Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Party is (Almost) Over

So...it's been a month since I showed my face round here and it's high time to get back into some semblance of a routine, both online and in my actual life. The break has been lovely though, since we've celebrated Christmas, ushered in a New Year and Mr. P and I have enjoyed an overseas holiday in my rather prolonged absence. So what's been going on here at Maison Pyjamas?

A few days before Christmas I managed to play nice with some gingerbread and put together this Christmas Tree under the watchful tutelage of the Gingerbread Ninja, Ms. Tazzie. And while it looks a little like the Leaning Tower of Pisa - it is still holding together even now and has given me hope that perhaps I can do an annual Gingerbread Christmas Tree or even cookies since my interest in icing cookies was definitely piqued by this project and Tazz's +++ confidence in me. It was like having my own personal gingerbread cheerleader (but without the pom poms)

Christmas Day itself was a very relaxed affair. We had lunch at a local hotel, and then headed off to my brother and sister in laws for the afternoon where we played a spirited game of pictionary, which served to reinforce my belief  that nobody in my husbands family can draw for sh**. This was my sister in laws rendition of Darth Vader (which nobody guessed correctly although one bright spark did suggest "Bondage Hamburglar" ) 

Then it was off to my parents house to spend time with my family where the only game we played was drinking cocktails and taking incriminating up to the minute videos to put on Facebook for perpetuity. My sister and I were being really silly and the family photo album inherited some more really bad pictures like this one, in which I can't appear to make up my mind whether I'm going to mimic a chipmunk or a pirate. I think Sister of Pyjamas was going for a demented Jack Sparrow look which she nailed perfectly.

I  made huge amounts of  jam from apricots that were hanging over our side of the fence from the neighbours house and since it was unlikely that 20 year old male uni students were about to go Nigella and make their own jam I gave them a few jars as payment for providing me with the apricots. Everyone was happy.

Very little sewing has taken place since I finished work 6 weeks ago.  I'm mid way through quilting two tops and am hoping to finish at least one this week, and then we'll see about the other. I've taken laziness to a whole new level during this break! Normally this would have me feeling like a slacker but I'm too relaxed to feel any guilt. 

I saved the best stuff for last - Mr. P and I have just come back from Langkawi, Malaysia which is seriously one of the most magical places on earth. Rather than wax lyrical about the beauty of this island , I'm going to let my pictures mostly do the talking. We saw in New Year on Pantai Kok beach, did a fish spa, went on a terrifying cable car ride, and I have decided that while wild monkeys look cute in theory , when they are up close and personal (with the possibility they might jump at you to bite you) they are decidedly less so. 

Plenty of cocktails, retail therapy,( I added to my extensive shoe and handbag collections big time) relaxing and eating also took place. I have noticed that in previous holiday snaps I tend to take about a bajillion pictures of food so I deliberately concentrated on scenery this time around. And yes- thats really me up there on that horse. 

This week is all about getting ready to start my new job next week, catching up on the washing from our holiday and getting some sewing done.  After spending the last 13 years slapping around in casual clothes for work I need to organise some sort of decent wardrobe of clothes that doesn't focus on jeans and cargo pants as a staple for workwear. Shoot me now.


  1. Yay, you're back!! I was worried you'd been kidnapped. It's great to hear you've been having lots of fun times.

  2. Glad to see that you are back after a wonderful vacation.

    Love the gingerbread tree, you are more daring than I am as the last gingerbread anything I made was a total disaster!

    God bless.

  3. Happy New Year, Shay, I can see it's already started off with a bang for you! Hopefully less monkeys from now on, good luck with the new job x

  4. Nice catch up post! Wow...back to work next week - it seems like just yesterday you said you had a gazillion weeks off....sounds like you have been having a great time..looking forward to seeing what you brought back from your OS holiday for me....hopefully not a monkey - they are freaky!

  5. You rode a horse???? Another thing, to me, that sounds good in theory.
    I personally hope I never see a monkey in person - they freak me out!
    So happy that you had a fabulous vacation - best of luck in your new job (though you won't need it!!!)

  6. I was having withdrawals not hearing from you for so long. Glad to see you again! Okay, (1) I knew that was Darth Vader before I even read the text. Just sayin'. (b) What the hell is that black furry critter slinking down the tree trunk?

    Oh, to plunk my dry winter tootsies in a fish spa. Looks like an amazing time all around!

  7. I've only seen those monkeys on t.v. but they freak me out! If I saw them in person, I would run screaming (which would be much scarier than the actual monkeys!) Also, what the heck is a fish spa? I am very curious about that:)

  8. Hi Shay so pleased you are back I do so miss your humour, I found you blog around the time you decided to make a ginger bread house. It took me about an hour to read because I couldn't see through my laughter tears. I then read right back through your blogs and have been an avid follower ever since.
    Pleased you are enjoying your holidays, life is too short not to have fun.
    PS I miss cocktail Wednesdays too

  9. Good heavens - it has indeed been a month! Lovely to have you back, and to hear that you had a great time. Of course, that new job means that you have to go shopping for the appropriate clothing, yes? Oh dear, what a shame.....

