Just when I thought my mojo was lost forever and I was lamenting the fact I'd finished two whole quilts this year I've managed to knock the ball out of the park and finish two more this month. It's about bloody time I got an injection of creativity that actually led to finishing stuff !
I started this quilt on a whim after seeing another version of it when I dropped some backing for another quilt off to my awesome magic quilting fairy recently. The idea looked so simple and ingenious (and fast to do - I like fast because there's no opportunity to get bored with a project and shove it in a corner ) so I started it the very next day and 15 days later it was done. It was a dream project, as long as you don't count the silliness where I thought I could hand quilt this as a starter project. Pfttttttt...forget that. I'm going to start with hand quilting a pot holder.
I suffered for my art ...getting my socks wet to take this picture. |
And I came in and informed Mr. P we simply need to move because there is nowhere picturesque to take a picture in our yard. |
Nanci sent me a layer cake of this fabric 18 months or so ago and it's been waiting for the perfect idea to come along. I love this fabric and cuddling up to this quilt in winter is going to be a reminder that Spring will arrive again (eventually). The heating is well and truly turned on here these days and I even broke out of pair of socks last night. Seriously -winter is just bullshit.
The mojo was slightly interrupted by a visit from Little P this weekend. Since we hadn't seen him for almost a month we had plenty of catching up to do. I was mistaken for his mother twice which really made me feel awesome because I've been feeling kinda old and frumpy lately. I either look really young or I was acting so immaturely in public that people couldn't believe I was a grandparent. Whatever. Bear with me for a sec while I break out my bragging pictures from the visit. I know every grandparent thinks their grandchildren are the smartest most adorable children ever but Little P really is. Everything is better when he's around.
I'm linking this post up to Elizabeth's monthly finish linky party because I keep promising her I will when I finish something and then I totally forget to do it!

P.S. The quilt finishes may slow considerably over the next couple of weeks since I am now pinning trillions of pictures of bags on Pinterest. One of my nephews asked me to make his girlfriend a bag months ago and I'm just now thinking about it.
P.P.S Just wrote girlfriend as "girlfiend"..and she isn't a fiend at all ...G is adorable. My sister is blessed by having two gorgeous prospective daughter in laws that she gets along so well with. Both her boys picked good!
You are an Awesome looking grandmother...you totally could be his mom and btw he is super cute too! Love the pics! So happy to hear your mojo is xoming back..yeayyy...I wish I had your gift, but I'm happy watching your projects no matter how long they take! Have a good weekend Love, hugs, Lizy
That's a fun quilt!
I agree on bot counts, you don't look old enough to be a grandmother, and there's nothing wrong with not acting your age. Ask me about it, lol.
The quilt looks awesome, I can't believe you've finished it already, that was so quick.
Little P is growing up fast.
I agree. Little P is cute as a button. You are, too :)
Love the quilt. Beautiful fabric collection!
Gosh, hasn't Little P grown - he wont be little P much longer! I love you quilt, and the backing is lovely. WHat is it?
That was a very speedy quilt - Yay it is pretty. A perfect reminder of spring.
Nothing wrong with being mistaken for the mother! Enjoy your little P.
Lovely finish Shay. I think you should start on something bigger than a pot holder but definitely not a big quilt as it might put you off for life. Hugs......
I vote with the not acting your age - tee hee! WTG on a real, live, actual finish though!
Well Done on your Finishes woohoo...
Great Post still laughing..Glad someone made your day Grandma!
Hope the Bag works out!!!
Little P is growing! Well, you have been busy haven't you? Love that backing fabric.
Yeah, you could be his Mum! Has he had his fourth birthday yet? He's looking very grown up now.
What a lovely quilt finish! You go-go, mojo! Looks like you and the Little guy really had some fun times!
I love this quilt! Everything about it just makes me feel happy. :)
I cannot get over how much LittleP has grown! Quick...feed that kid some coffee & cigarettes to stunt his growth ;)
Little Ps are like that.
I agree winter is BS and I don't mean blood sugar. I suppose it was invented to make us appreciate the rest of the year... give us something to whine about. Sorry but I'd never miss it.
Love your quilt. It's just the right colors!
Little P might be one of the four cutest kids .. Glad you've got the mojo going. Two finishes in one month hooray!!
Glad you used the fabric. love the happiness in the quilt.
I do not think of age as a number...it's a feeling...kid!
I was feeling very smug about our weather, as we were wearing shorts n tshirts a few weeks ago, but actually now glad to have all limbs covered in layer...saves time for quilting if you dont have to deal with fuzz!
Glad your PnQ mojo is back and that your kicking A as a hip granny/opps yummy mummy!
Go Shay, super quilter!! Awesome finish!!
Little P's lunch is so cute and deserves to be a big photo.
Great finish! I agree with everyone else - you look fabulous and would easily be mistaken as Little P's momma! He is getting so bit and what a good looking fellow!
LOVE that Gelati quilt! The colors are so pretty and the quilting is so fun. I don't know if I've evern done a quilt in 15 days start to finish. That is amazing! Well done!
And I loved the Little P montage (OK, so it was a collage, technically, but montage just sounded like more fun)! He is one adorable little boy! Also, I was a little bit pleased to see you were wearing the apron I sent you. I'm so glad you use it.
xo -E
Yeah for Mojo! Love the new finishes. You are very blessed to be mistaken for Little P's mum, I very often get mistaken for DT's grandmother (that just not fair at all!).
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Congrats on your finishes!! Very sweet to be mistaken for the mother and then wonderful to enjoy the good times butsend them home to mom for the hard stuff.:)
Gelati looks gorgeous show & tell next week please :) so glad that you had some quality time with little P a month is a long time with no visits how are studio plans going ??? dare I ask ???
LOL!! Seriously...starting to hand quilt with a potholder is a perfect solution. I'm right there with you! But I LOVE your quilt! And Little P...I can certainly see why the world is a better place when he is around. I mean...how many people have a mean looking ninja protecting their home. :) And lets just be honest here sister...you are young and gorgeous...so it's very natural for others to think you are his mother. ;)
love your Gelati quilt! that is just the perfect name for it!
-Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
Great finishes! I had to laugh at your comment about moving because you have no place to photograph outside... I love the name Gelati quilt..totally suits it!
Great finishes! I had to laugh at your comment about moving because you have no place to photograph outside... I love the name Gelati quilt..totally suits it!
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