I signed up at the very last minute to do Friday Night Sew In and then did so little it wasn't worth writing a post about. Sorry to anyone who came looking for creative inspiration. I was all out. It was far more satisfying to curl up on the lounge with my pink chenille blanket than spend time in my cold sewing room. Yeah I'm a slacker. Wanna make something of it?
This morning I woke with the resolve to finish something. Since I'm short on action lately, I didn't recognise the feeling at first. I thought I was coming down with ebola or bubonic plague. A quick check of google informed me I was feeling MOTIVATED.
Really quickly (just in case the feeling left me as suddenly as it had appeared ) I put all the rows for the Flurry quilt together and cut all the strips for the pieced border before I decided I needed a nap. Sadly I realised as I was sewing rows that when I was squaring up the blocks I'd made some grievous cutting errors and that if I stuck with 1/4 inch seams I was going to cut the tops of my bows off. Presents with half bows are pretty ugly so I decided to sew 1/8th inch seams and keep my fingers crossed it'd all turn out OK. It didn't. It looks like it's Flurry's turn to be my hated quilt this week. I'm an equal opportunity quilter. All my unfinished quilts get their turn.
The over achievers of this QAL have already started their borders and blogged about it. Don't you hate show offs?
The day wasn't all doom and gloom and quilts that give me the shits. I showed you this pile of fabric on Tuesday.
I'm happy to say that today I worked my bum off so that pile of stuff could end the day looking like this.
Originally this quilt was going to be for me because Larri sent me the fabrics as a gift. Then I was going to make it for my sister in law. Now that it's made up I don't think I can let this one go. I love the way it turned out.
It has the cat inspector seal of approval. Mordecai must roll all over every new quilt top . It is the law.
I'm pleased to say there was very little mo fo-ing during the putting together of this top since it was so easy trained monkeys could have done it.That's just what I needed though - something fast and easy to kick start my mojo.I think I'm back !
On my list for this week is to make Little P a placemat for when he comes to visit because I'm over having to wipe whatever he's eating off my white pristine dining table. I'm also planning to make a start on the Christmas stockings I've been avoiding for fear I'll stuff them up. It involves sewing and turning things inside out which usually ends in tears at Maison Pyjamas.
For more creative weekends pop on over to see Little Miss Sunshine and her crafty peeps.Better still, link up and show off your creative side!

We have cat inspectors too......they do their best work when the blocks are all spread out on the floor, not yet sewn......all 168 of them.......4in blocks, they were......
I'm not sure whether I'm going to comment now after that remark. It's also very hard to type coherently when you are rolling around on the floor laughing. Not at your quilting I'm quick to add, but at the fact that you are an equal opportunity quilter. At least you are consistent and hate all your unfinished quilts. Have you thought about taking up pottery instead, or maybe scrapbooking? I'd suggest crochet but I know what happened to that!!!
I do hope you don't end up hating your latest creation before you get to finish it because it really is beautiful. I love the borders and the gorgeous mix of fabrics. Fabulous Shay, I wouldn't want to give that one up either. You did good!
Sounds like a productive weekend to me even if one of your quilts got out of line (smirk). Just one question, though...you make like a gazillion quilts a year and when you lounge, you stay cozy with a...pink chenille blanket?
Firstly , I think the flurry quilt looks Ok - well terrific really. It is going to be lovely when you finish it and the sashing looked Ok to me .... or are you hiding something?
Secondly the new quilt is lovely. Good idea to keep it for yourself.
All in all you've done well!
And I am not sure I can comment after reading Margs comment...gee you guys sure are a handful..so good to know...
Love the Gift boxes..sorry, I cannot see the mistakes..oh well must be cause i don´t really know how to quilt :-)
And DON´T you dare give that brown/turquiose quilt away. That is so PRETTY!!!!! And YOU like it...that is something very special.
And I do have to say I share the feeling about equal opportunity...I never liked the Safari Quilt - but now that it is sold I am almost in tears.
Again, I'm late to comment. Love the quilt you put together this weekend .. the picture of the fabrics pre-piecing didn't do them justice. It's beautiful. I really like the borders.
My inspector doesn't wait for the quilts to be on the floor. He inspects as I sew and smacks me around if I don't do it correctly. I know I'm doing well if he falls asleep while I'm piecing.