  10. I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever get back! What a great break and holiday you've had. Your tree of gingerbread is off the charts!

  11. Welcome back! We've missed you! Nice to hear that you've been having such a relaxing time.

  12. Good for you, sounds like you have used your break wisely. Good luck next week.

  13. Glad you have had a fun break...holiday looks great and I love the festive cookie tree...clever!

  14. Some times you just gotta veg for a bit, sound like you perfected that to a fine art. Good luck for the work wardrobe and returning back to work. I've obviously got well into the relaxed mood because 4 hours of work yesterday really knocked me out I was asleep by 9 and slept in again this morning feeling about the same right now actually, think it will be another early one tonight.

  15. Good Luck for the New Job are you still in Child Care??
    Looks like you've had a Lovely Break and becoming Very Creative in the Kitchen and not a Bag of Chips in Sight!! ������

  16. Glad you've had a great break, good idea to take the time for yourself before you start your new challenge. I'd be a bit put off by a job which required much effort in the way of wardrobe, I'm more of a dress for comfort girl seeing I sit on my butt all day at work. Good luck, hope your new job is all you hope it will be!

  17. I was seriously getting ready to check obituaries of Adelaide!
    Your post exudes peace and relaxed vibes.
    So happy for your time off and excited to hear all about your new job as it begins.
    I vote for yanking all the clothes out of your closets and separating by color to put together your work wardrobe. A post might be necessary after that event. ;)
    Happy New Year, Shay! May all the best of 2015 be yours!

  18. You are having one adventure after another.....you go girl. Sounds like your vacation was Wednesday cocktails everyday. Wishing you the best on your new job.

  19. The best part of this post is you saying how relaxed you've been. I'm so pleased because you really needed and deserved time to kick back and relax.

  20. Your gingerbread Christmas tree is just perfect! Sounds like you've had a great time away from it all.:)

  21. Very impressed with green icing on the gingerbread tree, well the whole tree in general! Sounds like a great holiday and there is a lot to be said for having relaxing (not slacking!) holidays and chilling at home before starting a new job - especially if it requires corporate attire!

  22. Bang, bang - I missed you! Lots. Good to have you back in Blogland.
    Love your cookie tree. Can't wait to see your finished quilt.
    Good Luck on your new job.

  23. Wow you have been busy, love the photos (all of them LOL!). Good luck for next week, let us know how it goes!!

  24. Sounds like your time off was well spent. Love the pictures of your vacation. Looks like you did lots more than just relax.

    Enjoy your last few days off. That was one thing I missed when we moved back to a corporate staff group from operations. No more jeans, boots and flannel shirts. It's all dress slacks and heels here. Maybe it's a good excuse for some more retail therapy?

  25. Great to see your back, was about to send out a search party lol. Glad you had a nice break. Love the tree (I think you should now attempt the house again). Can't wait to see pics of the quilts. Good luck with the new job, I'm sure you will knock them out with your wit and charm 😃

  26. Loved seeing some of these pics on IG, but your narrative is always appreciated:). How awesome to have 6 weeks off and to go on a trip like that!? Beautiful scenery pics. I know you are going to be great at your new job, enjoy!

  27. I loved playing in the kitchen with you, we will definitely have to do it again sometime soon. I am going to order the Christmas tree kit from Wilton so we can do it all again next year.
    So glad you had a great holiday, I loved all the piccies on the Facebooks.

  28. Welcome back! I have to say I may have a fear of going to a new job requiring 'posh clothes' after getting back to dress down in the current place, it's just too much work!

  29. Responding here for the no reply bloggers ...

    Sandi – a fish spa is where you dip your toes into a pool and little fish come and suck your feet and make them all nice and smooth – its a very weird feeling but honestly it works . It does however take some getting used to ! And yes – the monkeys were nowhere near as cute up close ...you are quickly reminded that they are wild animals and see you solely as a source of food.

    Tanya – from your lips to my new employers ear . Im sure Im going to spend the first month at the new job feeling like a complete dumbarse. And I still haven’t touched any of the quilts Im supposed to be finishing.

    Cherree- Im hoping to start this new job and retain some of the feelings from my rather extended break. Life is too short not to live a little ! Thankyou for your lovely comment.

  30. Well I am fairly impressed with said Xmas tree but will await the house this year :) Hope the job is going swimmingly any stitching been done yet?

  31. Shay, you can call yourself a slacker, but you're an amateur. you're not a real slacker until your blog sits for a whole year!

    i wish you lived next to me -- i'd hang all sorts of fruit over the fence.

  32. You must be soooo busy working and quilting you don't have time for blogging. Come back we miss you lol ��

  33. Just dropping by to see how your new job is going.

    God bless.

  34. Well how is the new job ? It seems like it must be very time consuming

  35. I love the gingerbread tree. I might have to try one for Christmas myself.

    It has been a long time. Hope you remember me.


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