Katy over at The Littlest Thistle is hosting the FAL for 2014 and since I have WIP's coming out my wazoo I figured I'd better come up with a plan for finishing stuff. There is nothing like publicly committing to finishing things to get you off your arse and moving. Plus I can procrastinate for ages with this FAL because we only have to 'fess up 3 monthly.
So here, in no particular order, are the projects I'm vowing to finish in either January, February or March. Goals and I tend not to be friends but I'm determined to get rid of some of this stuff - sorry, finish these works of art -so I can start other cool stuff .
Dresden quilt
If you started following my blog after October 2011 you wont have seen this one. It's been a completed top for so long now it's pretty much an antique. Unfortunately I only have pictures of the blocks so you'll have to imagine this with pink sashing. This one needs to be quilted ( And I've sent this out to the quilter - sue me if you think that's cheating) and when it gets back I have to put the binding put on.
Hexagon Flower Garden Quilt
I started this quilt in October 2011 but didn't finish the top until last October...This one is going off to the quilter too ...so for me the only thing that has to be done is put the binding on...I reckon I can blitz these two projects.
Triangle Quilt
Started this one in February last year - quickly got sick of it because it had bias edges and when I put the first 5 rows together it resembled a Mexican wave...I unpicked the lot and have so far managed to sew two whole rows back together. This is going to require a bit of patience. Don't expect the points to meet up!
Tshirt Quilt
Poor Mr. P's Tshirt quilt - started with such enthusiasm, and then chucked in a corner when it was less than half quilted. There is probably a few hours quilting left on this and then it'll be close to done.
Postage Stamp Quilt
Started as a way to use up my scraps which appeared to be breeding in their plastic tubs. I did three trial blocks and then ignored for about four months until January 1st. This has been getting a lot of attention since new year so I'm quietly confident this may be my first quilt finish for 2014.
Pom Pom De Paris Dog Blanket
Once upon a time (last November) I decided on the spur of the moment to make Indy and Lola a new dog blanket because two of their other ones were so putrid I had to throw them out. I got to the "finished a flimsy" stage on the same day and then and totally piked. Indy and Lola don't care about fancy quilting so in theory this one should be a snap to finish!
Chenille Baby Blanket
I have so much chenille lurking around Maison Pyjamas I'm drowning in the stuff. I've just pulled the fabrics for a baby blanket for one of the girls at work who is having a baby in a couple of months. Lets see if I can get this to the mother to be before the baby starts school.
My list looks pretty full but with three weeks holidays stretching in front of me I feel like I can achieve at least some of this...and there's still plenty of time to link up if you want to play along.

Great projects...nice to see some things get finished...sing out if you need a cheer squad!
You will get those done, no worries! Then you can move onto something else......
Looks like a doable list, though why won't you be lying on a beach with a cocktail in one hand on your hols?
You can do it! I look forward to seeing the finishes!
Did I mention that the FAL comes with free 'sharp pointy stick' encouragement? ;o)
Good luck!
Ooh, I'd forgotten your Dresden Plate quilt. You'll have lots of gorgeous stuff to show off when get those all done. Good luck!
So nice to see the list of your intended finishes. I forgot some of the lovelies you had in the works.
Your enthusiasm for finishing projects is pulling me in like a tractor beam. I have been resisting commitment or even naming things "out loud", especially since I totally flubbed it last year and early on too. But I suppose what's the harm in giving it another go. Thanks for the inspiration.
Sending things to the quilter is not cheating, for things I want to keep. Somehow, tho, I still want to quilt myself the gifts I'm giving. Go figure. Love all your projects and that there are lots of different degrees of work involved. That makes it more interesting and then when you don't feel like quilting, you can just sew or cut or make binding...Good luck. Happy Holidays! I haven't had three weeks holidays since I was a teenager in school...many moons ago. Jealous!
