Friday, October 29, 2010

Favourite Things Friday

Friday only rolls around once a week and you know what that means...It's time to show off your Favourite Things again! So join in by popping your link at the bottom of this post so we can all wander round and have a look at your Favourite Thing.

I know I said I'd be late posting FTF late this week.  I left you all hanging with a teaser and now I'm here cap in hand to tell you I've  got natch, nada , bupkis. I'm not a liar - honest. I fully expected to be late and to have  an exciting  post for you because I had planned to post about something that was meant to be happening TODAY . Except it's not happening until next week sometime.   That means my fantabulous FTF post will have to wait until next week (fingers crossed).

It might surprise you to know that one of my favourite things is silence and solitude.  In my job I talk, talk, talk all day. And listen , listen, listen to other people talking  all day.   I don't mind. I like to talk. I like to listen. But by the time I get home sometimes I just crave silence and solitude. I don't want to talk. I don't want noise. I want silence.  Solitude. Thinking time. Peace. I want to block out all the noise and focus on just one thing. Me.

I like to be alone with my thoughts. That's why sewing is such a great hobby. It's not a team sport. I can lock myself in my sewing room and just be creative. No external auditory or visual distractions.

In my busy house , silence isn't a thing that occurs very often. I treasure the times when I have have  the house all to myself and can just listen to the quiet. It's music to my ears.  

With silence you can just be. You can hear what's going on in the world. You notice small things more.  Silence is a great way to de-stress in a busy world.  

I hope you can all find time to create  some silence and solitude  in your lives this week.


  1. Silence is a wonderful thing. I am alone most of the day and things get very quiet, when Big is home and bursting the silence bubble, I realize how lucky I am to have time to think and be on my own!

  2. Silence is definetly one of those precious things, except when its from the room of a toddler! Look forward to your surprise post, sounds like its major!

  3. I can certainly understand that Mrs. P. Everyone needs time to think her own thoughts.

    I won't be joining in FTF this week. All my favorite things are packed, and I'm too frazzled to think about anything cool like solitude. I'll also be missing next week too. :-( I'll have to catch up on the fantabulous thing you're going to post about when I have internet access again. Computers are being packed on Saturday.

  4. I love living in the country. I drive home and pass thru a tunnel of trees and its like entering another world. A world of peace and quiet! Except when my boys just get home from school! LOL!

  5. Definitely agree with this FTF, I love silence, not all the time though, otherwise it would lose it's value. Everyone needs some silence and solitude in their lives even just for a short time each week.
    A great FTF Mrs P.

  6. What a wonderful FTF. I love the sounds of my family, but every once in a while it is so nice to be home alone with the silence.

  7. I agree--silence is really nice! I often wonder when it became the norm to always have some music or noise in the background EVERYWHERE, even the stupid gas station has piped music. "Off" is frequently my favorite setting on the dial...

  8. My post was going to be so similar, but I changed my mind because I didn't have a chance to run and get a picture. I was thinking about my blog post when I went for my walk this morning (which I quite often do and they are better in my head when I walk then I forget all my good thoughts when I get home to the hustle and bussle). It wasn't quite 6.30 the sun was peeping through the clouds there was a warmth in the air and the look of the rain that would come later and no traffic noise and that was going to be my FTF the quite of a spring morning walk...just me the quiet not having any demands on me, not having to do anything just walk and take in the air.

  9. Ok, there was supposed to be a big long space there to indicate silence but it didn't show up.

  10. Solitude...definitely one of my favorite things!

  11. I used to love talking, but ever since kiddo started talking, I have started loving solitude... I dont mind waking up a couple of hours early just to get those few quiet moments before I start my day...

  12. Great post, yep, I'm with you. Its the best thing about living alone I think having the space for silence.
    When I'm on holiday with people I find it really difficult after a few days because there never seems to be quiet. I'm not used to it so have to try and take myself off for a while and use a book or something as an excuse.

  13. Oh! Me too! Hope you have a lovely, quiet weekend.

    xo -El

  14. ahhhh ... yep never enough silence.... we tend to under appreciate the quiet....

  15. I crave silence! My kids and DH know that if I shut the hallway door and my bedroom door, I need some quiet. :o) I look forward to Sunday afternoons when DH feels good enough to drive and says, "I think I'll take the kids over to my parents." Woo-hoo!Excellent Favourite Thing, Shay! Hope you find your silence today. Happy FTF! :o)

  16. Me too!!! No radio blaring when I'm home alone, just quiet time so I can THINK and PLAN and just occasionally DREAM.
    Who would have thought that so many of us feel this way!

  17. Me three!!! Much as I love music at certain times, most of the time I love silence. I wouldn't have imagined you did too, but that's what makes FTF so much fun!

  18. This is the first time I've ever heard of someone, besides me, who enjoys not talking after a long day of it. I often refuse to answer the phone when I'm home--too much during the work day.

  19. Silence is fabulous! The Dad works from home most days and I get no quiet time. He's been going into the office just about every other day for the past two weeks. I have been in heaven.
    Don't tell him that though! I never get to be home alone.

  20. Yes. Silence and Solitude. I'm always trying to get me some. Sadly, it doesn't happen often, but it is all the more enjoyable when it does. HEY! I love that first photo of the long hall and can't wait to hear the big announcement next week.


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