Monday, September 09, 2013


This past weekend Nephew of Pyjamas played in the A Grade SAAFL football grand final which is a pretty big deal here in our corner of the world.  It's been a long time between major premiership wins for his club so our entire family turned out in force to cheer the boys on to what we hoped would be an eventual victory. 

From L to R - Mr. P and I chilling, Ms. G and Other Nephew of Pyjamas, Mother of Pyjamas, Father of Pyjamas, My lunch (gotta love footy food)Sister of Pyjamas and her best buddy Jim Beam, SOP and her husband, SOP photobombing Ms. G and NOP. 
It worked. Go you Doggies!

To say the team was completely thrilled would be just about be the understatement of the century. 

And to the victors go the spoils...the  babes, the beer and the medals. 

Nephew of Pyjamas kicked 4 goals in the last quarter. I'm one very proud aunty!


  1. Looks like a fun weekend. Congrats to your nephew's club.

  2. What a great way to spend the day with your family. Congratulations to the club!

  3. What a handsome crew you all are! Congrats!

  4. WTG to NOP! I take it his shoes were a prize for someone else on the pitch? ;o)

  5. Congrats to the team and all who cheered them to victory!

  6. Congratulations gotta love an end of the season triumph.

  7. Woohoo!!! Awesome!!! He deserves a quilt for Christmas.

  8. Yeah, four goals, what a legend! PS I thought footy food was snags in bread accompanied by amber fluid in a can!

  9. Woo hoo, what a great win.
    What happened to the meat pie and sauce? Isn't that standard fare at the footy?

  10. Looks like a great day nothing like grass roots footy. Congrats to the premiers.

  11. Good genes huh? Looks like great fun.:)

  12. You truly are part of a talented family.
    Looks like wonderful day. Hope there was more celebrating after the game.
    Congratulations to the winners.

  13. Go team! Congrats to Nephew of Pyjamas and his football mates! I loved looking at all of your photos. You and Mr. P make a very handsome couple. I hope I get to meet you two in person.

    xo -E

  14. Well done, and congratulations to the Pyjama Family!

  15. Big Congrats to NOP and his team. Love your piccies and how great you all went to cheer them on.

  16. You guys look as though you don't have any fun together. SOP looks like trouble :)

  17. Aw shay, nothing like spring parties. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing so we could enjoy it too.

  18. That is a big deal...well done to NOP and his team...

  19. Congratulations to your nephew!! Looks like you had a wonderful time!

  20. Congrats!!! Thanks for showing us your day!

  21. Grass roots footy is the best kind! We watched our local grand final on Saturday and our team won. The kids and I even appear in this weeks local paper as we were photographed supporting from the sidelines.


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