Good day!
Ebola or bubonic plague, huh? Well, now I'll have to Google symptoms of those, LOL. Glad you took action while the fire was hot and got that new project all whipped together. It looks great!
I'm sure your presents will be fine. I did peek in on Marg and yes, she's ahead of you but complaining just as much.
New placemats are in my future too--ever since I made some for DD Erica I've wanted some of my own!
I think the gift box quilt looks fantastic - am I missing something? The bows look like full bows, no missing tops. Absolutely love your turquoise and brown quilt - it's a keeper I would say - love how you did the borders. Must admit I was thinking the same about the blanket! Perhaps you need a beautiful quilt all of your own. Placemats sound needed and I'm sure you'll do just fine with the stockings - honestly :-)
I love your inspector kitty! I have one too, he likes to get into everything I'm working on :D cute projects!
I've done that thing of trimming up those bits that will be too big for the other bits, and then realising I've cut off what would be the seams, and therefore the points.Arrrggghh! What will you do? Your squares quilt is beautiful. I know what you mean about getting your mojo back, I think I need to whip up a quilt like yours, though that border looks a bit fancy. :)
Whoever says those bows have to be perfectly peaky should have their own points lopped off. Take a 1/4 inch seam and call it a day. Will anyone really notice from a few paces?
As I'm trimming my kaleido blocks, I'm noticing that some are going to have issues at the points too. Life will go on.
Love the quilt you whipped up with Larri's fabrics! So pretty!
Well if the cat approves it must be good! Gorgeous fabrics and you did well to whip that up. The flurry is looking gorgeous too!
ps. i have a little chuckle every time i see your "fabric vows"!
Your packages are looking fabulous - the ones with the slightly un pointy bows are the ones that somehow managed to be at the bottom of the gift pile! If you didn't point it out we would never know.
Lovely new project - glad you used your fabric for you! No giving away special simple quilts which make you happy.
Enjoy the mojo while it is visiting - hope it stays a while.
You can't win the slacker award for Flurry, I think I've manged to lock that one in. I have 10 blocks sewn and the other 6 in various stages of assembly. Your's is looking quite gorgeous.
Glad the mojo is back. Looks like you had a great crafty weekend.
Very pretty quilt! I love the strong contrasts. I also really like the border. The only projects I'll attempt are ones trained monkeys could do. Maybe one day I'll grow in confidence and try something hard, but I don't foresee that in the near future!
I don't see the disaster you see in the Flurry quilt. Put it away for a while and when you pull it back out you may see it differently.
Hi Shay
So glad you passed the cat scan.
That should do your Mojo the world of good!
I'm loving that chocolate colour, wonder if thats because I am off Sugar....for 4 days now but who is counting and climbing the walls??? Now that chocolate brown and turquoise is one of my favourite colour combinations.....lovely :-)
I am failing to see the problem with your Christmas quilt top. If you have small seams just make sure you quilt lots over them so that everything stays where it should. And your second quilt top is gorgeous. Great day Mrs Motivated.
LOL! I used to be a 'bear hater' only to love them to bits after my friend rescued them and finished them so she didn't have to listen to my tirades about how their joints wouldn't go in etc.. I would go all gooey and lovey about them after and then get a thumping from her.Don't make bears anymore...just love them! Why do animals love a new quilt? Our staffy used to do the same whenever I had it on the floor to work at the next step...he'd be on it right in the middle.You did way more sewing than me i've been kidnapped by a book!
I love the gift box quilt! I could do this with left overs too. It's a really neat quilt.
Gosh, I'm wearing socks today because of the rain...weep for me!
Your Flurry looks fabulous to me. And my-oh-my...your Turquoise quilt is gorgeous. Keeping it for yourself...there's nothing wrong with creating some loveliness just for you. ☺
Happy Monday night / Tuesday morning!
PS...I finished my Flurry Quilt Top during my Electronic Blakout Weekend. Yay!
Some day my points won't be cut off...(Looks great, by the way)
Love your present quilt!
You've got to act when motivation strikes...it is the rule...love the new quilt top, you can't give that one away the fabrics are too yummy...
So, do you have a link to share with your stocking pattern?
They are on my list for this year.
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