Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm Still Here - Just Distracted

I've given up trying to have any order or method to my creativity the last couple of weeks. My mojo is well and truly all over the place. I'm either going hell for leather or being a total couch potato. I'm just rolling with the punches. 

Last Saturday Val and Claire showed me how to use freezer paper to make perfect applique shapes (amongst eye rolling at how difficult I managed to make it look- I can't help it if my fine motor skills are crap) and my Seville Quilt was born. (Cleverly named because these bits are orange peels and Seville is a type of orange- I really wanted to use Clementine but someone already had that idea) 

1 down - 143 to go 
I've been intermittently working on Mr. P's T-shirt quilt since I last popped in. Let me tell you that T-shirts are a bit of a bitch to work with even when you use interfacing as a stabiliser. However,progress has been made and here's a sneak upside down peek. (I was too lazy to take this off, turn it around and take the photo so please stand on your head to view it) 

For the longest time I've wanted to make a clamshell quilt but it all seemed a bit hard until I saw this blog post with a different (read infinitely easier) way to make clamshells. I've decided to do a mini for my sewing room wall just so I can say I've made a clamshell quilt and knock the urge out of my system once and for all. 

I've given up on trying to knit the infinity scarf because it seems to be taking an infinity to finish it . Ironic huh? And that applecore pincushion may end up an ancestral sewing project that gets passed down to the next generation to finish in my will too. 

I had a busy social weekend last weekend so I'm looking forward to a quiet one this weekend filled with lots of lovely sewing. I really need to take stock of what's going on over on my WIP list. I hope your weekend is full of lovely things that rock your socks off.


  1. Good morning Miss Shay. I'm impressed. I'm not saying I impress easily, but it does seem like you are tackling some very interesting long term projects.
    You could have called it Valencia.
    That looks like a much much easier way to do a clamshell quilt.

  2. Ooh, I'm loving the orange peel and the clamshell projects. I sympathize on the T-shirt quilt. I made one and that will be forever it, what a bugger that was, thought the result was much appreciated after the long arm lady worked her magic.

    And how clever are you for using circles to achieve the clamshell effect!

  3. I hope that isn't the Apple Core pin cushion I am thinking about.
    As always lots of projects going on it the pyjama house. The way the weather has been it is perfect sewing weather. Have a great weekend.

  4. Well you do like to give yourself complex and lengthy challenges, don't you?! 572 more orange peel sections? You are a far, far better woman than I, I came over all faint just thinking about it ;o)

  5. When you live at the whilwind pace that you seem to, you eventually have to slow down a bit now and then. Enjoy the lull because, knowing you and the approach of Christmas, you'll be starting up in force again real soon!

  6. Nice projects there Shay, very nice indeed!! Freezer paper is the best thing ever!! That clamshell method is really clever! I've got some clamshells I started somewhere, I must dig them out. Enjoy your cruisey weekend.

  7. I can identify with the "going hell for leather" or "stopped" has been very much like that for me the past couple of the "clamshells" .....perfect weather for staying in this weekend and stitching....looking forward to a quiet one!

  8. I have a pin cushion. I'll bet you do too, and they can be bought. Love the orange peel. Not the easiest of patterns, take it easy and don't expect a speedy finish. Some things just take time.
    I know what you mean about coordination. I have a shaky right hand and have to hold the scissors next to a stable object to get a decent cut. Oh well. You gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks for the humor... You made my day, Shay.

  9. Oh the clamshell pattern. That is so clever! Lookin' good on the applique too. You have obviously been hard at it!

  10. Well look at you....why is it every time I get ready to read your blog I tell myself I'm not going to be jealous...and then end up jealous because of all the cook things you're doing? Hhhhmmm... :) In all seriousness, you'll need to share the freezer paper experience. I haven't done that before. And I LOVE the it girl!!

  11. What a clever way to do clamshells! Did you know there is a citrus fruit called "ugli"? You can google it if you want more info......

  12. Love your orange peel block...always wanted to make one of those too. Just bought some clamshell papers today...wish I had read your post before...I think your mojo knows what it is doing so just follow it. Enjoy your weekend :)

  13. kinda liking that clam shell project .... are you hand stitching it down.....

    party on!

  14. What crafter doesn't do distraction? None I know! Those are some pretty ones! I've never heard of a Seville orange but that wouldn't be unusual--I do like Clementines! Tshirt quilts are not on my list of wants so I'm impresses with your courage. You go, girl!

  15. Your clamshell quilt is coming along very nicely! And as for distractions, well, let's not go there, eh? ;-)

    One day maybe I'll post a list of *my* UFOs - but I'm not sure blogger allows enough space in one post to contain them all. LOL

  16. Those clamshells are so cool! And I love your orange peel quilt. Clever name.

    I've been all over the map lately too. Right now, I have too many ideas and a huge amount of enthusiasm for sewing, but not enough time, which is almost as frustrating as not really feeling it. I've decided to just enjoy the journey.

    Hope you get lots and lots of lovely sewing done. I've done most of my weekend chores ahead of time so I can have more sewing time. Looking forward to it.

    xo -E

  17. Be kind to yourself and get some applique pins, much easier to work with! Love the Orange Peel block, never made one though. Are you on a fruit block hop?
    Hope you have a stitching weekend!

  18. Glad you were shown the Freezer Paper method it's a Great One....I saw that Clamshell method too is it raw applique...
    enjoy your stay at home weekend.

  19. It is amazing how satisfying a mini quilt can become, with the daunting task of a queensize clamshell quilt! I have been comletely giddy with a "mini" finish on a few of my MuSt projects, lol
    Enjoy your sewing plans ~

  20. So glad you went with Seville and not Navel given Clementine had been pinched...I look at Orange Peel quilts and admire but have yet to tackle that block, go you!...great idea to do small and knock the "need to do this" out of the system, your clamshells look fabulous so far...

  21. I am having the same problem... flitting around and starting new things and not finishing anything. I am doing the orange peel with the rainbow challenge and loving them. Thanks so much for the link to Barb's tutorial on the easy clam shell...I am SO doing that!!

  22. Looks like you've been busy .. you're making me even more afraid to do a t-shirt quilt. If it's hard for you, how will I ever be able to do it?? The clam shells and seville look pretty amazing.

  23. It makes me happy to hear that someone else is having the same problem as I am. At least you are blogging, I haven't even gotten that far!
    I love that new way to do a clamshell! It was a "duh!" moment. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Love the fabrics you have picked out for the clamshell quilt. You have been so busy it is no wonder that your mojo is a bit tempremental. Hopefully things are calming down.


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