Welcome to Favourite Things Friday for this Friday! If you want to show off your favourite thing this week be sure to link up your post to the bottom of this one. I love reading your posts. At the end of a long week it's so good to be able to finish off by talking about something that makes you happy don't you think?
This week I want to talk about my love for shoes. One of my most favourite things in the world is my shoe collection. Im well known for being a shoe-o-phile. I buy shoes like I buy fabric. Without regard for the consequences. Without thought for how many pairs I already have. Without worrying about whether they actually go with anything else in my wardrobe. It's not usually a problem. I see a pair of shoes I love and I have to have them.
Even when I have to be serious for work, I can wear a pretty pair of shoes and show off my personality. Ok I lied, Im pretty much the same person at work that you know in Bloglife. But I do like to wear funky shoes to work.
I've read that there are people that only own like, four pairs of shoes. My question is How do those people cope? What if they wake up one morning and feel in a pink mood and don't have any fun pink shoes?
I guess they could come and borrow a pair of mine. My faves: 2nd from the right.
Feel like power dressing? I have just the thing. My faves: back right hand side, So comfy!
I used to have a pair of red sequin flats that finally died from overuse about two years ago. I'm still sad about their demise. I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz every time I wore them. I really need to hunt down another pair.
Trying to show the world you can be serious? Black shoes will do the trick.
My fave: Bottom row right hand side and top row right hand side.
Something summery and fun?
I'm rather partial to the bottom two pairs this week.
Everyone needs boots. Although perhaps not quite this many pairs..I do love boots.
And you're just not Aussie if you don't have a couple of pairs of these. You can see which ones are my faves from the grottiness of them..If you'd told me 3 years ago I'd pay 30 bucks for a pair of thongs I would have said you were mad. But they are worth every single cent. Havaianas - you changed the way I look at thongs.
As I was taking photos for this post I started to think maybe I really do have a problem. And because I didn't want you to agree I have a problem , I didn't take pictures of the brown, blue , grey, metallic silver, bronze and other colour shoes I own. I even have shoes that look like jersey cow hide..and Elmo and yeti boots for winter. This is about half my collection. So if you ever need the perfect pair of shoes for that outfit of yours drop by . I'm happy to share. Having a pair of shoes for every possible mood - and every possible outfit actually makes me very happy.
Maybe I was a millipede in a previous life...
So 'fess up - what do you have too many of?

Maybe I was a millipede in a previous life...
So 'fess up - what do you have too many of?

I think I should show this to my husband so he doesn't think mine is so bad, which it really isn't, I am not the shoe a holic that I use to be. Because of heel, knee and back problems I really can't wear the all the nice shoes without have a night of sleepless agony so now I wear Earth shoes which cost an arm and a leg so I don't shop for shoes often anymore. I totally am with you on Havaianas, I have blue ones with the picture on the foot and once I saw them had to have them regardless of the cost even bought it in front of said husband, I also have the ones with the one strap which took a while to get use to but they were just so sexy had to have them.... maybe I am a shoeaholic I am going on about $30 thongs but I don't have too many really I don't and then there are bags.....
Thanks so much for showing us your shoe shop Imelda !
I feel so inadequate now. I'm one of those 4-5 pair people. I just hate to shop for shoes. I think I need shopping therapy...lol...
You have very cool shoes. I, however, do not. You would laugh if you saw my meager by comparison shoe collection, and I wear even fewer than I own. You can only wear one pair at a time, of course. But you obviously have cute, petite feet, and I have big honkin' size 12s, and sometimes a wide width, depending on the shoe. Believe me, you don't want to draw attention to that. So I will live vicariously through your shoes. Also? I love that you are a sensible person when it comes to heel height. Your joints appreciate it, and I can't hate you for it, LOL.
Lots and lots of gorgeous shoes there! I am one of those people who copes with 2 or 3 pairs. I've worn the same pair of boots all winter long, in the summer I have one pair of deck shoes and one pair of crocs (I'm comfort all the way lol). The summer shoes get thrown in the wash and I go barefoot round the house most of the time. I do buy the odd pair but if they are the least bit uncomfortable then no way hozay!!!
I am impressed with that shoe collection. There was a time when I started planning every outfit from the shoes as my feet are not friends with shoes.
Currently I have multiple colours in the one style and I wear them all the time as they are as comfortable as slippers.
Enjoy your shoes.
What a great shoe collection! I'm envious. I'm a recovering shoe shop-aholic. I'm down to just one pair of the basics, black, navy, and beige pumps for work, plus tennis shoes and hiking boots.
I bet you were a really cute millipede!
I have size 9.5-10 feet so styles that look really cute in the sample size 5 shoe do NOT equate in the larger size. There has been an ugly shoe conspiracy for about the last decade, I swear! You have lots of really cute shoes there. Jealous!
I am one of those 4-5 pair shoe people .. I wish I had more but never seem to get them until I absolutely need them ... I have two black ones, one blue, one brown, two pair of flip flops, and two pair of tennies. Thanks for sharing yours they are wonderful and an inspiration. I wish you had shown all of them.
Have a great weekend!
