Sunday, November 02, 2014


I have a tale for you today about our Halloween. 98% of Aussies don't celebrate it, although there is a huge push in this country by retailers for people to do the Halloween thing probably because it helps their fiscal bottom line.  It's slowly creeping in though and I suspect that in about 20 years half the country will be dressing up as ghouls and goblins and banging on doors demanding candy. To date, I've only ever had one set of trick or treaters at my doorstep and that was a group of scarily dressed zombie teens four years ago and they got two packs of Tim Tams because that was all I had that met the strict high sugar criteria for Halloween handovers. 

But yesterday at  the last minute  we decided we just had to do the Halloween thing.  Yes - that's right- we did it a day late. In a rush. And without any prior planning. Which is another reason no sewing has been done this weekend. Halloween sucked up my Saturday despite the witching night being well and truly over. 

I was talking to Super E on facetime at lunchtime on Saturday, when I casually asked if he had been trick or treating the night before. He told me with supreme conviction that if it wasn't raining he planned to do it last night. I had to break the news to him that Halloween was over and that people probably wouldn't be expecting trick or treaters. I was met with a little crestfallen face and a desperate question seeking reassurance that there was still some Halloween candy out there that he might cadge from the general population. 

I'm nothing if not flexible and quick thinking on my feet. I told Super E that I was pretty sure it was still Halloween at my place because I have American friends and it was still Halloween in their part of the world ( by my calculations it was still Halloween in Hawaii- just) and that I was sure if he came over he would still be able to find some Halloween magic. 

Sewing plans for the afternoon went out of the window. Halloween was on! Mr. P and I flung ourselves out of the door and raced around to about 4 different stores swooping up what we could of leftover Halloween decorations (none of which was on sale mind you WTF? - its the day after Halloween this shit should be on sale !!!) and then belting home to do the quickest previously unplanned decorating you have ever seen. Behold the spooky results ...

Spooky table set for dinner . Note to the far left the zombie on Super E's plate. 

Bowl of skulls and a poisonous albino scorpion.  

Candy bowl at the front door ready for the sole trick or treater

Front door skull , warning tons of fun would be found inside. 

Even my quilts were not immune from the obviously nuclear affected spiders that left these webs. 

Sadly Super E didn't turn up - so we had to make do with mini Spiderman instead.

Who was suitably impressed by the decorating and the overwhelming amount of candy he managed to shove into his special Halloween bag . Although initially he was kind of grossed out by the body parts candy , he later informed me that eating eyeballs, ears and noses was delicious. The candy corn was also a hit .

Mini Superman's contribution to dinner. 

Which went perfectly with the eyeball, cockroach and skull cupcakes I whipped up , that had fake blood concealed inside.  

End result : One happy little boy who got to celebrate Halloween Aussie style. Two grandparents who were utterly grateful that after all that Halloween candy Mini Superman was going home for the night. I strongly suspect based on the amount of sugar consumed his poor father was still trying to get him to sleep at 3am....


  1. Shay, will you adopt me?
    Above and beyond, without a doubt. You are making memories that this guy will never forget.
    P.S. I think the albino scorpion is a glow-in-the-dark variety?

  2. You did a bang up job!!!

    I only had 5 little trick or treaters here last night and I quite miss seeing all the children dressed up as something they are not.

    God bless.

  3. Great job, Bella! We had a few spidermen here too. There were some great costumes out. Super E is a lucky boy having all that done just for him :)

  4. We never get trick or
    treaters - probably because I'm
    such a mean bitch that I lock
    the front gate to keep them out.
    Plus our house looks like the
    kind of place my parents told
    me to avoid trick or treating
    when I was a kid! Where in
    Adelaide can you get candy corn?

  5. You outdid yourself, girl! I love that you went all out like you did, and I'm sure Super E, I mean mini Spiderman, had a blast. Problem is, how're you gonna top that next Halloween?

  6. Boy you pulled that rabbit out of the hat! Great job! I'll be at your house next year...:) :)

  7. Good job Shay! Special memories for your little man!

  8. You and Mr P totally Rock!! The house looks more Halloweeny than if you'd planned it for a month and those cup cakes look sufficiently creepy. Were the cockroaches and eyeballs edible? I bet Little Spiderman had the best Halloween Ever!!!

  9. Fun for everyone, including your mini spiderman.
    Please tell me you didn't make your guest eat the cockroaches!
    Great decorating. We have some decorated houses in my neighbourhood, but I've never seen any trick or treaters.

  10. Halloween is a HUGE deal here in Berks County, Pennsylvania. I have never seen anything quite like it. They decorate as if it is Christmas - with lights and blow up figures in the yard. Trick or treating this year in my town was on Thursday and the next town up the road was on Friday night. I guess that is so that kids can double up on candy...such a good idea, NOT! I am glad your grandson got to enjoy the holiday. I understand from my son that my grandsons were ninjas this year and put on the costumes as soon as they brought them home two weeks ago!

  11. oh .... I'm nominating you and Mr P for grandparents of the year!!! dang.....

    I had no trick or treaters ... either home or at the office ...

  12. You did a GREAT job with your Halloween decorating! Next year, come to my house and decorate it--I just have a couple of sad pumpkins by the front door that I totally forgot to carve into Jack-O-Lanterns!

  13. Looks great! Love the cakes! We had stacks of trick or treaters, I had so much fun!

  14. What legendary grandparents you are! I had some of my kids from my youngest class come trick or treating - as the mothers were not sure which houses would be open to the idea. Luckily my kids were happy to not dress up and just eat the snack size chocolate bars I brought from the comfort of home - with a bonus quick play with friends! Halloween did take off a bit this year with the 6 year olds as one Mr 6 classmates is from Philippines, one from Canada and another from Germany - so they knew what Halloween was all about!

  15. Will you be my grandma??
    The smile (I imagine) on E's face must have been spectacular. I am so happy you all had the chance to celebrate (a retailers holiday)!!!:)

  16. Hey, great party for one! I think you were very sweet to do all that, and v-e-r-y smart to send the sugar fed lil'Spiderman home ~

  17. What a wonderful grandmother you are !

  18. What a lucky boy E is to have such fantastic grandparents! Halloween is growing in popularity here, which I'm sad about as I think it is just driven by commercial interests and after all we have bonfire night here on 5th November. Those cakes were super special!

  19. What a fun Halloween party. Though I'm not too sure about the body part candy. Looks like Spidey had a ball. Love the look of the cupcakes. Fake blood? Really?

  20. I love that you did this! And that you sent him home all hyped up on the sugar :oD Best grandparents ever!


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