Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cocktail Wednesday

Yep- I've been absent for a week. I came down with super evil gastro on Saturday and and crawled off to bed to die. I pretty much remained there with intermittent gallops to the bathroom until Monday lunchtime. Further intimate details are probably unnecessary but I just want to put it out there that there's nothing classy about pooping in your own pants or throwing up on yourself. 

There's nothing better to kill off the last vestiges of any germs that may be lurking than a cocktail though right? Alcohol is a natural internal antiseptic. And this week I decided to go with a cranberry raspberry concoction as a homage to the  rapidly approaching Christmas season. 

The original inspiration for this cocktail can be found here . While faffing round in my booze cabinet I found some raspberry vodka and thought that would be a perfect substitute for regular vodka. I'm sometimes quite amazed by what I find in my cupboards when I go looking...I cant even recall buying raspberry vodka. 

Grab yourself some crushed ice, ginger beer, vodka, cranberry juice and  lime. Add 30 mls of vodka to a glass full of crushed ice , fill the glass to 3/4 full with cranberry juice and add a generous splash of ginger beer and squeeze of fresh lime juice and there you have it. Easy , simple and no bacon or maple syrup in sight. Im calling this a Raspberry Crantini. 

My cocktail was kind of anemic looking so I added a splash of raspberry cordial to the mix to give it this lovely deep red colour. Plus who doesn't need a bit more sugar in their diet?

I would like to point out I didn't drink all four of these myself. Mother and Father of Pyjamas are visiting at the moment and so we all sat down last night like civilised grown ups for cocktail hour. MOP liked this so much she asked for a refill, and who am I to let her drink alone? 

Comments: A raging success in my book. I giving this a 4/5 and a big thumbs up! Too bad you cant get real cranberries here because they would have looked pretty in the glass. 


  1. Just for the record, there is also nothing classy about pooping in someone else's pants!

    Thankfully you have found a good cocktail. I was beginning to worry!!

  2. Thank you for reminding me of that lovely image you shared with me earlier in the week. I had just about erased that from my mind.
    Finally a decent cocktail, it was very nice and I think it would be great recipe to use as a punch and easy to make large quantities. Not that I'd be drinking large quantities of course, I'd share.

  3. Mmm yum I will be trying this tonight! Definitely nothing like a cocktail or 6 to make you feel better!! I have raspberry vodka, bought specially for your purple rain cocktail a few weeks back!

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better and back up to speed! Hopefully you got that all out of your system before the real holiday hits.:)

  5. seeing as you DIDNT die then I think alcohol is the best reward for pulling through xx .. enjoy ..

  6. The image you gave us is one we have all been on. Glad you are better.
    And nothing better than a cocktail.

  7. You know....I am all over visuals, but this one concerns me. I may need to make this amazing drink this weekend as therapy. :). in all seriousness though....I am happy you are feeling better and are able to continue getting your drink on. :).

  8. You poor thing! Glad you're feeling better, stinks you lost the weekend :(

    Enjoy your visit with your parents - that drink looks awesome!

  9. Sorry to hear you were under the weather, and most glad you're better now. I'm guessing that maple/bacon cocktail had something to do with the gastro blight. You can't develop intestinal fortitude when ingesting stuff like that. ;)

    This week's cocktail looks scrumptious! Bookmarking for future reference. My cocktails this week consisted of 'Rocking Rye' or Grandma's homemade cough syrup. Dealing with a nasty sinus infection here & it's the only thing that helps me sleep in a decongested way. ;)

    Happy Thursday, Shay!

  10. Reading the beginning of your Saga I thought I was at Work reading Patients Notes!!...Glad to hear the Cocktail did the Trick and I'm sure the Alcohol has Killed off those Nasty's if not have Another!

  11. Classy is not quite the word I'd have chosen in that sentence...
    Glad the alcohol went down and did its job! No cranberries in OZ, you say? Pity. Though I'm not a fan of cranberry anything, your drink does look mighty pretty :)

  12. It looks very Christmassy. Your MIL is like mine was... loved her cocktails...and we all loved her.

  13. Sounds like a winner. And more fun than pooping your pants.

  14. Nothing worse than a gastro effecting both ends. The cocktail sounds quite nice and if I had vodka in the house I might try it but I am pacing myself for next weeks Xmas party in Melbourne which usually includes 12 hours of drinking which is more than I can handle for the year

  15. I think this week's cocktail sounds like something I could drink although I still have un-fond memories of my last drink induced "illness" which was about9 years ago and involved cranberry and vodka, so not sure I am ready to revisit the combo! Glad you are over the evil gastro bug...which sounded anything BUT classy!

  16. That drink sounds like just the trick to ensure the nasties leave for good!
    It's only right you keep your mother company in the drinking stakes. Your cocktail sounds delicious.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Oh I do love cranberry juice and lime vodka. I'm thinking the ginger ale is too much non-booze in my booze ;o)

    PS, I'll totally be drinking these tomorrow night!

  19. Hope you are well and truly over that bug so you can enjoy Christmas. Cocktail looks good maybe I should take up drinking? Hugs......

  20. Oooh that one looks pretty and that is a very catchy name. Hope your poopy pants days are done and you're all better!

  21. Oh dear, that doesn't sound like fun at all...glad you are better! This looks like a great cocktail to try. Thanks :)

  22. Sorry you were so sick! Ugh!

    Yes, I must admit that this week's cocktail sounds like a vast improvement over last week. :D

  23. So pretty! It's already Saturday, here, so maybe I'll pick up the ingredients for mocktails (this one sounds absolutely amazing) while I'm out. Love that pretty sprig of mint and the lime on the glass!

    Hope you're feeling 100%. I hate the stomach flu.

    xo -E

  24. So sorry to hear you were sick! Glad you're feeling better.

  25. Ah, love how you can make being sick hilarious! Glad you are feeling better. The drinks look so pretty!

  26. I am so sorry you had an evil, evil sickness. Sounds like you are fully recovered. (Any possibility that it was linked to the previous cocktail hour?)

    Glad you found a winner. You were all due!


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