Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Melting Pot of Random-ness

I'm just sitting here stuffing my face with a Cherry Ripe reflecting on my day....

I go back to work Monday and I don't feel I’ve achieved much this week, so I vowed to make today an action day. I’m usually pretty good at getting through my “To Do” lists but this week with being away I feel like I’ve been slack. I also think I expect way to much of myself but that’s a whole ‘nother blog post. I just don’t do “relaxing” very well. Or maybe my relaxing looks like other people’s work. Whatever. All I know is if I'm not doing something  I'm feeling lazy.

We have been in the market for a new desk for our computer area for a while. Everything I like is about $400.00. Being the scrooge I am about some things (fabric isn’t one of them) I decided to look pre-loved a while back but nothing was taking my fancy. I don’t want something ordinary and I don’t want crappy wobbly veneer Ikea rubbish. (Apologies to anyone who likes Ikea, and the Ikea people)  I finally found a possibility  on Ebay. The universe appears to be  are smiling on me (no doubt to atone for her shocking behaviour of last week )  because it’s one street away from my house and the price is right. If I win I can carry it home. Im bid nipping so hopefully I'll get it for a fair price. ( please don’t send me hate mail for being a sniper)

I can see lots of beautiful remodeling possibilities with the desk, especially after I viewed it this morning. My heart beat just a little faster when I saw it, because its 40-50 year old solid oak. I'm seeing this done up in a funky style, although I'm not sure what that will look like just yet. Assuming I win it.

Off to my favourite op shop after desk gawking,  just for a look see- I haven’t been there in about a month or so. I managed to get some crazy bargains.

3 metres of  material - far right.
1 vintage sheet (in the middle )  You would think after all my bitching about THAT quilt , I would never want to see another vintage sheet again as long as I live, but this was too pretty to pass up.

A material offcut (far left ) which will make a lovely cushion for my sofa.

This jar for my button collection . I have some gorgeous vintage buttons.

Toys for Ethan. The caterpillar is Lamaze, the Ladybird is Playgro, and Elmo is Fisher Price. Retail these toys would cost at least $110.00. Op Shop price= $12.50.

I came home and made a triple lot of my famous Rendang Curry in the crockpot for dinner. We had people over tonight and I made awesome oven rice. My friend Sandra has a friend, Carl, who is a chef and he made this for a dinner we were at recently. Easy Peasy, great when you have lots of people and sooooooooo delicious, so I snaffled the recipe. By the way “Cooking around the World with Saj and Pyjamas ” resumes next week, so expect much hilarity about our cooking misadventures in future blog posts.  Betcha can't wait for that !

Off to do the weekly grocery shop after lunch ( which was a slapped together promite sandwich) Came home and trying to find places to put everything was a challenge …I felt like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter .I've reached new levels of ridiculous with stockpiling food and groceries. I am beginning to suspect I starved to death in a previous life and have carried that little fear over to this one.  I’m too scared to go into my pantry because I’m pretty sure my tinned tomatoes are breeding in there. I cannot think of any  reason we need 3 kilos of dessicated coconut.  If there is ever a diarrhea outbreak in my suburb I'll have it covered with all the toilet paper  I have, and I could wash dishes for the Australian Army and not have to nip out for dishwashing liquid.

Football starts again in about 6 weeks. We have season tickets to the Adelaide Crows. I like going to the matches, but hate the fact that Mr. Pyjamas must watch all 8 games of football every single weekend in football season. One year I swear we spoke  only 83 words to each other  between April and September because he was glued to the television watching constant football. I'm a prolific quilter in winter....

So I have managed to do  ummm..let's sewing since I got home 48 hours ago.

I'm posting this now to keep myself honest ..I almost cut material last night for a new quilt. I have decided that is ridiculous and I have promised myself I must finish one of the three I already have in the pipeline BEFORE I wield scissors on my Flower Bucket Fabric. But I really do want to cut it....

Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m about to give  Elmo, the Caterpillar and the Ladybug a bath in the washing machine.


  1. I absolutely LOVE that button jar!!! I have mine in little tin cans where you can't see them or get to them very easily.... although I'm thinking it does help since I have so many little hands around here that would enjoy them.... and I'd find buttons all over the house! =)
    P.S. You've got to read my post that refers to your blog.... you've affected my daughter. =)

  2. I love that jar too. I have a few of them and keep my spices in them because I buy my spices in huge bags...


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