Sunday, July 25, 2010

LIttle P has a birthday party

When you're young there are lots of firsts. Today Little P had his first ever birthday party. I know this is not interesting to everyone so feel free to skip this post. (but if you hang around you'll get to meet the rest of the Addams Family Pyjamas Clan)

It was a busy day from first light. After assisting Miss Pyjamas to make a birthday cake at 11 pm last night,   we were at it again by 9 am in preparation for the festivities which were due to commence after lunch. Making fairy bread, ham and cheese sandwiches and Vegemite sandwiches (yes we torture our young even on their birthdays) is hard work, as is packing two cars with enough food and supplies for a two hour party. Here is some of the spread. (We did have lots of savoury things but sweet things look so much more appealing in pictures)

Little P tried party pies for the first time. He ate 3. On top of 3 slices of fairy bread, two cakes, two hot dogs  and who knows what else. Party pies won hands down.

Little P got lots of presents.  It was all fun and games until Little P got violent and started poking Iggle Piggle in the eye. At that point the decree of no more fairy bread for Little P  was made. Eye poking is not manners.

Mr. P got upset because I told him he couldn't have a 9th cupcake after 12 party pies and 18 sausage rolls  and Little P knew what to do to make it all better.

Miss Pyjamas basked in the reflected glory. Why else would you have children if you can't take credit for their amazingness every now and then?

MOP and DOP came down from the country for their great grandson's birthday. (Yes I look like my Dad, who  needs a knee reconstruction now after playing horsie with Little P for 30 minutes. He has been doing horsie with grandchildren and great grandchildren now for 23 years)

NOP (Nephew of Pyjamas ) and NOP's lovely girlfriend also attended. They are a lovely couple who have been together for ever and will probably make my sister a Bella one day (in the very distant future)

And SOP also came to lend Pyjamas moral and practical support because when you are the Bella of the birthday boy , you always seem to get stuck in the kitchen cooking. She kept me company while I stressed out about whether we had enough pies, sausage rolls, pizza and hot dogs and other important life changing matters.

SOP always looks like that , her eyes got glued shut in a terrible pasting accident when she was 3. But doesn't she have pretty eyelids?

Joking...there was no accident. She just decided to close her eyes one day and hasn't opened them yet. 

This is BILOP (Brother in Law of Pyjamas ) who is a pretty cool guy.

Mr. and Mrs. Pyjamas -Proud grandparents of Little P. I've said it before and I'll say it again. That kid totally rocks. Happy Birthday Party Little P.  Can't wait for your second party! 

I'm off to SOP's for tea.  I believe she actually means to cook...I think I may have eaten too much fairy bread to do justice to this momentous occasion.


  1. Happy birthday little P. Looks like everyone had a good time.

  2. Happy birthday little P. Looks like everyone had a good time.

  3. What a cutie!! Looks like a wonderful party!! Now...I'm hungry and wishing I had one of those pies!

  4. I don't know what fairy bread is but the cupcakes look fantastic. Happy happy birthday to the adorable Little P, and congrats for a successful first Bday party. Thanks for all the pics of P's! And now that we know what you really look like, your profile pic needs an update!

  5. Looks like you all had fun celebrating Little P's first birthday! Nice to "meet" the whole family. My dad has given a lot of horsie rides over the years too. Does he sing the "Ride a Little Horsie" song while they're riding too?

  6. And a good time was had by all! Happy B'day, little P. And what the heck is "fairy bread?" Sounds delish.

  7. Looks like a fun day! Okay, Little P., really is quite adorable. :-) You've got a good-looking family.

    (I'm ignoring the yummy food list because I'm sure just reading sent my blood sugar over the top! ;-) )

  8. I don't know what fairy bread is, but I'm sure it's yummy, if fairies have anything to do with it. Little P is adorable and you look Fabulous!

  9. Congrats to Little P on his first birthday. I can see he wasn't spoiled at all. What a sweetheart and so kind hearted to share his soother with someone in need.

  10. Happy first Birthday Little P!! I love party food....those aeroplanes on the cupcakes are cool!!

    Nice to meet the family, looks like Little P wasn't the only one who had a good did well without your kitchen!!

    PS I posted your parcel this morning so going on the fact that you are living in the opposite end of OZ you will probably get it next week :-) xx

  11. The Pyjamas Clan looks like a seriously awesome bunch! That was some Pyjama party! I loved every minute of it! Miss P is so beautiful -- she looks just like you. And Little P is adorable. I wish I could squish his cheeks! I'm so glad everything turned out and SOP deserves the totally cool sister award for staying with you in the kitchen.

    xo- E

  12. Great photos! Did Mr P eat so much since you won't have a functioning kitchen for the foreseeable future? Can he do that camel-like trick of storing up food for later?

  13. Happy Birthday, Little P! Gosh, he is so cute and looks to be such a pleasant little guy!

    This was the best post ever! I loved meeting the whole fam and you and your hubby make an adorable couple!

    I can't believe you did all that work in a less than functioning kitchen and then had to cart it somewhere else! Great job, and it looks like everyone (including the birthday boy) had a blast.

    Hope you had fun at your sister's for tea (or cooking)...
    would you be willing to share the recipes for the fairy bread and sausage rolls? (no hurry)...

  14. All that other nice stuff THEY said, plus:

    Party pies? Recipe, please.
    Fairy bread? Define, please.
    Bella? Is this Oz-speak for grandmother? If so, I'm stealing it one day, should I be blessed.

    Are there different nicknames for grandparents on your side of the planet besides the usual Grammy, Pop-Pop stuff? One of my men friends got stuck with "Peepaw", which just makes me shudder.

    I am hosting Book Club today--The Help. Wish you were here!


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