Sunday, November 21, 2010

Funky Town

Sometimes things just don't go as either roll with the punches or get pissy. Guess which road I took this weekend?

After my big effort with Friday Night Sew In I had high hopes of a  productive crafty type weekend but alas it was not to be.

I wrote an entire post about my various crafting mishaps and realised when I read it back I sounded kinda pathetic and whiny. Nobody really wants to go to a pity party right?

So lets basically say my weekend was not very successful or productive and call it a draw shall we? And that among other things, my car deciding to develop what I suspect is a major problem ,  set me off on a path to funky town and I have yet to return to my happy place.

I made these Christmas countdown blocks from the white igloo blocks and decided I was not destined to be  a famous Christmas Countdown Block maker.  You can see really pretty ones here.

In happier news, the pantry door is finished and in place. All that sanding was worth the effort. (This is specifically for you Patty -I know you've been dying to see it )

I inventoried my freezers today (when it became apparent I had contracted crafty crap-itis )and I have so much chicken I'm amazed I'm not clucking. So if you have any fabulous recipes that use whole chook or even pieces, or drumsticks please let me know. On the up side it's highly unlikely we'll be needing to go meatless any time soon because my freezers currently rival the local butcher shop. I did a decent cleanout and worked out what will go in this week's dog food. (it's Ok to feed my dogs meat with an expiry date of 1962 right?) And look what else I found...

Please tell me I am not the only person in the known universe who still has Hot Cross Buns from 8 months ago stashed in her freezer?


  1. Been there...:o(

    I have 5 pairs of pants to hem, a logo to embroider on a shirt, a scrub top to take in, a christmas tree skirt to monogram and sew together, and a doggie stocking to stitch. I planned to get it all done yesterday.

    Instead, I spent 6 grueling hours working in the yard, raking & mulching leaves. I'm sure you can imagine the choice words I was thinking when LittleGirl came outside and said, "Momma, what's for dinner? It's almost 5 o'clock."

    On the up-side...I've dropped five pounds this weekend. That's almost half a stone, right? ;o)

    And on your up-side...You can cross that gorgeous pantry door re-do off your "Stuff I Started..." list. :o)

    Hope the car's better soon and your smiling again.

    PS...I've never eaten a Hot Cross Bun. I've only sung the song. Happy Sunday! :o)

  2. Your New Pantry Door looks Fabulous so that's Good Right...Google Chicken recipes I think they come under 101 ways with for the hot sorry cold cross buns it's not that far off for you to heat them up again...Hope you have a better Week.

  3. Hey, toss a whole chicken in the oven to roast... tastes good, good for you and since you've already paid for it .. easy on the budget!!!

    Love the pantry me lots of ideas although I'm kinda lazy when it comes to sanding, sanding, sanding.....

  4. Oh crap, I jinxed your car... I'm really really sorry. You at least live in a city with many many mechanics, and surely at least some of them can work you a miracle.

    Have you tested the hot cross buns? I beyond love the baker's delight choc chip ones and I would freeze them but I worry they'd be ick when they defrost. Can we please have a follow up report?

  5. So sorry to hear your weekend didn't turn out as planned. I can relate in so many ways.
    Your pantry door is fabulous and I would have never known that the buns were frozen from the picture.
    Hope things start looking up for you.

  6. That pantry door is a fabulously huge WOW! You are amazing with the stripping and the sanding and the priming and the painting. I have zero patience for that.

    Also, your Christmas count-down blocks are adorable. But, how big are they? Because I thought those blocks looked huge when they were all outside just painted. But they look smaller on your table. You did great! Give it a couple of days and you'll go back and think, hey, these are pretty great.

    xo -E

  7. Hey, I like your case you don't like them just send them over :-)) at least you did something...I just hang around..well exept for my cookies. Oh and by the way..that pantry door is adorable...good job. Hope your car is fixed sooner than my sewing machine

  8. I like your blocks too--not crafty crap at all. You're too hard on yourself.

    The pantry door looks serene and beautiful.

    My top fridge/bottom freezer is small but my DH is always filling it up with Foodservice samples from his job. I always make him do the rearranging! BBQ chicken drumsticks are always easy and yummy, grilled or baked!

