I kept a list this week of my progress so I could give an accurate accounting of my craftiness for Kate's 15 minute challenge linky party. I can't find that list now so I think I threw it out with the rubbish. That's what happens when you do a frenzied tidy up on a Sunday morning so your breakfast guests don't think you live like wild pigs. However, I'm happy to report I managed to spend at least 15 minutes a day doing something crafty every single day this week. I just cant remember what I did when and as I write this post I'm amazed by how little it seems I actually did.
Three more hexie flowers were completed this week. My mother in law saw me doing these on Sunday and has decided to start her own project after Christmas.
5 more selvage blocks were completed and I am about halfway through another 5. Still no squaring up so this looks like a big pile of mess. I swear there are completed blocks in there somewhere.
I finished another sunglasses case for a birthday gift.
Miss Pyjamas pyjamas are just waiting for me to finish the waistband.
And I started this very "simple" sock monkey for Little P which has been a complete pain in the arse. If it's so simple why does mine currently look like a demented 2 legged octopus?
One of the tragedies to befall this poor little monkey-to-be was that I accidentally cut him a butthole and had to perform an emergency butt-hole-ectomy. There's nothing scarier than a monkey with stuffing leaking out of his bum.
I also spent some time this week sorting my stash and coming to the realisation that I don't have as much fabric as I thought I did. Does that sound like a justification to run out and buy some more fabric?
For more 15 minutes of creativity , pop on over to Kate's. I'm thinking I've pushed my "not working on my quilts" phase just about as far as I possibly can and am really going to have to focus on them this week. Eek!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends. Enjoy your day and have some turkey for me.

I think you should take up making sock monkeys professionally and sell them for a fiver at Christmas fairs. I know where I could you set you up next year where they sell like hotcakes! Now I ask you, having tortured yourself and the monkey in the process - how does that woman do it and sell them so cheap?!?!
Not even going to touch the whole butt hole incident. Can't do it without laughing until I am incapacitated or swearing!
I'm laughing so hard I can barely type! Son#1 is looking at me as though there is something seriously wrong with me. ☺ I'd have left it and told Little P you wanted his sock monkey to be very realistic.
Great work in your 15 minutes! Happy Wednesday! ☺
Monkeys leaking stuffing sound better than monkeys leaking other stuff! Getting ready to go do my turkey day shopping right now! Thanks for the good wishes and I'm sure I'll eat enough turkey for both of us.
Shay, love Miss P's pj pants. Does the pattern have a top also or is it just pants? I am thinking I need to make some more pj's for my hospital visit and thats looks a great pattern
ahahahahhahaha. I am knee deep in Christmas projects over here myself!
Very nice hexie flowers. Love the colors. What's the plan with those when you're done?
Looking forward to seeing the selvage quilt .. of course I'm looking to see where my old scraps are being used. Kind of an ispy thing.
I'm thinking of making some pjs too. I'll have to do that this weekend.
And the sock monkey. hmmm. you could always make it a sock octopus. anyway, it looks like it's going to be super cute when you're done. I need to make one of those too - only I'm going with the more traditional colors.
Great week!
I'm sorry I can't possibly add anything remotely useful to this conversation.... I'm laughing SO hard right now and Larri's comment about it being realistic just about killed me because I now can't breathe.
Looks like you've sure been productive though!
great list and you did remember a lot even though you lost the list. I can relate to the qick cleanup for guests.
Love the monkey story!
oh man - funny, funny - giggling into my coffee - a buthole in a sock monkey - too too funny
I didn't know you were certified to operate on sock monkies. I'm sure the sock monkey was suitable impressed.
Love the hexies and the selvage blocks. You were busy last week. Hope this week is just as productive (but without the need to perform any other surgeries).
Got quite a chuckle about the emergency monkey butt surgery! You sure are doing a lot for not working on quilts.
That is a super sad monkey.
nice to see you are still on form, with another top post.
Once again you have amazed me with all your wonderful sewing. I cna't wait to see the final version of the selvage quilt. I hope poor old 'monk' survived his butadectomy.
Oh dear - I'm not touching the monkeys bum for anything.
I'm sure you really do have more fabric that you need - but what we want is something different. Go for it if you must - you could be spending the money a lot worse ways!
YOu are a riot! I know where the "wild pigs" live... right here in kitchen everywhere land. Sorry to hear you had to perform surgery. Butt it was very funny!
We are all thankful for you, dear friend. Too bad you don't live closer... you could come out to Denny's for Thanksgiving Dinner with us. (No kitchen - no dinner!)
Aw, poor sock monkey needing surgery. Looks like you handled the butthole-ectomy skillfully, though. He's going to be cute! Nice going on the pjs, the hexie flowers, and the glasses case too. I feel like quite the slug this week so far.
Ouch, the thought of that poor monkeys bum is making me wince! Nice going on the jammies front and your selvages blocks are looking awesome . Im feeling guilty cos i dont save my selvages and i probably should start so i can send em to you!
Cheeky monkey! Love Miss P's pants.
Nice flowers for your garden.
Good to see you working on the small instant gratification projects as well as some larger ones.
I laughed out loud at the butt-hole-ectomy. I can't believe you said that!
I've missed your whacky sense of humor. Sorry I've been absent of late. I haven't had two minutes to myself in the last two weeks. So, I'm catching up today.
I love Miss P's Pyjamas. The little pleats on the bottom are so cute! And your hexies and string blocks are amazing. You are 10 kinds of awesome.
xo -E
That seems like a *huge* amount to me for one week of short sewing times! Your hexagons are so crisp and lovely. Your monkey story made me laugh. =)
I'm seeing these selvedge blocks here and there, have been for the last couple of years, and I'm still trying to figure out the why of them. I use all my selvedges to tie back my hair when it's in my eyes.
Another industrious week! Everything looks great..., uh, er, I did think the monkey was an octopus in the making until you set me straight. :-)
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