Thursday, October 28, 2010

Slack Tea Thursday

I'm breaking with tradition here. All this has going for it was it was quick , and I probably burned through more calories chewing it than I actually ate which makes it really healthy food.  I present tonight's Slack Tea Thursday .....

Anyone with a heart condition should take some extra medication now and sit down before viewing the next picture.

 This was dessert...

Clearly I'm not feeling  my usual self ...Hands up if you're in shock...I'm so sorry I did that to you without advance warning.

How many of you believe that fairy tale? C'mon. Really.


 That's better. Much more like Slack Tea Thursday. I can feel my arteries hardening already.

Join me for Favourite Things Friday tomorrow. Oh and you can go here to see my first Thrifty Christmas Challenge post unless you are Little P.


  1. Well you got me, I was totally believing your healthy dinner.
    Are we supposed to get what the last picture is? If so If I was not very nice I would say it looks like Lola threw up on your curly fries, however I'm nice so maybe Little P threw up on your curly fries, and you added grated cheese and garlic sauce.

  2. You got me too. I'm with Marg on not being entirely sure what you did have for Slack Tea Thursday.

  3. Wow. I thought someone else had hacked your blog for a second. Glad to see that is not the case.

  4. Yeah, count me in on the "got me" category. I had a moment feeling proud of you for the greens and then, when I saw the fruit, I was thinking something REALLY WAS wrong. I was fixing to get on SKYPE, email and call the local police their in Australia to check in.

    Then I continued reading and see all is right (at least as right it can be) with the world.


  5. I fell for it! Totally believed you! In my defence, it has been a weird sort of week. I didn't even realise that it was STT! So I am all off balance. Really!

  6. Whew! You scared me for a minute! I'm with Kris. I'm totally off-balance this week. Glad to know all is right in your world. That Slack Tea makes me hungry for a Chili Charlie...Crinkle-cut fries smothered in Chili and Cheese. Yum! Happy Thursday almost Friday! :o)

  7. Baw ha ha! I was really feeling bad for you with the salad {but the fruit looked yummy}!

    xo -El

  8. Big had to run from the other room when she heard a big "thump" It was me - I fell on the floor and passed out when I saw your salad and fruit! It took a little mouth to mouth and then I recovered. I am with everyone else, not too sure what it is that you really ate. Did you at least have a glass of wine with it?

  9. :)
    Like Marg and Kate, what the hell is that on your plate? It must be some strange Aussie foods, right?

  10. Well, since you are full of surprises, I was taken in! Very clever, you. I feel my arteries hardening too and I live a damn far site away from you.

  11. I fell for it hook, line, and sinker! Naughty to tease us so!

  12. You totally got me. Good one, Mrs. P

  13. I was all ready to leave a "what the..." comment!

    And, are those loaded cheese fries...
    with shallots?

    So glad you haven't gone to the dark side - my perfect sister-in-law eats fruit for dessert - how annoying is that?

  14. LOL!! I thought you had turned over a new leaf, but leaves involved!! :-)

  15. I totally believed you! Actually, I was thinking, well, this looks like it tastes WAY better than most of the crap she eats on Thursdays. Especially that yummy looking fruit... but, no, then you posted the picture of the... the... what are those- grubs?... with white sauce stuff under it(them?)... and, er, ham?... and cheese- I definitely recognize cheese there- on top.

  16. I was a bit worried actually. I mean who was this health-conscious woman? Whew! Glad to know you were just kidding us. First health food and then jogging. You do know that health food is a gateway drug for jogging don't you?


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