Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm Being Stalked By Gingerbread

Winston Churchill was known for being a famous politician, and Mother Teresa for working towards world peace and helping others.   I think I'm forever going to be known as the chick who got her arse kicked by a gingerbread house. Thank goodness I have all of you to turn to for support to make me feel better and make me laugh. First, Cardy sent me a foam gingerbread house kit which completely negated any future risk of unstickable or imploding gingerbread.

A couple of weeks ago,  Little Miss Sunshine sent me a Gingerbread Christmas Tree Kit a couple of weeks ago in case gluing the foam ginger bread house together fails. Or because she wants to read about my failure with a gingerbread tree next. Whatever the reason , receiving it made me laugh. A lot. 

And now Jill has gotten in on the act by sending me a picture of a DIY gingerbread house that apparently even I can manage...

I'm starting to think I may never live this down...

After a self imposed fabric drought, a little bit of new fabric has found it's way to Maison Pyjamas over the last couple of weeks. Little Miss Sunshine was having mad de-stash and gifted this rather significant pile to me. Imagine, if you will, the pair of us on Facetime doing a fabric fashion show I could pick what I wanted from her de-stashing efforts. And why is it that I find that other people's stashes so much more exciting than my own? 

And this past weekend, Tara, Claire and Lorraine and I hit Tricia's Discount Fabrics and I bought these lovelies home with a specific purpose in mind. There is no better way to spend a Saturday than a fabric road trip with some of your besties. 

But before I can start any new projects I still have to clear a few more WIP's I finished the postage stamp top yesterday and have got it to the stage where it's all basted and ready for quilting...

I also have it on good authority that my Dresden quilt is on the frame and is being worked on by my quilting fairy. Is there some sort of rule about how many WIP's I can still have before it's acceptable to start something new? 

P.S. Ugh - Its Monday again. Already.


  1. Lol!! Love Jills Ginger Bread house - too funny!!
    That sure is a stack of gorgeous fabrics from Miss Sunshine!! Good on you for getting the postage stamp quilt ready for quilting, it looks humongous, are you quilting that one yourself or will the quilting fairy help with that too? I bet your dresdans are looking awesome!!

  2. Ha, I'm having visions of Marg parading those fabrics past, draped over various body parts :oD

    Yay on another top finished, you're definitely on a roll now!

  3. I think you can start anything new any time you want. The quilt police haven't posted any new rules that I've seen.

    I got one of those ginger bread trees too -- we can make them together next year!

    You got some very pretty fabrics. Lots of reds.

  4. No, there's no limit, go for it.
    I love Jill's gingerbread house, you shouldn't need too much superglue for that one!
    Yay, I can't believe the Dresdens are finally on the home stretch, yippee.

  5. No restriction on the number of WIP's you have. If there were, I would be in trouble. Hugs......

  6. Nice fabric purchases. Just think, people will be asking you for GB tips with all of your practice, haha. Sharyn:)

  7. Lucky your a better quilter than ginger bread house maker. Sounds like a nice day out with some nice girls.

  8. oooh! you are so right .. other peoples stash is always such fun.. so enjoy x

  9. holy cats -- I need to visit Trisha's ..... and then again I think my basement might just have that much stashed in it! ...

  10. You are a machine! Is it just too hot to do anything outside??

  11. Too funny about the gingerbread stalking.:) Great to get some new fabric for inspiration! No limit on the wips around here--do the quilt police make in-home visits where you live? lol

  12. LOL about the ginger-bread-house. What a great infusion of new stuff to the stash. I agree, someone else's stash seems more fascinating than our own. Yay you on finishing the postage stamp quilt! I've got one gone on quilting holiday too and hear tell it's in the works. It's exciting!

  13. Wow, lots of fun new fabrics to play with.

    I don't think there is a rule about finished WIPs before starting something new. My rational is if you don't start it, you can't finish it. (Do understand I'm not the ideal poster child for responsible quilting).

  14. Winston Churchill and Mother Teresa? My, you do aim high :)

    Love the varieties of gingerbread house still available on clearance racks, too funny. That tree one looks pretty yummy. But I suck at making frosting like that! The Ginger and Bread house seems doable tho, lol.

    Congrats on the postage stamp wonder and the new stash enhancements.

  15. Ha ha, thanks Shay. I didn't mean to stalk you! WIP's - you'd have to have a lot to beat me! Fabric road trip - absolute bliss.

  16. I'm so out of touch this week that you should be enjoying your mid week tipple about now.

    Maybe you should send your stash on holidays, then it will be like new when it comes home!

    Looking forward to seeing what new project those pretty fabrics will become. When you're ready of course.

  17. You certainly are powering along. Love the postage stamp quilt. Must be a huge amount of work in that AND a huge amount of matching seams too!
    Glad to see you have gathered some more fabric , you must be running out with all these finishes !

  18. As far as I know, there isn't a maximum for number of WIP's. If there were, I'm sure I'd be in violation.

    I love your postage stamp quilt! Wow! And your new fabrics are gorgeous.

    xo -E


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