Wednesday, September 25, 2013

From the Random File

From time to time I have a few things to share that don't really fit in to any particular theme. Since it really upsets my illusion of order and control to write random posts they often remain unshown. 

Today I'm busting out and putting them all in this completely themeless post. I just hope my head doesn't explode from breaking one of my own self imposed blogging rules. 

Spring has sprung here (finally).  I managed to coddle my bulbs through winter and have the most glorious display of tulips and hyacinths to show for my efforts. Little P was very excited to finally see the flowers we planted in Autumn, and took some home to give to his other Nanna. 

I achieved baking greatness on Tuesday (after a full day at work no less)  I did have moment of madness thinking I could give up work and become a cupcake queen. 

Showcasing a quilt my Mum has just finished. It's been sitting in her WIP pile for a while but the end result is stunning!

I had a birthday on the weekend and Little P gave me this bonsai as a present. Now I just have to become a bonsai master to keep it alive.

Saw this at the local greengrocer on Sunday.

Left it on the shelf because I'm not partial to anything made from ass. 


  1. Random is good. We do have lives aside from quilting, at least I think we do.:) Your flowers are great. Wish I could get motivated to plant some this fall but I think we're gonna tear out our flower beds anyway and do something different. Maybe someday!

  2. Hooray for spring! Your flowers are beautiful. I love hyacinths. Your mom's quilt is amazing. wow!

    I like randomness. even if it does cause organizational issues. It's nice to know that our minds and lives meander about.

  3. Your bulbs look lovely Shay. The colours are glorious. Hopefully I will manage to get some in the ground for next year, as you can imagine there is no garden this year.
    Your Mum's quilt is absolutely stunning, she should be thrilled with it.

  4. LOVE the randomness. Have you curled out of the fetal position yet. Very impressed with those cup cakes. Yeh spring is here, roll on summer.

  5. I like random, as you know. Whoever made the sign for Ass. Pate was having way too much snarky fun that day. Pretty flowers, and lovely cupcakes too!

  6. they may be random.. but they played well to-gether xx

  7. You are a gardener! Beautiful flowers. I love random.

  8. And you thought feeling up the fabric was all kinds of wrong, that had nothing on the pate...

    Belated hiccy burpday though!

  9. I love your random post, you should do one more often. It gave me my first laugh of the day so thank you Shay. Hugs........

  10. I think fantastic baking after a full day at work is very awesome young lady! .....nothing like a bit of random from she who quilts in her pyjamas to brighten ones day....

  11. Random is good, those cupcakes look yummy! And...hahahahaha! Ass pate! I laughed so hard I almost woke my hubby!

  12. Love a good random post from time to time. Have any cupcakes left because they look really good.

  13. Slightly belated birthday wishes, I hope you had a good day! Pretty flowers and the cupcakes look good enough to eat too. Ass paté? My goodness, it doesn't bear thinking about.....never yet met an ass I would want to eat.....

  14. Loved your random post... your bulbs are gorgeous. Well done. So you inherited your talent from your Mum. Beautiful finish for her. Hate pate....erk!¡!!

  15. I wondered if you received a monthly birthday present like you gave your DH.

    Congratulations on your randomness - I love it!

  16. Well I don't think you have made an 'ass' of yourself with your random post. Hehe. Love your Mums quilt. Sharyn:)

  17. Those cup cakes look so yummy.

    I think you have a new title

    "Cupcake Goddess"

  18. Congratulations you have flowers! Very jealous of your cupcakes, my baking skills don't extend to decorating them, just cook n eat!
    Your Mums quilt is lovely, she must be pleased to finish it. Good luck with the bonsai, there is a specialist bonsai nursery on Anzac hwy if you need a replacement!

  19. Love the tulips!
    Love Mom's quilt!

    Happy Happy Birthday!

  20. Love your randomness! Cupcakes look professionally done. Mum made a lovely quilt. And I am on your side about the pate!
    Love your little tree from Little P.
    Happy Birthday, Shay! And many more!

  21. Look at your green thumb! With all that growing goodness, you're sure to keep the Bonsai in top shape. Those cupcakes look scrumptious. I'd lick the frosting off every one. Your Mum's quilt is gorgeous. Love the colors. Does it have a bit of shine to it?

    Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was truly fabulous as you deserve nothing but fabulous days. As for the Ass. Pate...yeah, I'd leave that at the store, too. Isn't that some kind of filtering organ? Shouldn't eat that stuff. ;)

  22. Happy Birthday Shay!! You do such fun random posts!! If I lived near you I'd eat all your cupcakes and run off with your hyacinths. Is this the first time you've mentioned your mum is a quilter? That's a very impressive quilt she's made.

  23. Happy Birthday Sahy! Love you flowers, especially since it is getting darker and colder here every day :-(

  24. I totally enjoyed your random post, and think you made a wise decision by leaving the ass plate alone...giggle. Thanks for making me laugh today.

  25. Pretty flowers in your garden. Yummy cupcakes in your kitchen (though I'm guessing these are all rated by now).
    Enjoy another year of creating.

  26. I love random posts. Lately, I've taken to being too long-winded and rambly on my random posts. I think that's due to the fact that I so rarely post that once I sit down, if I'm in a random-post frame of mind, I just keep going. So I've given them up until I get in a better place to blog more often. But, your random post was exactly perfect in content and length. Well done! I don't think you should feel at all bad about breaking your non-random post rule.

    Your tulips and hyacinths are absolutely gorgeous! Well done! I'm not really sure if I want to give the sun back to you, though. I've enjoyed it so much. But it is only fair. And on the bright side of things, only six months until tulips and hyacinths start to bloom here!

    Your cupcakes are gorgeous. You could definitely be a cupcake diva!

    Your mum's quilt is gorgeous! I love the rich colors! Thanks for sharing!

    That Bonsai is awesome! That Little P is so thoughtful. He's quite the young man you've got there.

    And happy belated birthday. I totally forgot and didn't even drop you a line. I hope it was wonderful!

    xo -E

    P.S. The greengrocer needs to reassess its business plan.

  27. What an impressive post. Well what I mean is I'm really impressed with all the different stuff in it. Great cupcakes, lovely quilt and the flowers are especially impressive to a Queenslander.
    PS. I'm afraid I was not up to the going commando challenge !!

  28. Hey Shay. this is my first stop at your blog and I'm so glad I did. I laughed so hard at the ass pate that I had to cover my mouth for fear of waking the kids. Could I post this to twitter?

    The flowers look gorgeous. All the tulips at at local gardens are in bloom at the moment and yours are just as good.

    Good luck with the bonsai and Happy Birthday for last weekend.

    Your mum's quilt looks lovely and it is great that she has made matching pillowcases.

    I'd pay money for those cupcakes.

    I will definitely be back to read more of your posts and salt and vinegar chips are my favourite too.

  29. Well, if I'd KNOWN it was your birthday the ass paste would have been on me!! Hope it was stellar! ;)

  30. Hope you had a very happy birthday. Your flowers are lovely. We drove to Tulsa today and noted that some of the trees were starting to turn yellow.

  31. Happy belated:-) The flowers are beautiful


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