Friday, October 08, 2010

Favourite Things Friday

If you'd like to link up to Favourite Things Friday and share your favourite things pop in your link at the bottom of this post so other people can visit you and take a look at your post for this week. I get so excited seeing what you've all come up with to share every week.

There is a Babushka revolution going on everywhere. I see fabric, dolls, and toys with Babushka just about everywhere I look. They're so cute. I remember the toys from my childhood. Back then they seemed so exotic.  

So, I jumped on the bandwagon.

But since I'm not a hoarder of cute things (unless it's fabric ) they had to serve a function.

So the kitchen got a present and I got to satisfy my babushka cravings.

With Babushka measuring cups!

And Little P can play with them if he's in  the kitchen while I'm cooking. Function and a  plaything. Fabulous.

And now I'm oddly drawn to going and looking at Babushka fabric. 

Happy Favourite Things Friday. What are you going to show us this week?  


  1. I have some too. I couldn't resist them !!! Thought I might even buy some as Christmas presents !!

  2. I love Babushkas, and I really love your measuring cups. They look so cute. Does that mean we will see more show and tell cooking? Lots of yummy cakes, you will be the Aussie Bakerella.

  3. I never would have guessed they're measuring cups. Isn't it cool when fun and function coincide?

  4. Thanks Michelle for pointing out I linked back to QIMP instead of my own, derrr.

  5. The babuskas are so cute and useful. I have never seen them as measuring cups! I will have to search for them, I would love to have them as part of my kitchen. My Mom wnet to Poland last year and I asked her to bring me Babuskas, she brought 3 back for me. The smallest of the 3 is about 2 inches high and there are 8 babies inside, the last baby is about 1/4 of an inch and the face is painted on her! I love them. Thanks for sharing.

  6. That's so cool that they're not only cute Babushkas, but measuring cups, and potential playthings for Little P. And they match your kitchen! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

  7. Very cute. Love that they are measuring cups too! Even better they double as amusement for little P. Thanks for sharing the fun!

  8. Those are darling! I've always loved those. As a child, there was a favorite Sesame Street episode that had those Babushkas jumping in and out of one another. I fell in love with them then. :o) I love that yours are functional and decorative. Hope I can find some here in the States. Thanks for sharing. Happy FTF! :o)

  9. I love 'em!

    And I don't like to post about things unrelated to the current post, but can you tell me if your kitchen is finished?! I'm behind :( And I'm DYING to see your before and afters.

    If you're not at the "after" stage yet, you likely want to fly to the States and strangle me. Sorry ;)

    I love renovations and I LOVED your laundry room renovation. So I need to see more.


  10. I eye them off everytime I go to Cairns but couldn't justify buying them and all the wool I usually get!!

  11. While the 10 year olds are playing 4 square outside I'm having a coffee to recover. How can 3 boys make so much noise...1 I think slept but the other two talked all night. I always wanted babushka dolls when I was a kid, now not so much don't want to just on the band wagon but those are practical so I might be able to come at a set of those.

  12. I love Babushka dolls!! I want a really pretty set of real ones. I love your measuring cups, though. Useful, cute and Little P can play with them. Those are awesome!

    xo -El

  13. Now they are very cute Babuska's, it would have been hard to resist those little hunny's.

  14. For the new kitchen! It'll be your favourite thing pretty soon after living in the messes!
    Love those little measuring cups!
    Won't clutter either.
    I'm a minamilist in living so any messes are soon gone from view at least. I'm gonna look for those!

  15. Love your little "Katrina" dolls. I have a set of those dolls and since I never knew what they were, we just call them Katrina. I would only let the kids play with them when they were home sick and didn't have enough energy to destroy them!

  16. I so need to find these. I have a collection of Russian Matroyshkas as well. And I won't be surprised when I see a quilt of them soon.

  17. I missed FTF this week, faffing around too much.
    I love these dolls too, I was even looking at some last week but decide I have too much stuff and didn't need them. I'm reserving my space for books and fabric!


Thanks for taking the time to leave some comment love. Drop by and visit again sometime.