I do not count any finish as a cheat! You would not have it if you didn't drive over to the quilter's, right? Oh, my, you are going to love all of these quilts! I'm in your corner rootin' for you, Shay ~
Thats a HUGE list. Go Shay!! I know you'll get them done, especially if Katy is chasing you with a big stick!
Good for you for committing to it. You'll get loads done over your hols. Sod the rest of your plans!
That's quite a list, but wowsers, bindings etc. won't take too long for you! Looks like you're on a roll already!
LOVE!!!!Your Dresden's! Some great projects Shay.
Sending quilts to the longarm quilters is not cheating, especially when its 40C, who wants to quilt! I love the dresden, look forward to seeing the postage stamps laid out and I am sure you will finish them all, eventually!
I'm not committing to finishing anything this year, I'll just continue to faf around if that's ok. That dresden needs finishing blocks look fabulous. I had plans to hand quilt while on holiday, called in to quilt shop to get some spray baste and all on last day at work, that is still sitting next to my sewing chair and the quilt is still and wadding is still siting in the bag in my sewing room which is too hot to even walk the space from the back door to it.
Its too hot here to quilt so why not send them out if you want to?! Finished is better than sitting taking up space in the cupboard.
What's this about finishing what you started. Really?
Lovely projects you're working on there.
Enjoy all the different bits - like that postage stamp quilt. Too fun.
I think it's time for Marg to come visit and help/distract you. Make sure you allow for cocktail drinking and chocolate eating in your three week break.
I'll believe the Dresden quilt will be finished when I see it. That has taken F.o.r.e.v.e.r.
I think the rest of your list is very doable and if you have one of your quilting frenzies in the next week or two, you could have them all finished by the end of Jan, (except the Dresden quilt)!
Despite Susan's excellent idea, I'm not going anywhere near Adelaide until the temp drops below 30C.
Good luck with your finishes. I have lots of quilt tops ready to quilt, need to get some of them done this year as well. Hugs.....
You've made a great start and you're back to being a whirl wind !! Can't wait to see all the finishes.
I don't think that your pile looks that bad ( PILE not piles !! I know the way your mind works) you jogged my memory about Dresden Plates, I shall forthwith dig around in the humungus pile I have ( PILE !!) dig mine out & pack it off to Val for her to work her magic on it so that's 1 for 2014 fixed :) I have managed 2 small finishes for this year, excuse me while I polish my halo, might be it for the rest of it tho !!! Enjoy your trip to Loz see you sat xxxx
Dude. That's a lot of projects to put in the ring. Overcommit much??
Really like the Dresden quilt and you've given me an idea with the doggie quilts. Sharyn:)
I think the list is totally doable. Hope your first week has been productive or at least restful. have I really been following you since 2011? I remember you talking about putting the dresden plate blocks together ...
Love all your projects! You say you don't stitch that much, but it looks like bunches & bunches to me!
What are you going to do with the Dresden Quilt? If you decide to lottery it off, can I put in a bid for it? ;) Simply gorgeous!
Looking forward to seeing your finishes. Happy Sewing!
That dresdan is absolutely gorgeous….enjoy your escape from the office, nice pile of potential to go on with there, hope it cools down so you can enjoy some stitching...
Woohoo! You go girl! Looks like amazing quilting will be done at your place this year. I have heard it is EXTREMELY hot out your way, so don't pass out!
I wasn't going to do any FAL groups this year but I was planning on keepong myself accountable. However, since one of my BIG goals is to blog more again this year (and get back to reading my blogger friends' blogs - I MISS YOU ALL), and since this is being co-hosted by you, well, I simply cannot resist, daaaaahling! I'm in and will post my WIPs (of which I have a sad high # because I chased a lot of distracting squirrel projects last year. Squirrel!). I love you, Ms Pyjamas and now I'm off to catch up on a lot of your other posts. :)
Love love love the gray flower garden...not usually a big fan of hexies...love this! Hope you are getting lots done!
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