Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lucky Dip Dining

I was talking to one of my work colleagues last week,  who mentioned she was dropping in to one of her favourite restaurants on the way home from work to pick up the worlds best yiros and flat bread. I’d heard of the restaurant and commented about how I wanted to go there one day.  I got an enthusiastic response about how their yiros was the BEST, and made a mental note to talk to Mr. P about going there one day.

Saturday night I decided I wanted sushi but the sushi restaurant was closed. So I made another mental note to go there for lunch the next day but it got me to thinking about my conversation earlier in the week which led to another thought that we have all these fabulous cheap restaurants in our city and I'm not making use of them. Every time someone mentions a restaurant or dining experience to me, I mentally file the thought away to go there someday and never actually follow through.  

So I spent some of my Saturday night on the internets, looking up places I want to eat at then I made a list. I printed out the list , cut them up , folded them and put them into a jar. Then I cheated and pulled out the one for the sushi restaurant because that was the thought that started all of this so therefore it deserved to be first.

So Mr. P and I went off to Kintaro Sushi Train for lunch (which is Tazz's fault because she took me there for the first time  a couple of months ago and I seriously fell in love with their food ) 

I'm also rather enamoured with the idea that food whizzes past me on a conveyor belt and I just grab whatever looks good. 

Which can be a bit of a double edged sword really, because it all looks good . 

It can be a bit like playing Russian roulette with food because you might see something delicious coming towards you, and there is every chance that someone else closer to the item is thinking the same thing and will grab the very thing you were looking at so longingly before it gets to you.

You then have the choice of rugby tackling the unsuspecting thief to the ground to retrieve what you wanted , (which is anti social behaviour and probably arrestable) or to go  back to watching food whizz past you while you look for something else that takes your fancy. I chose the latter. 

Mr. P and I managed 11 plates between us before we felt we'd sushi-ed ourselves out. I did gross him out by eating sashimi, so I felt the day was a double success. 

Not exactly cheap - 11 plates of sushi and two cokes set us back $51.00 for lunch but totally worth it. 


  1. I'm envious, we don't have many places to eat in town, so I'll just enjoy seeing all your foody posts.

  2. Yum!! When Mr and I both worked in the city we'd sometimes go to sushi train and have a feeding frenzy. Reading your adventure makes me want to go again. Looking forward to your next lucky dip restaurant review!

  3. We have a sushi train place here in the Small Smoke, but I haven't tried it.....not a great fan of Japanese food, in fact of Asian food at all. But give me some European food, particularly Italian, and it's a different story!

  4. Sushi train is always money well spent. Great idea with the jar......although you probably have a bit more variety than Mudgee!

  5. OMG you are still alive!!! Sounds like a brilliant plan, unless you keep on cheating, then you might as well have left the list intact. Looking forward to seeing your next culinary adventure v

  6. Fun idea to pull the choices out randomly--even with a cheat:). I don't eat sushi but there is one of those conveyor belt places locally :)

  7. Love your idea for the restaurant jar. Sushi is not on hubby's list. There are all kinds of things he won't even try! Whole genres of foods like Mexican - he won't eat. (Why didn't I find this out before I signed up?)
    OOOO the Oreos sound yummy. (Oops, I went to check out an old post of yours from the "You might also like" section. 2010) They do look great.

  8. Great idea for dining out, lucky dip but all results are sure to be a winner!

  9. Though I love sushi I've never tried a Sushi Train restaurant. They look very interesting. Like your dinner lotto idea.When all the rellies eventually leave I'm going on a no-food-at-all diet, I can hardly walk !!!

  10. What a great idea .. how did you decided which restaurants to put on the list ...

  11. What a fabulous restaurant! Love the concept. We eat sushi only once or twice a year. I need to find a place like yours & eat it more often. Yum!

  12. Great idea for a restaurant Bucket List ... or Reminder Jar. My jar would not have a sushi place in it, but I can think of 5 places I've always meant to stop at.

    Hope everything's great chez Shay!

  13. Ohh, how fun, I get home to find not one post to read, but two! Glad you got to Sushi Train again, always happy to have new addicts. I better slow down on the introduction of newbies though, don't want to risk not being able to get a table!!
    Chatter soon

  14. Not a huge sushi fan but I will be interested to hear about your other lucky dips! I'll have to store them away for later as we're in the process of selling our house and moving and consquently no extra money for eating out, sadly. Worse though - no time or place for sewing.

  15. In Canada, I don't think we have such "sushi train" type restaurants, but in Toronto, the number of restaurants serving sushi is beyond my comprehension. So many. In Florida where we are...they have no idea what sushi is, except one place and it is limited. Yeah, not cheap for sure, but grossing out one's partner after all these years is telling me you still have it girl! Good on you!


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