Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thrifty Christmas Tuesday -Week 5

Welcome to this week's Thrifty Christmas Tuesday post.

There's only 32 days until Christmas. It's getting scary. And I didn't get that much done this week so Im feeling like I'm really up against it. Some people in my extended family really wouldnt appreciate handmade or thifted gifts so I'm running out of ideas and will have to hit the shops soon.

This week I went online shopping for one gift...Miss P is getting her favourite perfume at 60% off. 

I managed to put together this quilt top for my mother in law. At this point a Christmas finish does seem a little unlikely...but you never know what you can achieve until you push yourself right?

Thankfully her birthday is in January so I have a back up plan.

I'm op shopping with Miss P on Friday so hopefully I'll have some finds to post next week. I have a list!  

So what have you been up to with your thrifty Christmas plans this week?


  1. Did you have to remind me, thanks. This year I'm sort of ahead of my usual slow start to Christmas present searching. I need to start on my Christmas cards though. I don't think I'll be making any this year, I just can't get into the card making groove at the moment.
    I still like your quilt, it is very pretty.
    Good luck op shopping.

  2. Sorry...I like to share the anxiety.

    I didn't send christmas cards last year , and possibly wont this year either. That's one problem solved!

  3. I think you're doing a wonderfully Thrifty job with your gifts! :o)

    I hope to get out this afternoon when the boys are finished with school. I'm almost finished with my family. The most difficult shopping is all I have left...my parents and in-laws. Don't think the in-laws would be thrilled with thrifty, so I'm not sure what I'll do there. My parents are playing the Thrifty Challenge. It's just a matter of finding the 'perfect' gift for them.

    Happy Thrifting!

    PS...I haven't sent Christmas cards for years. Once I stopped sending, I stopped receiving from most people. I think they were only sending me one because I sent them one. I'd like to think I freed up some time and postage for about 100 people. ;o)

  4. Maybe to start Christmas shopping at some point in time? LOL! Yes, we do have two Christmas presents bought, but nothing thrifty about them. It really helps when the recipients lays out exactly what they and demands to know the same from you in return. Ahem.

    You're doing great!

  5. Looks like steady progress to me. My husband and I went Christmas shopping yesterday. Made a significant dent. Now it all has to be wrapped!

  6. I am procrastinating the things I need to make for Christmas still. You, on the other hand, are doing an absolutely marvelous job. Well done.

    xo -El


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