Wednesday, June 08, 2011

15 Minute Challenge with Kate

I'm linking up again this week to Kate's 15 minute challenge .

I've had  a re-think about the way I sew and craft and I've realised I just can't do it every day. And when I don't - I feel like a failure. Some days my creative mojo is completely absent and forcing myself to do something isn't good for my crafting karma or my disposition.

I only really enjoy sewing when I'm feeling creative and at one with my universe. And I usually  intersperse it  with wandering off to bake or read blogs or chase butterflies or play with Indy and Lola or look for lint in my belly button. Yes- I have the  attention span of a 3  year old kid.  When Kate originally started the 15 minute challenge she stated that each participant should decide what was going to work for them (15 minutes a day - 3 hours a week - whatever ) and I've decided to go back to that philosophy. So my Tuesday linky posts are destined to  become a running diary of what I've been working on  through the week,  and what my loose  plans are for the coming week.

This week, under the new world order  I finished binding three quilts and I did some work on the Dresden quilt. I'm hoping to have the Dresden top completed by the end of this month so I'm gonna be getting jiggy with it a lot over the next few weeks.   This week I sewed more days than I didn't- and a lot of it was hand sewing which I am learning to like...who would have thought that would happen!

And I am still working on this quilt although things have stalled because I passionately hate pressing seams and this quilt has 1076 of them. (OK perhaps I'm exaggerating slightly)

And I have some ideas running round in my head for this lot of fabric . Ms. Seams Inspired and I are doing a Christmas quilting project in July with the same fabrics (If I can get my act together and decide what we're going to do !)

I hope your crafting week was all you wanted it to be. Pop on over to Kate's to see what other crafty individuals have been doing this week .


  1. Those fabrics look great and I am really loving your dresdens. (Not a word according to blogger. What else would you call them blogger?) I hope you have a great week and get huge amounts done because that will make you happy. Of course, if you don't, that will be okay too and you can work on your stuff next week too. I have come to the conclusion that it's all good cause mostly WIP don't have a use-by-date! Have fun Shay!

  2. Oh, I'm with you about pressing seams. The problem for me is I think I'm SOOO accurate, press the seams, and they're wavy. It's forced me to paper piece just about everything. Looove the xmas fabrics.

  3. Pressing seams is my least favourite part. When I get rich and famous Im going to hire a seam pressing person.

    Wavy seams often make an appearance at my house too!

  4. Shay, here, here...I do NOT like pressing seams; it seems like an interruption of things I'd rather be doing!
    pretty fabrics and can't wait to see your Christmas creation...

  5. I'm afraid my life is not organised enough to commit to doing any sewing on a daily basis. I like to go with the flow and when there is nothing else organised I'll settle down to my sewing. Of course I don't get much done but I enjoy the slower pace and then it gives me time to plan my next project -- and change my mind a few times before I start !

  6. Love the Christmas fabrics, very chic looking. I don't mind pressing seams, it's cutting out the fabric that slows me down.

    Glad that you are going with what works for you in terms of sewing time. It's like stash busting or anything else in our quilty world, what works for one doesn't for someone else.

    Thanks for linky up. Enjoy your whatever pace you set. It's the journey not the desination.

  7. You are NOT a failure. You should definitely do what makes you feel good though. I love the Christmas fabric too, it looks just like wrapping paper.

  8. I am a firm believer that any productivity is worth celebrating so HOORAY.

    Now get back to pressing.

  9. I am a firm believer that any productivity is worth celebrating so HOORAY.

    Now get back to pressing.

  10. In July, I am going to join you in some consistent time in the sewing studio. Right now I'm barely treading water with the grandkids here...

  11. Some days that 15 minutes just isn't possible, is it? Best just to go with the flow, I reckon.

  12. Hand sewing, hmm, so what are you hand sewing? I really like the red/black/white picture you're making. and the Christmas fabrics are really cute.

    Glad you've figured out how you want to do the challenge .. for me the goal of a little every day works, but this week I'm taking a break. I might look at magazines every night though .. that doesn't really count but I'm good with that.

    Hope you get done what you want this week, when you want to do it!

  13. Pressing should be outlawed in the sewing room - it really just takes up too much precious sewing time.
    Love the Red, black and white colours though, guess we'll see what happens next once the iron learns to do its job.
    Lovely Christmas selection, look forward to seeing what you get up next month.

  14. I used to feel like a failure and that I was wasting time if I didn't use every waking minute to do I don't beat myself up if I fall asleep at 7.30 on the couch...or go to bed early or just sit and do nothing other than scratch the dog behind the ears and watch crap on TV....there are nights when I just need to do nothing....and there are others (like last night) where I sit and stitch (while watching crap on TV) for hours (too many hours because today I am tired!)...your work is amazing.....and I am coveting those dresdens......see blogger....d-r-e-s-d-e-n-s....that wasn't so hard was it.

  15. I don't think you should ever force yourself to craft - you'll just end up resenting whatever project it i you're working on. I'm quite happy to write off an evenings craft for the good of the hobby - I usually try to do something still in the vein of it for a little bit - sketch out a new idea, or sort some of my stash. before this week I went two whole weeks without really sewing anything, and apart from accusing my workplace of being a cult, I survived just fine. Th sky didn't fall, my stash didn't spontaneously combust, and I've picked it up again now that I feel like it just fine.

  16. Yep i do hate ironing but make an exception when it comes to sewing - its like basting totally boring and tedious but necessary! I think your Dresden quilt will look fantastic, cant wait to see the finish!

  17. Love hand sewing....hate pressing fact hate seams...mine never meet. Some things ya just have to live with. Glad you are taking the pressure off.
    Michelle xx

  18. I don't mind pressing seams, as long as there aren't hundreds.
    I think you get quite a lot done even when you say you haven't.
    The striped quilt is looking awesome. I love the prints you are using.
    I love your bright Christmassy fabrics, yumm!

  19. I used to sew nearly every day, but for some reason it's just not happening lately. I miss it, but the sunshine is nice too. Today I worked on cleaning the sewing room so I actually want to go in there and work, I think that was the main problem. =)

  20. Yay for hand sewing! And also being creative when you feel like it! I sew nearly every day because it is a release for me, but sometimes I go a week without picking up a needle just because I don't feel like it. You have to do your hobby your way, not because you feel pressure to do it like everyone else.

    The Dresdens are going to be so awesome & I love the red, black and white quilt. May I suggest a light starch for the pressing process? It makes things go much smoother (pun intended).

    xo -E


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