Friday, June 10, 2011

Favourite Things Friday

It's Friday again. Time to 'fess up and share a Favourite Thing. Don't be shy ...we're all friends here. Your favourite thing probably won't be any weirder than mine. So if you want to share something cute or lovely or inspiring or wacky write a post telling all of the Blogisphere about it and link up at the bottom of this post.

Fridays roll around relatively quickly each week if my thoughts of "Is it the end of the week again already", are an accurate indication, but they seem so far away in the cold pre-dawn light of Monday. And Saturday and Sunday move at the speed of light-what's the deal with that? Why does time away from work seem to  go faster than say a Tuesday and Wednesday  ? Two days is two days - both have 48 hours. It doesn't make sense.

I love the thought  of Friday. I especially love Fridays  when it's Thursday night. Its the  anticipation  I love.  I love thinking of the 63 whole hours I have till I have to be back at work on Monday and everything I can cram into those 63 hours. Or all the things I can avoid doing in that 63 hours too. I'm seriously annoyed that I have to sleep at least 18 hours of it away.

I know that everyone loves weekends. My favourite is not unique. But when you work Monday to Friday and your butt belongs to the man for 50% of your waking hours during the week ,  the weekend is something you dream about a lot. Don't get me wrong-I do like my job - but after a work week I'm ready for something fun.

The only thing better than dreaming of a weekend is  dreaming about a long weekend. That's 87 hours of wonderful right there . 24 extra hours of fabulous I can plot and plan and play with. And when it's the last long weekend until sometime in October and you're staring down the barrel of a long cold Aussie winter you can believe I'm going to make the most of it.

Every  week I make plans for using every spare minute of my weekend and every week I realise it's the thought of having  time off and doing exactly what I want that's the thrilling part. Oh- the possibilities of having time to call my own. Anything is possible.

So my favourite thing this week is the leadup to weekend, the thought of days off that I can fill however I like and the idea that for two days (or in the case of a long weekend three days -yay!)  my time is my own to spend exactly how I want! 

Does anyone NOT love the weekends?



  1. Right with you sista. I especially love long weekends. Up here in sunny (freezing my butt off) Queensland, all our long weekends are in the first half of the year so after this week, no more long weekends until Xmas, boo hoo, so I'm making the most of this one.
    It really is cold here, something like the coldest June day in forever. It was even colder than Melbourne, ironic!

  2. My daughter is not playing netball this season so I have 2 full days to do what I want! Yay! Occasionally I have to work on the Saturday morning but other than that, it's me time!

  3. Me too! It's Thursday night here so I am so looking forward to the weekend. I don't have any plans but I have some thoughts and ideas ..

    I'm working on making some blocks. Not with any goal in mind. Just trying some new things.

    I'd like to hit the movies if possible. It's been a while, though I don't know what's out there right now.

    or maybe spending a day in my pjs .. no that'll be for another weekend :).

    Hope yours is starting out well.

  4. I'm loving this weekend because I get today off instead of public holiday Monday, which, for me, is the best of both worlds. All the shops are open on my day off, my parents are going to get wood on Monday when I'm working (what a shame I won't get to go) AND I get double time and a half on monday!

  5. Long weekend yeah, no school footy only have to do swimming with squid. Crows are playing in Adelaide so I even sneak in 3 hours of Male Free time with her which may be good or maybe a disaster depending on her mood. Have background fabric ready for my next quilt design so might have to start a new project as well. I think a trip to the Video shop will be a good move.

  6. Gotta love those weekends, only they aren't quite as nice now that Tyler has to work Saturdays. I especially like not having to get up early enough to get a 6YO ready for school! =)

  7. Love the weekend and especially long weekends. This one is four days off for my and my twin nieces will come for a visit. I am very excited, since I barela get to see the two girls (7yrs old and franatic about sewing :-)
    And than we have one more long weekend in about a week and a half but I have to go to a congress of speech pathologists for three that will not be sooo cool.BUUUUUUUUUUUUT: after that weekend I am off for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!! Summer vacation - here I come!!!
    But before that I have to get to work, since it is only Friday morning here - yuck!

  8. It's nice to kick back and alarm...lazy breakfasts.Yep I think everyone loves a weekend. There is something special about a Saturday morning. I used to work most Saturdays and now that I don't anymore, I love that bright shiny Saturday morning that's all mine.

  9. Hey Shay...How is ya??..My fav thing today was my Quilting day :)..just to remind you of Vals Shop,Sit & sew day on Sat June 25th go to her blog
    for a give away & more details ..Hugs xx

  10. Fantastic Favourite - long weekends are the best. Enjoy your time playing at whatever you like best.

  11. I live for the weekend. There is a song by that name. Or something like that. I have been learning how to relish my time off. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy your weekend. Hope it is a long one, and it creeps by.

  12. Have a good weekend. No swim meet this weekend, so we get to be home. I hope that means I get to sew!

  13. I have no idea of which you speak! I'm retired! I don't care what day it is....oh wait yes I do, it's the day before we get to have company at the cottage!
    Alright, I love weekends too!

  14. ♪♫♪Anticipation...♪♫♪ Wasn't that a Carly Simon song? The thought of doing whatever I want for three whole days, heck I'll take just one entire day, absolutely is a favourite!

    We're on summer break, which means every day is a holiday...for the kids at least. Our days are lazy, and that's the way we like it. At least for another few weeks. :o)

    Fabulous favourite! Hope you're enjoying your lovely long weekend. Can't wait to see what you accomplish. Happy Friday night! :o)

  15. What a great post! You're right about the anticipation and lead up to the weekend. I get excited from the moment I wake up on Friday because I know it's just one work day till Friday night, the beginning of the weekend!!

  16. I know exactly how you feel this weekend. I have been yearing for the weekend for a few days! I have had a huge week and hardly any sleep and this long weekend there is no Hockey so hooray I can hopefully catch up?? My dog has just abandoned her pups though so maybe least I will be in my pyjamas though :-) Have a great weekend MrsP, BTW isn't that carrot Marg made the cutest!!

  17. Nah... I can take it or leave it.

    Hoopla!! It's the WEEKEND :-) oh yeah :-)

  18. Yep love the weekends, we stay in our pyjamas for most of it! No nagging of small children to get off to school! Ahhh bliss!

    Have a fab Loooong weekend!


  19. How can you not love the weekend? Well, unless you have to work or your family drives you bonkers, I suppose.

    Hope you're having a great one!

  20. I hear you! The anticipation is the best part sometimes!

  21. I dream of weekends, but somehow, I always seem to overcommit! Yesterday, I left the house at 7:30 am and didn't get home until 1 am! I reassure myself with thea thought of all the wonderful memories my kids and I are making.

  22. I suppose that working makes you appreciate your free time more. I loved having last week off, just for the fact that I didn't HAVE to be somewhere. I sometimes wonder if I am a bit broken, because I spend my entire day sleepy and wishing I could lay down for sleep, but perk up right about bed time and usually stay up late doing something I want to do. I know this comment only loosely relates to your post, but I'm in the same neighborhood. Anyway, great FTF.

    xo -E


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