Thursday, November 07, 2013

Cocktail Wednesday

On my way home from work last night I had the most inspired idea I've had in months. I've been hankering for a cocktail since Saturday so I'm starting a new Wednesday tradition...Cocktail Wednesdays. Wednesday is hump day and we all need a little motivation to get through mid week. Plus I like the idea of winding down on Wednesdays with a cocktail when I get home from work ala 1950's style. 

I have a ton of cocktail recipes pinned on Pinterest and it seems a shame to waste all that pinning (and alcoholic amazingness) and I have a cupboard full of booze and I don't want it going to waste. (Quell horror - what if it goes off?-better start drinking it just to be on the safe side)

So I dropped by Dan Murphy's on the way home and stocked up on Blue Curacao, Chambord, Midori and Raspberry Vodka because in typical fashion they were the only four things I didn't have in my liquor cabinet  and they were the things I decided I needed. I'm drawing a long bow at the truth when I say Liquor "cabinet" which sounds so classy - I actually keep my liquor stash in various cupboards where it will fit.  If I had it stashed all around the house that would be a lot more suss because I hear that's what alcoholics do, so I'm careful to keep it in the kitchen.

So this weeks concoction was a Purple Rain. 

The recipe calls for a 1/2 nip each of Raspberry vodka, Chambord, and Blue Curacao. Then you top it up with cranberry juice. I couldn't find my alcohol measure thingy so I used the next smallest measuring implement I had, which just happened to be a 1/4 cup measuring cup. That worked out really well because I got at least double the amount of cocktails. I'm sure that was due to the top up with cranberry juice. 

Somewhere in between Cocktail 1 and Cocktail 2 I face timed Little Miss Sunshine to tell her of my brilliant plan and to rope her into this new piece of madness. I also phoned a friend from work, my mother and told a telemarketer who called to sell me a new phone plan. My point in confessing that is that it's OK if you want to join in too. 

The trouble with making cocktails is that the more you have the more it seems like the most brilliant idea you ever had. So I followed up with a Japanese Slipper chaser and before I knew it - it was 7.00pm and I was wondering if I could stay awake for the end of the Big Brother Finale. FYI- I did. Just. Maybe because I made the tactical decision that three cocktails was probably enough. 

Japanese Slippers are an old favourite of mine. Just mix equal parts of Midori, Cointreau, and lemon juice and pour over crushed ice. If you want to class it up add a red cherry to your glass. 

Roll on next Wednesday - Little Miss Sunshine is picking next week's cocktail and I'm hearing rumblings about Limoncello. 

P.S. Realised AFTER the fact that the cocktail shaker I was using to mix the cocktails actually had a measurer on top of it...oops!


  1. what ever gets you through xx enjoy x

  2. LOL! Can't wait to see the next recipe :)

  3. I love the look and sound of that Japanese Slipper, sounds perfect for a hot day in Adelaide! Hmm Limoncello you say? I believe I have a souvenir bottle of that someone brought me back from Italy. I wait for next Wednesday with open ears!

  4. I was laughing so hard when I got to the bit about using a quarter cup measure, but both cocktails sound lush.

  5. So I'm hoping Wednesdays won't include creative work with a rotary cutter anymore? hehe

  6. You had me at raspberry vodka. Wish I could teleport myself to your kitchen for a cocktail. I have nothing in the house. Nada. Oh wait, there may be one gluten-free beer in the fridge, but nothing pretty and fun.

  7. Can I play with just wine? I'm a wine girl. I like the name "Japanese Slipper". I wonder why they call it that? For the diabetic cocktail cravers out there, my sister-in-law likes to make "faux cosmos" with diet cranberry juice and lemon vodka sorbet. I guess they have fewer calories, as well, so there's my contribution.

  8. I know nothing of cocktails (although yours are pretty and have interesting names), but I do know Wednesday nights. It is a jungle out there, I tell you. I've been meeting myself coming and going for a week now. I ate Oreos for my Wednesday wind-down in your honor (even though it is now Thursday where you live). Next week, perhaps some dairy-free ice cream or sorbet straight from the container. How's that for living on the edge?

    xo -E

  9. Loving the PS :oD

    Could seriously have done with that tonight. Actually, I wonder what I have in the cupboard... it's fine at 3am when all you have to eat is sugar free marshmallows (which, if I eat the whole packet, is probably going to have some unfortunate side effects), right? Right...

  10. OOhh That Purple Rain looks good. We have cocktails every Friday night, aka Party night. I'm not sure I could handle a midweek tipple, but I'll enjoy seeing your Wednesday antics.

  11. Ohh!!!! They look dangerous.... And fun.

  12. Now there's a great idea. Love Japanese Slippers. Love Pina Coladas.I've even invented one of my own and named it Helsie's Downfall !!Malibu + Lemonade juice ( ie the juice of a lemonade fruit - like a lemon but not sour - terrific !) + ice. Only trouble is I have trouble lifting my arms after three !!! Cuts down on the cooking that night !!!

  13. Cocktail Wednesdays? I say...CHEERS!! :)

  14. Great idea. But by making Wednesday better, Thursday becomes the new hump and I'd need cocktails to get me through to the weekend. Ditto Monday! Slippery slope my friend!

  15. Love the sound of the Japanese cocktail. Sharyn :)

  16. Japanese Slipper has always been my favourite, but the purple one sounds delicious too.
    Hey, you used a measure unlike me, who just measures by sight and taste!

  17. Super fun idea!!! I wish I liked cocktails, I've found I can only tolerate beer (sadly, usually just one). I am intrigued by limoncello, though - never tried it, but I want to!

  18. You come up with some of the most interesting things. Since I never made it to the Survivor challenges, I might have to try this. intriguing!

  19. From a pretty much non-drinker...what a fabulous idea! Raspberry vodka, midori, they sound good...enjoy your Wednesday evenings :)

  20. Sounds yummy. But one drink and I'm pretty much down for the count (Yes, sorry to say I'm a serious light weight). Hope your Wednesday went much more smoothly.

  21. One word ... YUM!!!


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