerals can be either a great get together or a complete diaster, hope you get at least a reasonable get togehter.
I thought you'd be busy with Little P over the holiday, so I wasn't surprised to not see to much of you. But glad that you'll be checking in more often.
Isn't amazing how we all read of your familytrials and I can just see us all nodding our heads. Families are the best and worst of our lives aren't they? And you think yours is bad till you tell someone and hear their story. Hope Miss P emerges from the funeral thing OK. Tough for her I imagine.
The bibs look great and lets hope it takes off for her. It's not that easy in this cash strapped society to sell anything let alone to Mums who are often strapped for cash when you are competing with the big boys. Good luck!
The bibs are darling! I need to make some more myself. I hope all goes as well as possible at the funeral. I'll say a prayer for you and Miss P.
Best of luck with the funeral and any accompanying crap. Hope you have chocolate and wine waiting for your return. And blog when you want to. It is supposed to be fun, not a chore.
I wondered where you'd gone but I figured Little P and Miss P were keeping you occupied. Those bibs are really cute. I keep telling myself i'm gonna make some (I think you even sent me a link to the pattern ...).
I'm hoping things go smoothly at the funeral and that Miss P is okay.
The bibs are gorgeous and wow there are quite a few there. I hope for all concerned there is no fall out at the funeral. They are hard enough without any other angst. See you for FTF.
Happy Australia Day. I am impressed with those bibs. Nurture that sewing feeling in miss P.
Happy Australia Day...what's left of it! I know what you mean about lots of time on the computer it just seems to zap the day doesn't it. I'm trying for less this year as well and more exercise with my horses. Hope tomorrow isn't too awful for you xx
sorry to hear about your pa-in-law, and obviously, miss p's grandad - i hope everything goes as well as can be expected - what a wonderful role model for your daughter you are. hope you enjoyed your lamb burgers - we had some beautiful lamb chops (from coles) done to a turn on the barby and shared with my bff and one of my sons - lovely day. come on aussie, come ON!!!
I totally understand your bit of respite over the past few weeks. Good for you.
What a cute bunch of bibs! I hope Miss P does well in her endeavor. Sorry to hear about your ex-FIL. My thoughts are with you.
Your holidays have been railroaded by unexpected visitors and projects but the blog break got reinforced so maybe that's a good thing! The bibs look great--hope Miss P makes some $$. Sorry to hear the ex family story--that will be an odd time for sure.
You're one of those bloggers who aren't allowed to take breaks. Didn't you know? You're too missed...
I'm so sorry about what you have to do tomorrow at the funeral. I am sure you, strong momma, are prepared to handle anything, but the underlying stress of the possibilities there must be a bit overwhelming. You're amazing. And a wonderful woman to be sure you're there for his funeral. I hope Miss P makes it through unscathed as well. You two are troopers.
I think it's wonderful that she's excited about making bibs and being creative and selling these things - that's just spectacular.
I just prayed that tomorrow will be smooth, however that's possible. We'll be thinking of you.
I don´t know what to say or write, so I am just sending you a hug!!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree - that's exciting about Miss P and her endeavors. Good luck at the funeral.
I'm sorry about the loss and I do understand about family relationships. I'm sure you'll be able to keep them all together.
Congrats to Miss P for wanting to start a business and sewing no less. Funny my daughter who never wanted to sew has a job on campus sewing costumes for the drama dept. Lol
"Holidays" are named such for a reason. I think I speak for the collective universe when I say that taking a break is completely OK. As a matter-of-fact, you owe us nothing. So, when you get back to blogging, we'll all still be here (unless we're on a break, which you'll understand) and we'll love you just as much. We (or at least I) am really happy that you get to do what you want for a bit. Enjoy yourself. Have a wonderful holiday doing stuff that you don't usually do, don't feel guilty about the stuff you're not doing, and we'll see you when you get back.
xo -E
P.S. I hope everything goes as nicely as it possibly can at the funeral.
Awwww...Shay...I just love you....I swear we were separated at birth. You are incredible (even if you don't have time to scratch yourself). I hope things went well. I do understand and I hope you realize what a blessing you are to everyone around you...even those of us you haven't met face to face. xoxo
You and Miss P. really kicked some bib making butt!
Sorry about your ex-father in law. I'm behind the times so you may have already said how it went. In any case, I hope it wasn't inordinately stressful.
Going to read forward into the future.
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