  9. Put the blocks aside for awhile, and when you come back to them, they'll look fine. If they still look like crap to you, they haven't been ignored long enough. Of course, I think they look good already, but I can relate to your discontent because I suffer as well from time to time. The above has worked for me.

    Your pantry door turned out beautifully!

    You could stuff and roast one of your chickens on Thursday and have a quasi-Thanksgiving celebration along with us in the States. Except Thursday is Slack Tea, but if you do it on Friday there, it'll still be Thursday here.

  10. Dont worry as soon as christmas is over its Easter again! Love your countdown blocks and the pantry door looks fab!

  11. Firstly, I love the pantry door -very stylish and unique.
    Secondly the countdown blocks look good to me too.
    Thirdly , lucky you a full freezer. More money left for other things this close to Christmas and lots of chicken recipes (or just roast chicken )to try out.
    And lastly hot cross buns make a great bread and butter pudding (to go with your roast chicken dinner feast) so you are turning into a fine example of the perfect housewife !!

  12. If I say you have to have a few crappy weekends to appreciate the really good ones (or even the just OK ones) you won't throw the frozen hot cross buns at me will you?

    Actually, sorry about the bad weekend, car trouble is never fun (Our jeep is visiting the nice mechanic tomorrow to fix the oil pressure sender (whatever that is).

    I think the Christmas countdown blocks look great. I'm with P, ignore them for a while until you think they look great.

    The pantry door turned out great! Very stylish!

    I don't cook, so I can't help with your chicken feasts. My guy has never left the hot cross buns in the freezer that long, but he has left bread out in the fridge in the garage for over a year!

    Hope this week is better for you!

  13. I'm sorry you've got crafty crapitis! Hopefully, it will pass soon. However, your Christmas countdown blocks look great to me.

    Love, love, love your new pantry door.

    Chicken...let me think.

  14. The door is great, the blocks are great. Sorry if you had a crappy weekend.

    I have a great recipe for 5 sprice Chicken, it uses Chinese 5 spice, brown sugar and soy sauce and either drumsticks or thighs. It is really good. I make fried rice to go with it. Let me know if you want the recipe.

    By the way - if you don't really love the blocks, perhaps the animals will appreciate a christmas chew toy!

  15. Damn - now I have that song "Won't you take me to Funky Town," stuck in my head!

  16. At least you tried - after running around town for most of Saturday, I had a very lazy evening without any stitchy goodness!

    Sunday I did manage to get the Apron pieces together but that is all!

    Chicken is never on my menu so can't help with that.

  17. Oh well you win some you lose some!!! Although it all looks like a winner to me :-) I'm not a big chicken fan most of ours goes to the dogs...even the odd silly live one who manages to squeeze thru the fence :-(

    I am on the last row of a cute little ruffle dress for my neice and it looks like I may run out of cotton....aaahhhh, now that is crap!

  18. Sorry to hear about your car, hope it doesn't take too much to fix it.
    I think you are too hard on yourself Martha! the blocks look great. I love the sparkly numbers.
    The pantry door is gorgeous, you are so good at sanding and painting, I don't have the patience either.
    Those hot cross buns don't look like they have been frozen, I think you should give them a try and let us know if you suffer any dire consequences.
    Hmmm, chicken recipes, I think I may have a couple lol.
    Hope your week improves and you realise that you are only suffering phantom symptoms of crafty crap-itis.

    PS. I took the pissy road? and you call me LMPM!!!!!!

  19. I hate funky town weekends! I hope you are feeling better and the blocks are very festive. Save those buns-Easter will be here before you know it.

  20. Your pantry door and pantry is Beautiful! Love how it turned out. Your blocks also look very festive and nice. I can't imagine what might be lurking in my freezer! Now to find someone brave enough to check it out........

  21. Sorry you are "down" sew something you'll feel better :) are we still on for our get together????

  22. No Hot X Buns but there is a packet of last years mince pies lurking in my freezer. I wonder if the Chubby Hubby would notice ?

  23. I wouldn't be surprised to find some hot x buns lurking in the bottom of my freezer. I hope there is now anyway!


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