Thursday, February 06, 2014

Cocktail Wednesday

I went back to work this week and by 10 am Monday that wonderful holiday feeling was a distant memory. The only thing that got me through was the thought of a mid week cocktail (OK, I'm being slightly dramatic for additional effect but just go with me here...) 

After a couple of weeks where other people have insisted on putting vegetables and actual fruit juice in their cocktail choices I've decided to go back to basics. This weeks cocktail has three ingredients and only one of them belongs on the healthy eating pyramid. You can even make that ingredient less healthy like I did- I went wild and crazy and used full cream milk because I like to live dangerously. 

So here are the makings of a Brown Cow from Hell and here's what you're going to need. How easy does that look? 

Sadly I couldn't procure an actual cow to go along with my ingredient wrap up picture. I was forced to improvise with the next best thing and that was one of Little P's puppets ...which was just as well since I would have had a hard time lifting a full sized cow onto my kitchen bench. The added bonus of using the puppet was that I didn't have to clean up any cow pats afterwards. 

Splash two or three ounces (that's 60-90mls for us metric people ) of Kahlua into a glass or cocktail shaker and add about 150-200 mls of milk (that's about 3/4- 1 cup for you imperial people). The recipe calls for 3-5 squirts of chocolate syrup which isn't a metric or imperial measurement from any country as far as I know and is actually what I call a subjective measurement (otherwise known as "do what you like" ) and since I love chocolate syrup I just kept squirting until I was in danger of emptying the bottle.  

Shake or stir until all the chocolate syrup is incorporated into the drink. And then if you're like me and used a cocktail shaker you can add a squirt of extra chocolate syrup to the bottom of your glass before you pour the rest of the cocktail in there. Can you ever have enough chocolate syrup in a cocktail- I think not. Then I classed it up a bit more by adding offset the fact I used a pint glass instead of the suggested Collins glass. 

The danger here people, is that it seriously tastes like you're drinking an awesome milk shake and it would be pretty easy to go for round 2 (and three and four)by which stage you might blissfully go to sleep and not wake up till morning and have to write your post before work instead of the night before. That is not a personal confession - its just free advice for y'all in the interests of maintaining responsible drinking.  

This was a 5/5 for me....anything that tastes like a milkshake , doesn't contain vegetables or fruit , lets me squirt as much chocolate syrup as I like and gives me the opportunity to use a hand puppet is a winner in my book...


  1. dang, Mrs. P -- this is the best one yet .... and you could swap some cold coffee and have iced coffee with a kick!!!

  2. okay -- my fingers couldn't keep up with my mind ... swap the syrup with cold coffee ....

  3. Sounds like just the thing on a hot day. I like Marie's variation too!

  4. This is just too funny! Love the puppet prop!

  5. This was definitely a keeper. Could you still taste the alcohol with that chocolate overload?
    Cute puppet, pity you didn't have a pig puppet for the bacon coffee cocktail!!!

  6. Brown Cow from Hell - it's worth drinking for the name alone! I'd have to make it with soy milk, I'm not sure Soy Bean from Hell has the same punch, I guess that depends on how much Kahlua is used ;)

  7. Sounds like one I might enjoy......Brings to mind the jingle "just like a chocolate milkshake only....." No crunch but I expect it has a bite!

  8. A pint of chocolate booze, bwahahahahahahaha

  9. Around these parts we add Baileys, too. And vodka. And maybe a little ice cream on a hot day. Yummy

  10. Mmmm looks yum!! I wonder if I could avoid a trip to Uncle Dans this week by using Bailey's seeing as I don't have Kahlua... But I think it definitely needs icecream and a blender...

  11. Chocolate cocktails, now your talking my kinda language!

  12. All that dairy stuff is good for your bones too......wonder what it would be like with chocolate mint syrup?

  13. MMMMM my kind of cocktail.... does Kahlua have a used by date? maybe my bottle was pre use by dates.... I could seriously do one of those right now.

  14. Love the cow. I might try this one, but only sometime when I can afford to sleep for a while.

  15. Just thought I would let you know in Canada we add an an ounce of vodka, two ounces Kahlua, add some milk about half way then fill the rest of the glass with Cola. Stir to combine and you have what tastes like a float.

  16. Sounds delish and I have the ingredients! Now that I think about it,I have the ingredients for a White Russian. Why the hell have I not made one?! I may have a Brown Cow from Hell followed by a White Russian this afternoon...

  17. It's winter here - I'm thinking hot chocolate with booze sounds yummy.

  18. Sounds good! Although were I to drink that much dairy, the name Brown Cow from Hell would take on an altogether ugly dimension, GI-speaking. Ahem...enough about that. Love the cow puppet!

  19. Mmmm this sounds delicious. I think I'd add icecream to make it perfect.

  20. Might just have to give this a try. My latest favorite is Rum Chata - YUM!! Good in coffee, on ice, with milk, and yes...even in oatmeal!

  21. Oh no! I don't like chocolate flavoured milkshake ( or ice-cream for that matter), although I do love chocolate. Perhaps I could substitute chocolate bits for the syrup?!!

  22. Yum! Throw some ice cream in there too!

  23. Oh, my lands. You're a genius, an evil genius. The big question: does it pack enough of a punch??

  24. I'm working backwards here, in hopes that I will eventually catch up. Going on holiday kind of threw off my schedule and I haven't really got back in the groove.

    In one of your cocktail posts, you ask why we stick with imperial measurements. They've been saying for years (since I was in elementary school, so 30+ years) that we're going to switch over to the metrics, but it is too ingrained. I could have learned it when I was in elementary school, but now, I'd be wandering around clueless all the time. Which is probably why they've never switched. The kids would catch on quick, but the over 30 crowd would be lost and there'd be about 50 or 60 years where most of the people in charge of the country were confused about measurements.

    Also, I love chocolate milk or milkshakes. I miss them. A dairy-free diet leaves a lot to be desired.

    xo -E


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