Monday, March 14, 2011

Lazy Monday

My lazy public holiday Monday started with breakfast at Primo with Mr.P

The Snowball Quilt Top finally got a border. I planned to do the back but I don't have quite enough fabric...I'll have to think about that some more.

 I finished a Tote Bag (7 to go)

And I made some of Clare's carrots. Thank you for sharing your tutorial Clare! These were fun to make! I'm doing Miss P a set too.

It's been a wonderfully relaxing day. Back to the madness tomorrow.  

Sara pointed out that the fabric squares I bought yesterday shouldn't go on my fabric tally. (She also did complicated maths in the comments on my last post and almost made my head explode , but she's promised never to do that again ) Anyway,the theory is that fabric squares are like broken biscuits. They don't count because they aren't really fabric. Since this made complete sense to me I asked her for advice about what excuse I could use not to put my damask fabric on the tally board. Real Blog friends will always help you out. They'll take the time at 10.30 at night to collude with you, and will ultimately send you an email or two that read something like this.

Okay, so is it actually "quilting" fabric? Can you say it's curtaining or something and you've re-purposed it? 

How about, since the total cost of the damask and the squares was less than the price of the squares, which we've already decided to not include (biscuit rule) then you got the damask for free... No, actually, the lady gave you a discount on the squares if you'd kindly take the damask off her hands. For showing the poor, overfabricburdened lady that kind of generosity, you should almost minus 9 meters from your own total. Because of, like, karma from the universe for being so selfless or something...

Sara's got my back .  I've decided the damask is really curtain fabric and the layer cake squares are really biscuits. It's coming off the total.

Oh and I realised that if layer cake squares don't count - neither do the 3 Bali pops I bought Friday night drunk shopping....

PS. Sara , I'm thinking of chucking a sickie Tuesday week. Can you start thinking about a back story for me? Heads up: all my grandparents are dead so if we could steer away from a sick relative story that would be great. Ta!

(And Ruth if you're reading I'm totally kidding about chucking a sickie)


  1. Uuuumm... I have an idea but I won't post it here in case it gets read and you need to use it in future. Good news - it doesn't involve any maths at all.

  2. the snowball quilt is very nice! I love the carrots and am going to check out the tut with Easter coming soon. thanks for sharing,Amy

  3. Breaky....the snowball quilt...totes and carrots...awesome! I think I will just stick to not having a tally of what fabric I do/don't buy - it's too complicated to work out what is and isn't fabric in order to add/not add to ones tally for the year.....phew.....

  4. Delicious - all of it.

    Love the bowl of carrots you have here nice and bright.

    Pretty snowballs, that border is beautiful.

  5. We all need a friend like Sara !
    Love , love , love your carrots , I am so happy to see them here thanks for letting me know .

  6. Love the snowball quilt and the carrots - both are too cute!

    Is Sara a tax accountant by any chance? Math and convoluted thinking, not just anyone can do that.

    If you lived in OK, you could take your pick of saying you have a respiratory infection or a stomach virsus. Both are making the rounds in the schools.

  7. Oh no you're almost finished the Snowball quilt. I don't even have enough blocks done for a table runner. I feel like such a slacker.
    The breakfast looks great!
    Love the carrots. They are worth the fabric purchase, uh, non purchase.

  8. The carrots are so cute! You are getting so much done, you constantly amaze me! Love all of the quilts you've been posting and so impressed with the dresdens, I took a class once to make some and made a table-topper, with a total of 4 dresdens - that was enough for me! (Lazy)

  9. Great post especially breakfast out. I wouldn't post on my blog about the sickie day but a good excuse is is I feel like c..p and I think it might be

  10. I had a lazy day yesterday too. Did some of my stitchery, finished a quilt top, made cakes with squid, did half an hour of lego with her until she had had enough I was all for going on but she has the attention span of a nat and watched a couple of episodes of Night Starker which my BIL had found at the local library.

  11. The snowball quilt looks fabulous, you must be very pleased with it now that the top is finished. I still haven't touched my snowballs, they are in a box somewhere.
    I love the carrots, I'm going to have to look through my stash for some suitable fabric to make these.
    I love the colours of the tote bag, a very nice tote indeed!
    You had to add the Vegemite in the breakfast photo, and ruin a perfectly good breakfast!

  12. Sara is quite right. Do you know your insurance company considers cut fabric as not worth insuring? Therefore anything not on the bolt doesn't count. If it can't be insured it doesn't really exist.

  13. Snowball quilt top done, Yay! And those are such cute little carrots, Levi would have me making lots of them if he saw the picture. =)
    Oh my word, love those dresdens!! You are amazing, that is a lot of work. Can't wait to see the finish!

  14. LOVE how the snowballs came out! LOVE!

    And those carrots are super adorable. Orange fabric is highly underrated in my book.

    About the fabric: if you want, I'll write you a note excusing you from all purchase made while under the influence of Southern Comfort.

    Oh, and the Dresdens are fabulous! Yay you!

    xo -El

  15. Looks like you have a great day off, very productive. I love the snowball quilt and the tote bag turned out great! The carrots are great too! what are you going to do with the carrots?

    Sara is a hoot! I read her math on the yardage and decided it was way beyond me. I know who to go to if I need help with "explanations".

  16. So happy that you had a lazy federal holiday (is that the technical term - or does your holiday have a designation?)

    Did you feel weird taking a pic of your breakfast?

    Love the quilt, love the tote, love the carrots!

    I love talking myself into things - it's pretty easy...I can justify about anything. I think your reasoning on the fabric makes perfect sense!

  17. I love those carrots!!!! So cute, I have a suggestion coming up later in April in my posts that you might want to save a carrot for ;-)

    Sara is a genius with the excuses, glad I am not her mother! ;-)

    Your snowball quilt is amazing, do you do the quilting or do you send it away?

  18. Scrap the last question I just saw the answer on your sidebar :-)

  19. Oh my god I made carrots last week for playgroup, I also made apples and pea's in a pod, Im a lazy blogger though so none of it has appeared on my blog yet because Im too busy crafting every day of the week, I just wish I didnt have to go to work or feed my husband and two babies because it cuts into my crafting time. If Im missing in action Im usually trying to get to Spotlight for more supplies I will probably never use but have to have. Broken biscuits and cut fabric sounds terribly germy to me, would make anyone sick enough to miss at least a couple of days work, Broken biscuits dont have calories either so always drop the Tim Tams on the floor before eating the whole packet on your own.
    Shay I love your work!

  20. LOVE the snowball quilt !!! Turned out fabulous!


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