Thursday, July 04, 2013


I’ve had an interesting week.  My MIL is in the hospital with a nasty broken bone from a fall on Sunday. It looks like she’s going to be literally laid up for at least 6-8 weeks.   I had a brain fart yesterday at work  and left someone a message using my maiden name, and I haven’t used that name in 9 years. Obviously my brain was somewhere else.  Worst of all I started July with a massive blind pimple on my face the size of a small child that looks like its settled in for the long haul despite my best efforts to make it go away. And on top of that Blogger wont let me justify this paragraph and that's upsetting my sense of order. 

I’ve been avoiding looking at my own WIP list on my sidebar for about three months because it horrifies me. I cant believe I’ve started all that stuff and not finished it. Some of it has been on there for a very long time. (That poor Dresden quilt has been lurking for about two years – and I started the hexie flower garden quilt in October 2011) If my sewing life was school I’d be getting A’s for the  “starting projects “ part and “incompletes” for everything else.

So I hereby decree July to be a finishing month. I’m over staring at the stuff on my WIP list .   I will not allow myself to be distracted or tempted by the quilting fairies into starting any new projects until some of this stuff is finished !  

Here are my goals  for this month and yes I know I said I wasnt doing goals anymore but I feel like I have to put this out there in order to motivate some finishes. 

The binding is machined on to Superheroes 2  I just need to spend some time sewing it down to the back. Started that last night and got sick of it after about 8 inches because my cotton was misbehaving. Doesn’t bode well for an eventual finish does it ?

The recycled shirt quilt is currently still in pieces. Im going to finish that this month too. That’s kind of essential because it’s a present for my brother in law and his birthday is on the 26th.

I started cutting the fabric for the triangle quilt a few months back and then felt guilty working on it when I had so many other things languishing. The pieces have been stuffed in a box ever since.  I’ve decided to finish that too. I mean really, how hard can it be to sew 400 triangles into a quilt top?  

The poor Irish chain quilt has been neglected too... Im hoping to finish that top this month too which will be interesting because so far I only have 5 blocks done out of the 70 or so that I need. And everything I need to do something to this quilt is hiding somewhere in my sewing room unable to be found ...Im hoping the quilting fairies have taken it away to finish it but I fear that is unlikely. 

Wish me luck ...Im gonna need it !


  1. Ooo, sorry about your MIL, hope she isn't down as long as they are projecting. Good luck with the finishes, I am with you there. So, what did I do last night? I had to try that little block from Temecula Quilt Company--2 hours of sewing on a 2 inch block! Larry just shook his head at me, lol
    New projects seem to scream louder than the solutions to whatever delays a finish!!

  2. Can I tell you a secret? I haven't sewed anything since Friday before last. Haven't so much as looked at a needle and thread for nearly a whole fortnight. P.'s Dresden quilt is just sitting half quilted. I think I need to get over myself and get back to it.

    So sorry about your MIL. I hope she mends quickly! Good luck with all your projects. That red Irish Chain looks like it is going to be so fabulous! And I love the superheroes quilt. I know you'll do spectacular things!

    xo -E

  3. Well those are fighting words I hope you win. Hope the MIL mends quickly.

  4. Hope your MIL doesn't take that long to recover but I guess as you get older these sort of things do take longer. Speaking from experience here. Good luck with your list. I think we are all like this, so many starts and so few finishes. Hugs.....

  5. Good Luck then but I have great confidence in your fantastic ability to churn quilts out.

  6. Nothing quite like a deadline to get some sewing action. Can't wait to see that shirt quilt done. The red and white Irish chain will be gorgeous hope the fairy brings them back soon.
    Wishing MIL a speedy return to her feet.

  7. Hope you MIL has a speedy recovery. Hey, I have a "A" in starts as well....giggle. F---- in finishes.

  8. Hope your MIL heals sooner than expected. Does she hand piece? If not, you may have to show her how (that would be her new project, not yours).

    Good luck with your goals. Break them down into smaller doable goals each week. Sometimes that helps me make more progress.

  9. Hey, this was my plan as well, going along at a steady pace and then I decided to cut up frabrics and make a small gift for our host for Christmas in July, what the hell am I thinking, it is next weekend. My girlfriend tripped over the cord on the electric blanket, Anne broke her leg and is plaster for 6-8 weeks, best wishes for your MIL, and good luck with the UFI's.

