Hello Friday. Do you have any idea how much I love you? It seems like only a few days since you were last here but you're always welcome.

My week has been full of good intentions and subsequently a healthy dose of feeling sorry for myself. I intended to get into work early some days this week and it didn't happen. I intended to sew after work - it didn't happen. I intended to keep my house tidy and clean during the week so this weekend would be completely mine and free of housework - and that didn't happen either. And that set me to thinking about how much it sucks to have to work , and how I don't get to sew whenever I want and how much I hate house work. A lot of my time this week has been spent feeling resentful about the things I have to get done every week and the fact that a lot of my life is taken up with things that given the choice, I'd rather I didn't have to do.
Until last night when I was reflecting on my week and playing my favourite mental game of comparing my life to every other person I've ever even heard of. I love that game because I start off by thinking about how much better or cooler or easier everyone else has it and wind up by coming to the realisation that everyone has stuff they wish they didn't have to do-no matter how great their life might look from the outside.
Sometimes in the hustle and bustle and mundane of every day life we forget to be thankful for the things we have . Things that seem like annoyances or barriers or mundane things and so we take them for granted or spend a lot of time being resentful of them. The conclusion I came to was that I was spending too much time looking at those every day things all wrong. So I started thinking about the things that had been making me pissy in a totally different light. Epiphany.
I have no right to complain about my job. I'm lucky to have a job when so many people don't. It's a good job and I work with fantastic people. I have a boss who believes in giving credit where it's due and recognises that the people who work for her are experts in their field. There is no interference or micro managing or checking up. Plenty of people would kill for my job and while it comes with a high degree of stress and unpredictability I can't think of anything else I'd rather do. (unless I won lotto and opened my own book store ) And that job brings in the money that enables me to have a life when I'm not there.
There is no point in whining about housework. If you live in your house stuff is going to get dirty. It shows you're really living. And the fact that nobody is home during the day should mean the house doesn't really get that grotty. Oh who am I kidding? We have inside horses dogs . Our house is a tip. But our house is still ours and we have a roof over our heads and this house reflects who I am. It's my safe haven from the world. This is the place where living and loving and crying and wound licking happens when the world is unkind. It's warm and dry and full of the things and people I love. Lots of people don't have that security.
Next time I whinge about not being able to eat fillet steak every night or that we have "nothing to eat in this house" I really need to remind myself that we eat very well. Sometimes I cook things just to see if I can. I don't usually worry about the price of things too much. If I want a lamb roast I go and buy it. Lots of people don't have that luxury. I've never known actual hunger like many people on the planet who would be grateful for that two week old suss looking avocado in the bottom of my vegetable crisper.
The conclusion I came to at about midnight last night is that I have a pretty good life. So ultimately my favourite thing this week is the ability to be thankful for those things and the gifts I've been given. Good friends, my health, the ability to make choices and have a bit of fun occasionally. (But I'm never going to adore doing house work )
The conclusion I came to at about midnight last night is that I have a pretty good life. So ultimately my favourite thing this week is the ability to be thankful for those things and the gifts I've been given. Good friends, my health, the ability to make choices and have a bit of fun occasionally. (But I'm never going to adore doing house work )
I'd love to hear what little things you're thankful or grateful for or any other favourite things you'd care to share this week.

You are so right!
There are two things I often remind myself;
1) I had a friend who told me that she always wished that her house would stay neat, clean and tidy......now her kids have moved away, and her house is neat , clean and tidy.....and she misses them like crazy.
2) when I get overwhelmed with all the things I am trying to fit into a day, I remember that the alternative .....having absolutely nothing to do... would be so much worse!
Enjoy the chaos of life!
Well said Shay.A very good FTF.
A very good post.....I can relate to many of your thoughts.
Excellent FTF, Shay! I'm grateful for you. ☺ You make me smile every single day. Happy Friday!
That post reflects the conversation John and I had tonight. Should we live here or Canada? Etc. Etc. I said I didn't care because I was happy, we had a good life and that mattered more to me than the where. And my house is still a tip!
I'm grateful for so much, we're healthy, we have a roof over our heads and even though money has gotten a little scarce we are still able to send our daughter off to college and I'm very happy I have met so many wonderful people by through blogging.
I needed to read this today, because I've been moping around Ecuador missing my family, and subsequently, missing out on appreciating this experience of traveling to another country, an experience that so many other people don't have. Thanks for sharing!
Although, since I am in an even earlier time zone than usual, I am even FARTHER away from Friday! C'mon Friday, I'm ready to go HOME!
I agree with Larri I am to grateful for you Shay and your ability to express things in your very special way. It is true we all have 'stuff' but I ahve learnt this week especially there is joy and humour to be found almost everywhere if you choose to look.
Thanks for a great FTF.
