Friday, August 09, 2013

Nothing Much to See Here

I can't believe it's August already. Before we know it we're going to be knee deep in Christmas. I'm going to tuck that alarming thought right back deep in my brain until at least December 1st ....and then assault Christmas ninja style. 

Not much going on here at Maison Pyjamas. I don't have anything wildly exciting to say and I don't want to be one of those people that you groan at when you see one of my posts pop up in your reader so I'm keeping a rather low profile.  

In actual news: 

Mr. P had his birthday last week. If you ask -he'll tell you it was his 30th. He actually got away with that for three straight years from 30 to 32 by celebrating with different groups of people every year but I have his number now and I gleefully rat him out every time he tries to make that nonsense fly for another year. For the record-he's well past 30!

Little P came to celebrate with us and we got to give him his presents and his birthday cake. Ice-cream cake is the way to get any 4 year old to love you forever.

He eventually had to be pried out of his Leonardo costume with a crowbar three days after putting it on. I'd say that present was a hit Aunty Brooke.  

In July crafty news, the flower hexies are all appliqued, the Irish chain top has gone off to the quilting fairy and Superheroes 2 got gifted. So far in August the triangles are driving me mad merely by existing and the recycled shirt quilt is being ignored...I've been cutting some more 2.5 inch strips, and started playing with shapes for an orange peel quilt. I've started a test piece but I'm not convinced about the results. This was my third unsuccessful attempt at making it come out like the vision I was seeing in my head. 

Hit a T-shirt front with the iron this week without realising it was something synthetic and it shriveled like a shrinky dink coating my iron with black crap in the process. That's one less T-Shirt I have to put into the quilt I'm making for Mr. P. 

I'm making this the only quilt I'm working on this month ...maybe then we'll see some progress. 


  1. Happy Birthday to Mr. P and Little P.
    Sorry about the shirt and the iron although I did have to laugh!

  2. Happy birthday to the birthday P's! Oh dear, bummer about the shirt.....well done you on the sewing front!

  3. Happy Birthday to the P menfolk, young and old - make that young at heart and 4 years grown up old. The Leonardo costume is too cute!! I think you're brave making a Tshirt quilt , they look tricky, all that stretchy fabric. I hope that batman one wasn't a favourite... :)

  4. The t-shirt quilts do look like they have their challenges! Happy b-day to the mr. P's. It's not a bad thing to be over 30 esp. if you have grandkids.:)

  5. Sounds like you are going well with all those finishes. Little P does look cute in that outfit though I'm not sure it look comfortable. Happy birthday to both of the men in your life.

  6. Yikes did the crud come off your iron? I must say I have given up on buying expensive irons, as they all get cruddy and I am reduced to tears if the crud gets on my quilts. Good luck with the Tshirt quilt, hope you get some sewing time this weekend to work on it. Happy birthday to the boys!

  7. Holy crap Batman! Sucks about the t-shirt but I notice that the Batman logo is indestructible even though the t-shirt dissolved around it! Loving the Leonardo costume, I would have left it on too (although I would have needed a considerably larger size!) How did you get on with your proposed sewing studio in your backyard, any further forward?

  8. Love the Leonardo costume! Not sure how he managed to sleep in that thing and yes, ice cream cake is the way to everyone's heart! Happy Birthday to both ...

  9. Nice post! Looks like a couple of nice birthdays!!

  10. Happy Birthday to the birthday boys. The T-shirt quilt will be great, sorry about the batman one. Hugs....

  11. I'm glad I am not the only one that does that to stuff, doesn't the iron only go on the cotton setting LOL.

  12. You're still hanging in there, and getting through those WIP's even if you are a little slower than your normal flat out. Love Little P's Ninja turtle outfit.

  13. Barely thirty and married to a grandmother...poor Mr. P :-)
    Happy Birthday to the two Mr. P´s and good luck on your Shirt quilt. I was wanting to make one for Alex a while ago. So far the only Thing I got done was collecting the Shirts.

  14. Love the Ninja grandson, and the t shirt iron thing cracked me up. You don't do things by half measure do you?

  15. What do you mean 4 year old ...... my 50 something husband requests a Peters ice cream cake every year for his birthday. Happy B/day to the men in the house.

  16. I want to celebrate my birthday at your house! I think it's funny that Mr. P was 30 for a while. Years ago, when the dinosaurs were walking the earth, my hubby said he was 29...for several years our little boys believed it...LOL. And I'm so sorry about the demise of batman...good luck with the rest of the quilt. It will be amazing!

  17. I killed an iron last month. Just had to go out an buy another.

    Happy birthday boys!

    Hope the mojo comes back with a vengeance!

  18. Happy birthday to grandpa and the wee one (I'm thinking that even in the worst of teen pregnancy areas, people are not going to believe a 30 year old is a grandpa of a 4 year old ;o) )

    Batman created suicide quite spectacularly there!

  19. Happy Birthday to Mr. P! I hope your celebrations were lots of fun.

    And that Little P. So cute! I love it when he guest stars on your blog. It's always a fun adventure.

    I really enjoyed making Mr. Bug's t-shirt quilt. It was fun. I used a damp pressing cloth on both sides of the t-shirt in case of melting. Hope your iron has recovered. And Mr. P's t-shirt quilt looks like it is going to be awesome. I hope you have fun with it.

    xo -E

  20. Belated Birthday wishes to Mr P....I totally understand his His cake looks amazing. I have one of those Leonardo visits my house as well.
    Big oops over the shirt. My son would be crying. Shay you will never we one of those who people sigh over when they see your name....your posts are always are delight and joy to me xx

  21. Happy Birthday to your boys. I love the Leonardo costume. We don't have one of those at our house, yet. Let me know how the T-shirt quilt goes. I have yet to do one.

  22. I think I remember reading that the guy who sang, "forget you" was a grandfather at like, 33 or something. Happy Birthday to Mr. P (it's funny how we have anniversaries and birthdays just days apart.... Rob just turned 37 on Wednesday).

    And Ethan looks so grown up!!!!! Love the tmnt outfit! He reminds me so much of Josh :) still waiting for him to grow out of the weapon phase! Maybe Ethan will be a police officer, too!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  23. Happy Birthday to Mr P. Didn't you know that once you hit a "certain age" you get to count backwards?

    Looking forward to seeing your t-shirt quilt, looks like he has quite the stash of those.


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