  10. Might I be the voice of caution here and say that sounds a bit ambitious for one month? (or you can totally ignore me and go for it!) Definitely get that mans shirt quilt done because you have a deadline on that. Once its done then commit to one other project and work on it until its either done or finished to the next stage at least. Then you could swap to the next project, maybe then you won't get bored!
    If your MIL's arms aren't affected, chances are she'll have twitchy fingers and anyone who can sew can handstitch binding down surely - do you see where this is going? Hopefully she knows which end of a needle to thread and you can get her to finish your binding off! Just a thought.

  11. Wishing your MIL a speedy recovery! Perhaps you could try a different thread for sewing that binding......if it behaves, you are in front with your time.

  12. I was thinking the same thing for July. the month to finish things up -- especially since I accomplished nothing in June. Wishing your MIL a speedy recovery.

  13. Am betting your pimple has a cousin on my face....seriously, am I still a teen??
    Good luck with that ambitious list, you wingnut! ;)

  14. Best wishes to your MIL. Good luck with your list...I got so worn out reading all you had to do I had to have a lie down. Knowing you Shay you will have a good go at it all :-)

  15. Go Shay , You can do it!!! All of those projects are so fabulous and will look awesome finished!!

  16. Good luck with the finishes...I live in a glass house, so I will never judge you by your UFOs, I have too many "creatively paused projects" here!

  17. Hope your MIL is feeling better and has a attentive husband to fix her meals, drive her to doctors appointments and clean the house..while you sew!:)

  18. Ugh, winter makes it so hard to be productive! Good luck to you -

    Hope your mother-in-law heals more quickly than expected.

    God speed to the pimple!!!:)

  19. I've come to the conclusion that finishing this year is highly over rated... unless it is my latest study assignment.

  20. Sorry about your MIL's broken bone. Ouch! Hoping she heals quickly.

    Finishing is least that's what I keep telling my pile of WIPs.

    Baking soda...make it into a paste w/water (or lemon juice, if you dare!). Dab it onto said pimple. Leave overnight (if you can stand it. Might burn a bit). Should be gone or almost gone the next morning. <--- I swear by this method. I also do a once-a-week baking soda / water exfoliation on my face. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse. Restores pH balance & works as a mini-facial for pennies. :)

    Happy Wednesday night!

  21. My goal was to sew (hopefully) over the Holiday weekend. I told myself no new projects -- must finish the old ... then I cut into something new!

    Someday ......

  22. Well, snot. I had to come back and say, 'Happy Thursday Night!'

    How I missed a day this week is beyond me. Seriously thought it was Wednesday. Jeesh. I wonder what else I've forgotten. :)

  23. Hope your MIL is able to read ebooks or listen to music and not have to resort to TV for 6-8 weeks--Horrors! That is a long time.

    A small child on your face? Horrors again! Crossing my fingers it vacates the premises soon.

    Unfinished quilts are nagging at me too, but mine are all in the "need to be quilted" queue and that's the hardest part for me! Good luck on giving time to all your precious projects--they do deserve to be REAL quilts :)

  24. So sorry about your MIL. Hope she recovers quickly. So funny, you are finishing up and I'm playing! I'm rooting for the recycled shirts quilt to be finished up first--love that quilt and can't wait to see it all done.:)

  25. Sorry to hear about your MIL. Hope she heals fast. Good luck on your plans to finish things this month. I really should do the same, but I'm sort of going where the wind blows me this month. Maybe it'll be over the finish line for at least one thing. That would be nice. Aim low and surprise yourself (or not) seems to be my motto. :)

  26. I'm exhausted reading all that !! I had a breakdown last time I tried to count my UFO's,Math isn't my strong point & counting past 20ish makes me weak. Maybe I should actually do a Blog post & list things there might make you feel a bit better :) Was lovely to see you Sat PS: Hope M-I-L is recovering & your house hasn't gone into shock at you cleaning roflmao

  27. Good luck! I was all gung ho at the start of the year with my WIPs, now I've kind of lost the will to live...

  28. Your poor MIL!! Hope she heals quicker than what they are guestimating. And if anyone can conquer a 'to do' list, it will be you! You are the 'know all do all' and I bow to you, my queen. :) xoxo


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