Sunday, August 22, 2010

Quilt-Fest 2010

As you know, Quilt-Fest 2010 officially  started at Maison Pyjamas last Sunday. The idea was to get heaps of sewing done and knock off some of the WIP's that were weighing heavily on my conscience.  Honestly though , the week  was less a festival of quilting and more of a dream-a-thon of future projects and bellybutton gazing.  I swear I have the attention span of a goldfish.

One of my goals for the week  was to finish all the  snowball blocks for the Snowball Quiltalong  and to trim up anything that didn't look square. Which turned out to be every single block I made.  I accepted my unsquare lot in life and did some canoodling with Mr. Rotary Cutter.  By the end of the week I had a box of blocks. One goal achieved. But one seems to be missing and I need it. If you have a 5 inch square of hushabye lurking round could you please send it to me or my quilt will have to be 12 x 13 squares instead of 12 x 14 squares which is probably bad luck or something.

I made a fabric choice for my Christmas coin quilt. As much as I love the ho ho ho fabric , (mainly because it sounds a little like a swear word  every time I say it)  I decided this quilt  really deserves red to make the other colours sparkle. At Spotlight,  Polka Dots  screamed "Take Me Home". So I did. I never ignore fabric when it speaks to me. 

I'm 5 String blocks closer to finishing Indy and Lola's quilt.

I got sidetracked by the thought of Christmas  and started some ornaments this week . Yep that was as far as I got. There's plenty of time until the Large Red Dude arrives.

And I made 3 sets of  pot holders, inspired by P over at The Way I Sew It. Finishing those potholders was my major achievement for the week. These were made with the flip and turn method because binding is not really my buddy.  I had visions of opening a  pot holder shop and becoming internationally famous while I sewed these.

So while I didn't set the world on fire this week, I did manage to get enough done that I didn't feel like my WIP's are taking over my life.

P.S. I taught myself this week how to make a blog button. It took hours. I didn't use one swear word. I wasn't driven to drink during the process, although I did eat some BBQ chips.   I did most of  it on my own (with finishing touches from Elizabeth because  I failed html at school  -Thanks E! ) and  I feel so techno-geeky! Check it out in my sidebar. Steal it if you want. It's not really stealing because I said you could....


  1. Love the red spots! They were screaming at me this week too but somehow I managed to come home without them.

    Cool snowball blocks and well done to you and mr rotary cutter for getting them all square again.

  2. Mrs. P, you are just so funny! I loved it! Your pot holders are awesome and I love your Hushabye blocks! Wohoo for your snowballs! Those string blocks are fun, I love the combination of fabrics you picked for your Christmas coins and it was totally nothing at all to help you with the HTML on your awesome button!

    I'm working my own Quilt-Fest 2010 over here, but so far it is more sewing than actual quilting. I have TOO many WIP's too, so I'm trying to get those finished off before I start working on the millions of ideas floating around in my head.

    I love that things on your side of the world are a lot like mine, only with an awesome accent to narrate everything.

    xo -E

  3. Thats more progress than I have made in what feels like a month. Loving the spots,of course.
    Clever clogs make a blog button.....hidden secret talents my dear.

  4. Ok. So glad I came here and read this. After reading Elizabeth's comment I now know that I have an awesome accent! (How cool is that? I'm just assuming here because I am pretty sure we sound identical. I probably have even stood next to you in line at the supermarket when I lived at Holden Hill and I didn't notice that your accent was weird or anything.)

    I love your blog button. It so works for me because that is how I quilt! (In my pajamas) Glad your week was not a fizzle. My week pretty much was and that sucks, but I have high hopes for the week ahead. I might even finish something. (Might. I stress might. Don't go getting your hopes up!)

  5. oh did more than me this week ....thanks for your comment on my blog...I think seeing as it was basically a dead heat they should be made to work together,just bite the bullet & get on with it!! could be interesting

  6. Good for you on your finishes and even better on the blog button! I'm still a dummy who has no idea how to make one - do you need special software? I would love to know how....

  7. Funny, that red polka dot fabric is calling my name as well. Must mean that quilt you're slaving over is a gift to me eh?
    Doesn't it feel so very good when we get our productive crafting groove back on?
    I love seeing your work, you are oh so very talented.

  8. I'm so impressed! I think you did your "quiltfest" some serious justice. :-) Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING is so lovely and cute. I'm hoping to feel so inspired one of these days....

    And of course, I'm stealing your button. :-) (The blog button--not your belly button. Just wanted to make that clear.)

  9. Good gracious, girl! You made some serious progress this week! Everything looks excellent. Those potholders look great in your new kitchen, I bet. I like your button!

  10. I'd say you got quite a bit done! So, how many blocks do you think you could have constructed in the time it took you to make one blog button? There was a time when I'd have been all over that, marvelling at my own techno-geekiness, but that time has passed. Only a good book or an outing with the family can trump quilting these days. And you know, I definitely quilt in my pyjamas. There were a couple days this week of vacation when I felt a bit sheepish when hubby arrived home from work and I hadn't showered or dressed yet. What kind of example am I setting for my kids!?! I'm a sloth! But I'm a happy and productive sloth.

  11. Lots of lovely productivity going on in your house!!! I would steal your button if it said 'Living in my Pyjamas' as I don't quilt :-)

  12. Wow, you've been busy! I love the button. You are all kinds of savvy! I learned how to put my blog link into the Blogger Comment box this week. ;o) Thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday/Monday. :o) Seams Inspired

  13. Ho, ho, ho yourself! Love the red polka dots too.

  14. I just love how one thing leads to another and another and another! Isn't that what quilting is all about? Love all your projects...old and new!

  15. I love the red polka dots!

    I was all for quilt fest, but I found a doll like the one my brother destroyed when I was four, and since she arrived naked, I'm taking time out to do a doll quilt and layette. Then it's back to the FMQ that never ends...


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