Oh my! LOVE the shoes!! I am like you and love shoes but my taste is for more bohemian styles :-) I do have 5 pairs of cowboy boots!!! I love boots! I'm a size 8, what size are you??? maybe we can do a shoe exchange! LOL
Shoes aren't my weakness, but I sure do love your collection! Oh, yours make me smile at their pretty colors, I wonder if we could read your mood by the choice of shoe...pink, I'm lovin' it!
I have quite a few pairs, but looks like less than 1/2 of yours! Next time you need a new pair, ask for a ladies 13.... or do a search on the web.... they have a FEW, but they are mostly all so ugly I'd never wear them, or so expensive I'd have to be the 1-pair of shoes type. So when I find a pair that's cute and fits- I HAVE to buy them. =)
One of my Favorite Things is our leetle quilt group "Stitchin Chicks" We got together on Thursday 2.10 for a Valentine's day party.
I can't make too many rude comments as I do love shoes too. You have lots of very nice pairs in those photos, I've got my eye on a couple of pairs!!!!!!
Love Havaiana thongs they are soooo cute, but I can't wear them anymore, rats.
Sadly, due to a toe problem, I am one of the 4 -5 pair people. Black and Brown flats for work, one winter boot, two pairs sneakers and that is about it - I would love to be able to wear cute toeless shoes.
Holy cow where do you store them all? I tend to have a couple of favourites and wear them to death and in Summer it is flat sandals all the time I'm afraid. I guess our climate and retired casual lifestyle means we don't dress up very often but I do love boots though there is not much call for them either in our climate.
I've been lazy and uninspired today so just linked to my post from earlier in the week. I'll try harder next week . Promise !
I have finally found one way we are not alike. I dont have alot of shoes, except flip flops and I live in Florida. North Florida so okay you see someone in a heavy coat because it is 40 degrees outside, but look down at their feet and they probably have flip flops on. I have about 10 pairs of flip flops, but only 5 or 6 pairs of shoes and they are mostly black and brown. Just am not a shoe-a-phile. But let me tell you about my coffee mugs.
good grief shay! that's a lotta shoes....I confess, I too have too many pairs but WOW !! You have the winning collection.
You and my daughter would get along perfectly. She is a shoe lover also. She received 3 pairs of boots for Christmas, 1 pair of over the knee, 1 pair of snow boots (they are so cute) and one pair of flat heel boots that look like riding boots! She too loves every color possible - you just never know what you might need. I had this illness when I was young also, but now my old lady body just want to wear Birkenstocks!
OK my husband will never again gripe about ME buying too many shoes...thank you so much..lol...in my previous life (exmarriage) I was only allowed to have three pairs of shoes. The first year after divorce I bought about 20 pair. I felt soooooooo good. Great fav. I won´t post today..I have an out of town meeting and need to leave in a few minutes.
I affectionaly refer to myself as a 'shoe-whore'. At last count I was over 80 pairs (and I only counted after someone else blogged about it and thougth they had too many). I have a seperate closet just for shoes and my house is in deperate need of storage! Shoes are a good thing!
Oh MY! I think I need to do some shoe shopping!! Yours are Darling !! I must come visit.
I confess I am a 3 pair person... 1 Pr. Cowboy boot , 1 pair of tenny's and 1 shoe of nice in standard go with everything black. Oh, if you count a pair of pink slippers it'll be 4.....
Love the shoe collection, very stylish!
What do I have too many of? Sewing machines. I've fallen in love with vintage machines and I just keep finding/buying/being given them. And I'm still looking for a crinkle finish Singer 99 or 221 and a Rocketeer. And I'm in the market for a new Babylock serger, when the go on sale...
I am one of those that only owns 4 or 5 pairs of shoes. can't think of anything that I have too many of, unless you consider fat quarters, or spools of thread. Other than that I have been purging for more than 6 months now, trying to downsize the clutter. It feels great to rid of all that stuff.
love,love,love your quilts and the quilt basket! it's adorable.
Come visit Mel's Cabin for a taste of rustic...
What woman doesn't love shoes! I love--Love--LOVE boots, too. Someday, I want a big collection. Usually my shoe buying is for my daughter, or when I've worn out my favorite pair and need a new one. I have to admit though, that my shoe fetish is strictly for black shoes. That's what I have, about 10 pair of black shoes, and two pair of black boots. Why? Cuz I'm boring and only wear black pants or skirts. I hate clothes (not wearing them--buying them), and I hate thinking about what to wear, so I make it easy on myself and wear pretty much the same thing all the time. Black slacks or skirts, and whatever shirt/blouse I have that is comfortable. Because of that, my shoes are black. Different styles, different heel heights, all black. Smack me with a shoe horn and call me boring.
Fun pics! What a crack-up that you only showed us half of them! I keep saying that my hubby has more pairs of shoes than me, but I have been buying plenty lately, so maybe I've passed him up? They are fun and if they're comfortable too even better!
Blogger ate my comment :p. Trying again.
First, you can never have too many shoes. Second, I LOVED seeing your collection and hope you'll do a part II next week to show off the rest of your collection.
My favorites of yours are the red reptile skin slingbacks and the two pairs of black pumps on the back row in the center. Gorgeous!
Thanks for a great FTF. I finally made it to the party. Better late than never.
xo -El
Okay, shay, are you Imelda marcos in the making? I had to laugh because I am NOT a shoes person. I think I have about 10 pairs of shoes for year round...
too funny!
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