Monday, August 16, 2010

Let The Games begin

After years of waiting, months of preparation and a fair amount of the time agonising, bitching, whining and worrying,  the kitchen arrived in many many pieces today. So did the dishwasher, flues, rangehood, cooktop, sink and taps. (They were in the appropriate number of pieces thankfully ) Apparently my microwave is on a boat near the African coast and will arrive mid September.

This is it people. Let the games begin.


  1. Yipee! Can't wait to see it all installed. Love looking at renos

  2. Woo hoo, I'm with Helen I love looking at renos (other people's not mine)!! You must be so excited now. I'm waiting patiently for the next photo.

  3. Wahoo, it means the end is nigh. It might take awhile but how exciting in the long run. Keep breathing deeply and make sure you have plenty of time out.

  4. Wow, the floors look good and I love the paint color! I also can't wait to see the finished product. Isn't it funny how a kitchen can really appear out of all of those boxes?

  5. My friend just had her kitchen redone too and she sits in there all day long admiring it! Cant' wait to sit here in Canada and admire yours!
    But the downside gotta start cooking again when it's done.

  6. Good start with the beautiful floor and walls! It looks 180 degrees different already :)

  7. Wohoo! Can't wait to see it all put in its place. I hear you're good at that, putting things in their places...

  8. Strange to think a kitchen can be piled into a corner like that and not be broken. Doesn't even look like a kitchen! Hope it gets better soon.

  9. I see Ginger boy is already making sure that the kitchen is worth rubbing his fur all over :-) Good luck putting it all together!

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  11. Mrs. P., frankly, I would like to see MORE posts about the reno. Mostly because I like using the word reno and nobody in the states understands that it is an abbreviation of the word renovation. If I used it here they'd think I was taking a vacation to a city in Nevada.

    The tile looks great and I love all the whiteness that is your cabinets {that sentence is grammatically correct -- the verb agrees with the noun that precedes it. Yes, I'm a geek that way.}.

    Keep the reno posts coming!

    xo -E

  12. Woo hoo! How exciting! I love the flooring and paint color, can't wait to see it finished! You are going to love it, and I'm so happy for you!!


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