Friday, April 29, 2011

Favourite Things Friday

Welcome to Favourite Things Friday for another week.  


After our brief hiatus for Easter last week I was almost tempted to write an entire post about chocolate today but I resisted. Feel free to link up with a chocolate post though if you want to so I can live vicariously. At least your post wont double the size of my butt the way Easter eggs did this week.

I've had a week full of deep thoughts. I've been ruminating about things like how to maintain  a positive mental attitude, the beauty of autumn mornings and whether I really need one more Easter egg. The answer to the Easter egg question is always yes.  I'm taking suggestions for number one.

Red is my favourite colour and always makes me happy.  Red is fun and funky and screams "look at me". Red completely reflects my personality. There is no other colour that instantly peps me up like red does.

There's nothing like a red winter coat to chase the rainy dreary blues away. While everyone else is breaking out the browns and blacks, my red coat will be making it's first winter appearance shortly.


Red Fabric makes my heart sing. I have yet to make a fully red quilt but one of these days I'm going to take that leap.

Can't you see me at a cocktail party wearing this? Right after I lose all that Easter egg weight.

Romance anyone?

A sunset like this one makes you realise how beautiful our world really is.

My new placemats . I hope they are a self fulfilling prophecy for every future meal.

My babushka has pride of place in the kitchen.  I love that she adds a pop of colour and fun.

We all know I love red shoes. Dorothy had the right idea.

And I own several of these in varying shades of red.

Red is such a happy colour and it's my favourite this week.  Now lets see some linking people because I can't wait to see your favourites. I'm suffering from linky/blog hopping withdrawal.


  1. I am with you there I have a red coat,bag,shoes I like it a lot.

  2. I don't share the red thing, mines hot pink I'm afraid that is more my colour of choice that screams ME. I did a my fav thing post without even thinking about it. So will have to go and rename it. Then I had better get of this computer put some make up on and go to work bugger.

  3. I wanna know where you got that red coat? I love it!! I gotta have one like it!! Please, please share your info!!!

  4. love the red stuff it really is a fab colour, it makes everything look so glam, have a great weekend!

  5. For the positive attitude, first...check your blood type. If it's 'B' positive you have no choice other than to be happy. If not, remember...Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. (Can't remember who said that, but they were smart!)

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the red! I'm totally coveting the red coat. I'm still on the lookout for one just like it. Your placemats are adorable. Are they on your newly painted dining table?

    PS...bought my first pair of red shoes last year and always get compliments when I wear them. There's just something about red shoes that make an outfit scream 'happy' :o)

    Fabulous favorite, Shay. Can't wait to play with you next week. (I'm tired of the alphabet...two more to go! YAY!!!!)

    Happy Friday! :o)

  6. Im with you Shay...i lurve red !

    Love the coat , and the dress...and the dorothy shoes! (i think you should get some!)

  7. Okay, Shay, now if you add a tad of that red to a white to make a pink, then I'd love it! So, they say people who like red are bold and powerful; does that describe you?

  8. I can see you in red. Love the shoes and the dress. The sunset is gorgeous! A gold and red quilt (like the colors in the sunset) would be very pretty.

  9. Red is perfect with any other colours and a must for dull days.
    Love the red shoes and always have a pair or two ready to brighten my day.
    Really must get some new red things for me.

  10. ooooh red coat! just how cold does it get in your winter ... around here one needs red to be seen amid the snowbanks!!! (and by the way we had more flakes last night -- )

    love the shoes too!!! especially the sparkles!!!

    happy weekend !

  11. Speaking as an American, I've been dying for someone to take red and make it their own so it loses the Nancy Reagan stigma. I think the coat is adorable!

  12. I'm with you all the way I love red too.
    I agree with Melissa and think you should invest in a pair of sparkly red shoes. I have a few pairs of red shoes, but no sparkly ones. A red winter coat would be nice too.
    I love your new red placemats too.

  13. Racy Red!! ! I Love the coat although I am more of an orange gal myself :-) PS my word verification is urred!!! How cool :-)

  14. Great post! I also like red very much, although I like orange even better! Love your coat...very pretty...about the cocktail think you´s look a lot better in a tight short dress..that one is to girly :-)

  15. when you get the answer to the first question, please share.

    Love your red. Not my favorite color, but I do have a few red shirts and a red sweater. I feel like it's Christmas when I wear them .. I'm a little afraid of red because it is so bold, and I'm not. However, I can't wait to make my red/white quilt.

  16. I love red too! Funny, I have never owned any red shoes. I know, a travesty, huh?

    Take it easy on the eggs. Seriously. Your butt will thank you.

  17. LOVE RED!!! I am finally wearing some civvies in red now after being turned off of years wearing a red uniform for work. Bought some red/black glasses and I love them. Love all your red gorgeousness and the sunset is devine.
    "Happiness is contagious"
    Blessings Michelle

  18. I love red. Half of my closet is red, and when I really want to feel confident, I put on something red.

    We won't talk or blog about all the chocolate from Easter.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  19. Red, the colour of happiness, which is what I feel on this the very special day of the making of a princess. Or a Duchess!
    I have a red blazer that I'm wearing today!

  20. I love the red coat! I think red is a strong color and wear it when I am feeling very confident. I bought a red purse not too long ago and I just love it. I spent more money than I usually would, but the color makes me feel so good! I love the red dress and I think you should get it and eat chocolate while wearing it! Live wild!

  21. I love red too, and, as usual, all of your projects have put me to shame! When I have time off from work, I play games on the computer, read and eat too much - thanks for being so inspiring anyway...

  22. Red is awesome! I love that coat, and the shoes and the red dress and the red hand bag. Great choice. I'm going to have to remember red next winter.

    xo -E

  23. Wilma, Target here in Australia has very very similar coats to that one right now but I guess it might be kind of hard for you to get your hands on one!


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.