Sunday, August 15, 2010

This is Not a Kitchen Post

Wow I've missed you guys. I'm studiously avoiding a kitchen renovation post. I'm bored with it , so I imagine you are too. For those of you that are hanging out wondering if I've totally lost my marbles there will be a post sometime this week because tomorrow is D-Day. If anyone is taking bets on whether I'm going to completely drop my bundle before this is done let me know. I'll take that bet.

There hasn't been a lot of sewing going on round here lately because I haven't been able to move in my sewing room  the last two weeks. It's hard to feel creatively inspired when your space is filled with kitchen boxes and crap on every available surface. However, all work and no sewing makes Mrs. P a cranky pants, so this weekend I was determined to sew something, even if I did have to fit myself into a tiny space to do it-I think the yoga class I went to once in 1989 really helped me to contort myself into the 18 x 18 square inches of  available space in my sewing room.

As much as I wanted to start something new, I have WIP's coming out my  wazoo  so it was time to get cracking on existing projects that are sitting here mocking me. It really upsets my Virgo  to have multiple unfinished things laying round.  At last count I had 8 quilting WIP's on the go, including the HST quilt I started in January !  I appear to have a bad case of start-itis.
I did some more snowball blocks for my quiltalong. I'm hoping to get all those blocks finished  off this week (12 blocks  to go...whooooooooo hoooooo)  I worked out I've cut 672 of those little 2 inch blocks and that this quilt has something like 840 individual pieces. I've enjoyed the much so that I'm contemplating doing  a Christmas quilt in snowball blocks once I've cleared some of the other UFO's  hanging round. 

I basted and quilted my Spread the Cheer Quilt. I discovered the new tile floors rock for basting. Then I made binding and stitched that on. I know I mention this every single time I finish a quilt - but I really hate binding. One quilting WIP done- 7 to go.

I did some string blocks for a quilt I'm making for Indy and Lola.  10 blocks down, 62 to go. I really like projects that you can do a little bit at a time like this one when you have 30 minutes to spare, and these go together relatively quickly and use scraps.

And I auditioned sashing choices for my Christmas coin quilt. One of these or something in red?

I have this week off from work, and I'm going to be stuck at home with contractors, installers and delivery people so I have a plan to make this week Quilt-fest 2010! Stay tuned. Maybe I'll even get a couple more WIP's knocked off.

P.S. I found my camera in my undie drawer. Nothing is where it should be at the moment. And I found a knife and some cake on my computer desk this morning. Yay! I got to have cake for breakfast. I think that's what the cake fairies had in mind.


  1. Sooo glad you're back - the blog world just isn't the same without you! (Also glad that you didn't find some cake in your undie drawer - could get messy). I am determined to finish some WIP myself - we'll see! Enjoy your week off.

  2. Well you did more sewing than I managed this past week, and I only had a kid moving back home. My list of unfinished projects is staggering, now that I have had to move all those boxes full of them. I'm with you on the finishes wagon. Hope I don't fall off. Congrats on your finish, snowball blocks, and string blocks. Good going!

  3. welcome back....hope your cranky pants are off now! it would be nice to get some stitching done this week...and I am not sick of your kitchen reno posts....wanna see how it is in the undies drawer...better than cake in the undies drawer I guess! I am still finding things in weird places since I moved....unpacking got a bit frantic at times and I just put things in the nearest cupboard/drawer.....have a good week with the installers/contractors and delivery people.

  4. So glad to see you are still alive, your cranky pants are off and you have got at least one of those WIP's out of your wazoo, but I hope you have a nice little lacy number on now instead.
    Also I need to read your blog with glasses otherwise start-itis looks very much like something to do with your chest.
    I am seriously interested in your kitchen reno...I want, .....I expect, photos when it's in.
    So happy to have you back in blogland, it's been very quiet here without you.

  5. A week off? Woohoo! Hope you get lots done. I am also NOT bored of your reno! Show us more photos please (now that you have located the camera!) Hope it's a fun week!

  6. You have done well with your WIPs after squeezing yourself into such a small space....I am liking the white of those tiles!! Enjoy, well between all the visitors, your week off :-)

  7. Happy "vacation" QIMP.

  8. Hope those installers and tradespeople leave you alone for long enough to get in that contorted position for sewing?? Hey love your little finish, and the progress shots.

    I like the fabrics you previewed for the Christmas coins.

    Look forward to seeing more finishes this week - maybe even a kitchen??

  9. Quilt Fest 2010 - I am so excited! Love the HST quilt, and I'm sure the tile floors ARE great for basting. String quilts rock, so I look forward to seeing those blocks put together. And regarding the sashing for the Christmas coins, I definitely prefer one of those over red.

  10. So glad to see you posting again. I did miss you!
    I am looking forward to seeing your completed kitchen. Most likely, not as much as you are though. Your sewing looks purty.

  11. You've got some great projects going on, and I am not even talking about the kitchen. Love the tile, by the way. Those string blocks are so happy! Have fun with QF2010!

  12. I've given you a Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out here:

  13. make me giggle the way you say things! i love it!

    adore the yellows and pinks in the spread the cheer quilt blocks...and before we know it, Christmas will be here - yay red & green.

    big hugs

  14. Love, love, love all the projects you showed. Beautiful! So glad you're going to get time to quilt during your week off. I know you've been quilting-deprived.

  15. You had me at "Cake for Breakfast"

    You always have such wonderful colors in your work. I need to step out of the "traditional" block and follow your rainbow!

  16. I hate binding too it is the pits, queensize quilts are the worst luckily it has been a couple of years since I have managed one of those. The bit I like is when you trim the excess batting down after you have finished quilting. Sometimes I can't even wait until I have finished quilting if that side is finished I trim just to get to stretch that feeling out a bit. Only 8 unfinished projects your a baby.... I found 10 unfinished quilt top I didn't count the unfinished projects that probably would be really scarey

  17. Mrs. P, I totally missed you too. There's no one around here to talk to at 1:00 am when I can't sleep.

    I think that those three fabrics you put with your Christmas coins should be used for the strips in between and you should use RED for the binding.

    xo -E

    Oh, and what was your camera doing in the undie drawer? Are you and Mr. P going to be starring on some adult blogs soon?

  18. I still love the colors in that pink/orange baby quilt! I like the "ho ho" fabric for sashing, to make the other fabrics stand out more than a red. Wow, you've been busy!!

  19. Hey the Spread the Cheer quilt is looking great!


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