Wednesday, March 16, 2011

15 Minutes and a Giveaway

Kate over at Life in Pieces has been challenging herself for the last few weeks to do 15 minutes of sewing/crafting  related activity a day . I've been watching her progress.

I'm a slacker. I tend to do my creating in huge hunks of time on the weekends and on my other days off. I start the week with good intentions and then  tell myself I'm too tired after work Monday to Thursday and sit on my pattootie in front of the computer instead of doing anything.

Kate has made it official with a linky and she's challenging us to report our weekly progress. 15 minutes a day is all it takes. Or 15 minutes every other day if that's what you decide.  I'm in. If you want to join in here's the link. So from next week my Tuesday posts will be all about what I worked on/did DAILY in the previous week.  Yesterday after work I went ribbon shopping. As far as I'm concerned that's craft related activity.

Elizabeth at Such a Sew and Sew and her friend Wanda are giving away a stash of Reproduction Civil War Fabrics and a copy of the Civil War Diary Quilt book so if you win you'll have everything you need to make a gorgeous quilt. Even though I desperately want to win them for myself after seeing this finished top by Loz over the weekend - I like to play fair  and  so I'm sharing the chance for you to win this wonderful giveaway too.

So hop on over here and throw your hat in the ring. Even though I'm going to win them...I'm feeling lucky this week.


  1. Hey..does reading your blog and other crafty blogs count too?? Hm..I should probably also commit to 15 minutes a day. At least my quilt would one day be finished...I´ll think about it

  2. hey doing 1m a day could work...thanks for the tip off, going over to check it out...dzintra

  3. Don't know if I'm ready to make that commitment ... I just don't want to fail .. good luck on the giveaway.

  4. I entered and said I'd give most of it to you... don't want your stash to wither and die now do I? :)

  5. It is hard to convince yourself to sew some nights because you are tired after work. But I've been doing better since I'm reporting on my sucess/failure every week. Looking forward to seeing your report next week. You don't have to make every night, just a couple of nights can make a difference.

    Thanks for spreading the word about the challenge.

  6. I just can't stop at 15 mins! I can usually get that much done while I wait for my computer to play nice.

    Sure shopping for supplies has to count.

  7. Thanks for turning me on to the giveaway, though if I win, I'm sending it to you. :o)

    I used to do the 20-minutes of crafting a day and usually accomplished quite a bit. My problem is that I'm a messy crafter. No matter how short the duration, I make such a mess it takes me at least another 30 minutes to clean up!

  8. I don't watch TV so I do 15min crochet or knitting a night easily...If I won I would have to make a quilt tho wouldn't I!!

  9. OMG...that would be like having to go to weight watchers for me. I just can't do the committment..what if I forget one day, then do half hour the next, would that count?
    I'm just happy that I got done what I did this past week and Penny's quilt is mailed. That was a HUGE accomplishment for me.
    Today I'm even sewing. Whew! another huge day for me...and does knitting count?

  10. I think this is an excellent way to work in some crafting time. I've been too busy with work lately, but I think I can manage 15 minutes, and it might help me from being so cranky at the end of the day because I didn't get to do anything fun. So that's a long way of saying "I'm in."


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