You have put words to my own thoughts as well! Nice job! Think we can keep these positives in mind regularly?
It's amazing easy to get caught in that mental trap where you feel like things aren't where they should be. Your words are so very true, most of us have pretty good lives. Great FTF.
I'm grateful for friends, old and new, and that includes you! So very true and well said. We all have much to be grateful for.
thanks for making me stop and think .. I was just doing and not thinking .. not grumbling so much as just wishing the days away (until Friday). What I'm thankful for right now is my couch where I can put my feet up and relax .. not very deep.
Shay, you are so very right. It's easy to see the things that are not as we'd like them to be, but it doesn't take long after looking around at the problems of others to realize we have so much to be thankful for! If we could swap places with those we envy, I'm convinced it wouldn't be long until we would be begging for our own life back!
Shay - Just found you thru' The Way We Sew It! I linked a post from Monday this week as it fits! I linked back in the post and I added your button to my sidebar and I am going to tweet this too!
I like what you wrote about... Everyone feels that way sometimes... I am glad you came to a positive conclusion. I wake up everyday and I give thanks for my life, my husband and family, my job and that we have a home and we can buy food. Yes we all need to be thankful for what we have... Thanks for the thoughtful share!
And I am glad I found your blog!
Thanks for hosting!
It is easy to get caught up in grousing about what we don't have, I agree! Stress makes us long for escape and counting up our blessings is a good way to see our little lives as they are, however unadorned or crowded with "have tos". We all need that reminder now and again. I'm grateful for a wonderful husband who listens and supports and loves me while I complain about work! I do the same for him.
Hae you been eaves dropping over here? I was complaining a lot this week too, even though I only worked for three days. But I always sit down when I start griping and write down at least three things I am grateful for..and soon I end up with a long , long list. I envy people who live in Australia, only to sit here and and find out that their life is probably not much different than mine.
Things I am grateful for today:
1. a good nights sleep
2. Happy and healthy children
3. knowing you .-)
Oh and I just realized you got 200 readers...CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You deserve it!!!!
I'm thankful for a 5 day weekend... yeah! and the boss didn't even realise that he had given it to me. Silly man should read my notes once in a while. Even though we spent the first day at the Marion Pool with a gazilion other people ... at least the kids will be tired tonight ... fingers cross. Have to come up with a ftf can't think of anything at the moment though too much water on the brain and kids screaming ringing in my ears lol. But I am thankful for all the things you said as well.
Well said!
And by that mentality I should also stop moaning that I've had no sleep this week - because it means that I'm blessed to have gorgeous children!
(Although in reality I don't think the two necessarily have to be mutually exclusive to each other if you ask me ;) lol...)
Great post anyway!
Last Friday my girls lost a friend aged 29 to a heart attack so this Friday I am thankful that both my girls are happy & healthy.... around the corner from me is a young woman waiting to bury her husband...I have NOTHING to complain about
200 followers!! and you deserve every one!! Great post Shay!!
So glad you have a job you love and that pays enough so you can play in your down time.
I'm with you on the housework and in my case craft always comes first. My mother always said it takes as much time as you let it - I only let it take a short time!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Well said Shay, it is all too easy to dwell on the negative and not look at how fortunate we are.
Congratulations! Today 200, Tomorrow The World!
That is such a great post Shay, its good to put things in perspective and see that we dont have it too bad after all.
Wow! 200 followers - Congratulations! and youve nearly cracked the 200 yard mark! By Crikey!
I've been there, take motivation/inspiration from the good.
Great FTF. Sometimes its too easy the see who seem to have more than us and forget that what we have is great as well. Well done.
200 - WOOHOOO!!!
The best part about housework is the feeling you get when it's done.
Shay...I am so glad I found your blog...yours is always one of my favorites to read. BIG HUG FOR YOU!!
Is it thanksgiving in Aussie land, or just another holiday to do with football?
We are having thanksgiving here in Canada and I was going to go sirupy about my thanks, so I let you do it for me!
I'm thankful for having the best looking post op bunion removed hammer toe and able to walk without aids...
Shay, I love your favorite: Gratitude instead of discontent and complaining. Must be a bug going around. Blessings!
What a great post - to remind us all that we have so many many things to be grateful for!
What a beautiful post. It's always nice to have a reminder to be thankful for the small things.
What a great post. Good for us all to stop and take stock occasionally
Shay, I could have written this post myself!
congrats on 2 years of blogging! enjoy your posts .
we have alot to be thankful for and hey its ok to rant once in awhile sometimes those little things just eat away at you and you need to rant to get it out of your system and move on!
This is a really insightful post. It really is all in how you look at it and the difference between a good life and a crappy one is how you look at it. There are blessings disguised as work in life and it is up to us to find them. Thanks for the great reminder.
xo -E
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