Friday, January 29, 2010

You're all invited to dinner....

I just want to declare up front ...I am officially the spice queen of Australia. I counted and I have 53 different herbs and spices. Beat that. I am also the Cupcake Princess -having discovered I will need to make approximately 187,324 cupcakes in my lifetime to get rid of my current patty pan stash. I also have enough sprinkles to go on that number of cakes. I don't even LIKE baking.....

After my post yesterday about trying to find hidey holes for my grocery shopping I decided to take the bull by the horns and clean out and re-organise my pantry.  I'm pretty sure I did this about 6 weeks ago. By the way I have 15 packs of pasta. They ARE breeding.

The upshot of it all is that I've decided to only buy essential items  for the next 4 weeks. After doing the freezers (all 3 of them ) we dont need to buy meat for at least 6 weeks. I had 14 roasts alone dotted about the place. That's like almost a whole cow....

You're all invited to dinner , anytime you like. Just drop in . It's not like I dont have enough food and if you like tuna or beef  you'll be in hog heaven.

1 comment:

  1. I am always amazed when I take stock of the food we have squirreled away here. With the exception of milk, sandwich fillings, and top up fruit we probably could get away with not shopping for at least a month.

    Our grocery bill is around 900 a month. I wouldnt mind being able to put some of that away in savings!


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