Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Liar Liar ...Pants on Fire

Once  upon a time some smart arse geeks with nothing better to do invented the internet. Their ultimate purpose was to turn us all into zombies who sat on our butts surfing Pinterest , and randomly updating our Facebook statuses every 10 minutes because people who feel they are engaged in meaningful activity are less likely to engage in anarchy or crimes against the state.

I'm completely in love with the internet and my various electronic doodads so for me to announce that I was having a media free weekend was about as wild and crazy as I ever get. But we all know addicts are generally not all that truthful either and sadly it didn't take too long before I snuck into Hay Day and had a look at what was happening with my farm. Cow udders have nasty habit of exploding if you don't milk your cows when they need it. And I didn't want my crops to wither and die. I don't want to be accused of carrot cruelty.

I outed myself when I started pinning ...every man and his dog knew the jig was up when they saw my Pinterest activity popping up in my Facebook feed. For anyone who thinks we aren't being tracked and watched every time we go on the internet  - think again. And I wouldn't have needed to go on Facebook if everyone else lived boring lives and didn't post what they were doing - so really its all your fault. Whale Watching Nat? Really? Why can't you just be like the rest of us lazy slobs and spend the weekend in your pyjamas?

So how long did my computer free weekend really last? About 5 lousy hours.  I was like some sad addict who couldn't think of anything else but my next fix the internet. I'd kind of furtively dart in (like a Ninja) harvest my crops, check Facebook, pin a couple of things on Pinterest and get out again because if you're in and out silently it's like you were never really there. I'm so good at looking furtive I'm sure the CIA are going to be knocking on my door to recruit me any moment. 

Because I felt essentially pathetic, weak  and guilty  I did put in a decent effort over the weekend to move my UFO's along. As if somehow working hard on those projects would atone for my sin of being pathologically incapable of ignoring the internet. 

I appliqued some hexies (I'm getting so close to a finish there that I feel compelled to keep pushing on) and I worked on my very big pinwheel quilt which is also not on my list for a finish this month but I was busy avoiding doing the things that were.  

I worked on the Triangle quilt. So far 1/4 done. There is some very dodgy matching up of triangles in this top I can assure you but I'm going for overall effect here not perfection and so far I'm liking the result. 

The recycled shirt quilt top is coming along nicely. OK- perhaps nicely is stretching the truth a bit- there are a couple of huge stuff ups that I'm ignoring since it has to be finished in a mere 10 days. Mental note to self - when you work with recycled shirt fabric not all of it will be 100% cotton and there will be stretching along the way. This will require skill and patience to overcome. 

And the Irish chain quilt went from 3 finished blocks to all the blocks done and I've started to sew that together into an actual honest to goodness quilt top. 

So I suck at ignoring the internet but got an A+ for sewing effort. The big question is - will anything actually get finished in the next 15 days? 


  1. You did well to last 5 hours! and you got heaps done!! I bet you'll reach your goal, it's amazing how much you can get done in 15 day when you put your mind to it. Either that or you'll find some fun recipes on Pinterest to share with us. :)

  2. I'm totally on the floor in my pjs LMBO! Great post!

  3. I felt every word you wrote. I have this love/hate relationship with the internet also......wonder if i am strong enough for a cyber free weekend!?
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  4. Ha, Ha I knew it !!!
    Seems you managed to do both so that's OK !

  5. Well.......5 hours is not too bad, it's better than 4......and you did accomplish a lot on the sewing front, so all is forgiven!

  6. great effort in the sewing stakes...love the Irish Chain...I am still trying very hard to resist giving myself over completely to the internet....some how I think I am failing.

  7. As long as you got some serious sewing done it's not all bad.

  8. Who cares? You did great! That is a super amount of progress and I LOVE your honesty. Your guilt probably made you work harder and as a result you got more accomplished. Win, win.:)

  9. The internet is an enabler!
    Lovely progress even if the internet did eat into your weekend. The shirts are looking beautiful as is that Irish chain in pretty reds.
    Enjoy your week.

  10. I have a very old computer which limits my online time by randomly switching off. Computer says 'No'! Looks like you got stuck into your projects. No, they're not finished but you kicked some butt so they know who's boss now!

  11. Yep, the first thing I do in the morning after I have wiped the sleep from my eyes, even before my first coffee, I turn on the computer. I have to see what has happened while I have slept, don't want to miss out on anything.

  12. I deactivated my FB and so far so good. I had some major withdraw on day one but like you, I filled my time with sewing. :) I still have my FB fan page up but the personal FB page will be deactivated for quite some time and since deactivating time is what I seem to have a lot of now and I'm lovin' it. - I'm lovin' your quilts too!!!

  13. this did make me laugh xx just get the balence right so that you dont feel guilty and you will be fine xx.. and so say all us adicts x

  14. The internet is like the bad boyfriend you just can't leave. Way too demanding, but just so damn sexy.

    Your post cracked me up. I am always amazed the run of things you get done.

    I can't wait to see your finished recycled shirt quilt. Those triangles look intriguing too.

  15. 5 hours? Ha, thats your punishment for introducing me to that heinous game, Hay Day.
    On the bright side you have some excellent projects that are all a step closer to being finished. They are all looking fabulous.

  16. LOL, you sound so much like me. I don't even have facebook or a farm to take my time. I have no idea what I do online, but I am here way too much.

  17. Before I got a smartphone I spent a lot of time on the computer but now that I have an Iphone and a Kindle and a bus commute they are sort of taking over that "free time". Being smaller, like toddlers, they need constant attention, if you want a theory!

    Great job on your UFO progress. It is satisfying to get things moved along in the process, so despite your internetless fail, your success in other quarters must cheer you on.

  18. Did I mention that my reduced web time was imposed on me? I don't have will power to go cold turkey from blogging or give up sugar, so five hours withdrawal is a good effort in my book! Is your BIL expecting a quilt? If not go buy him a slab/bottle of preferred beverage instead! I do love the Irish chain in red!

  19. Well, I must say it was nice hearing from you .. if you had done as you threatened it might have been like five days of Shay withdrawal .. who knows what would have happened.

    Wow! You certainly did a lot this weekend. The Irish chain quilt is amazing, as is the triangle quilt.

  20. I love that Irish chain quilt! Actually, I really love everything you're working on, so thanks for sharing a peek!

    Also, the internet is a huge time suck, unless whatever you're doing at the moment is really important. And while you're on the internet, whatever it is that you are doing seems important, until you're not doing it anymore and you wonder where the last three hours of your life went. I'm sure it is part of an evil conspiracy of some sort or other.

    xo -E

  21. Wow, even with the slight backsliding on the Internet free weekend, you got a lot done!

  22. Love the Irish Chain quilt! And little P is adorable - being a grandma (or a much cooler Bella) is the best!

  23. *snort* I got a concerned e-mail from a reader who was worried about my waistline because of all the cookies and things I was Pinning - busted...

    WTG on the progress though!


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