Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Return of The 6 Million Dollar Cat

We had a mini emergency here at the tail end of the weekend  with His Royal Orangeness deciding to have another bout of kidney-itis. Naturally this happened at 10.30pm Sunday night which necessitated a trip to the 24 hour vet (think huge bills and the vet rubbing his hands in glee because he gets to go Bora Bora on my dime for a holiday this year).

All’s well that ends well. We got to it early this time so he just needed some medication to ensure he could take a leak and some more medication to reduce anxiety and stress and he was home by early Monday afternoon. 5 minutes after arrival back home he was doing this so I figure he must have felt a lot better. 

Naturally I had to take the afternoon off work to cat sit post discharge.This presented a perfectly legitimate opportunity to get some week day sewing  done.  And did I take this golden opportunity to sew my little heart out? No I didn’t – both the cat and I (appropriately) cat napped for three hours instead.

That meant that  I was padding around the house until 3 am that night . The cat did what cats do and slept the night away. I wonder what it would be like to sleep 20 hours out of every 24. At the moment he's drugged up to the eyeballs so that probably helps. 

Anyhoo-in the wee small hours I put the binding on Superheroes 1 and Briar Rose so I have plenty of hand sewing to do when the mood strikes.  

And in the spirit of putting myself out there I'm donating Briar Rose to the Royal Society for the Blind for a silent auction to raise money for training guide dogs. I'm equal parts terrified and thrilled. What if nobody bids? 

I finished the back for Superheros 2 and I really like the simplicity of it. I have plans to de-simplify it  somewhat by adding some appliqué and if I’m feeling REALLY brave maybe some trapunto.  Hey – you have to cram in the creative thoughts as they occur. Even if it is all in the same quilt.

And I found the perfect thread for quilting Superheroes 2 yesterday in my lunch break while I was shopping for heat bond for the applique. I love variegated thread. 

And on top of all of that I still have a baby quilt to make , and my goal list for March reminds me I shot my stupid big mouth off about having that finished by the end of March ...hmnnnnnnn. I sort of have a loose plan. We'll see how if that pans out. 

Happy Hump Day people. May Wednesday be kind to you all. 


  1. Glad the cat is ok. Hope it is raining in Bora Bora! LOL. I am sure your Briar Rose quilt will do just fine.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  2. Glad your furbaby is ok. Wonder if it's a thing with ginger cats. I had a similar experience with my ginger cat. I've owned other breeds & never an issue like that with them. Hugs,xx. Ps i also call my ginger cat the million dollar cat. :)

  3. So happy the cat got you some extra quilty time even if it was in the middle of the night.
    Your quilt will get bids, there are lots of people out there who don't sew!
    Enjoy the hand sewing.

  4. Glad his Royal Orangeness is on the road to recovery.

    Looks like you still got lots done even with the cat nap. Want did happen to March? Wasn't the first just yesterday?

  5. Happy to hear the world's most expensive cat is feeling much better..I'm sure the vet will think of you while he's enjoying that fabulous vacation! And your quilt will bring in lots of money..sounds like a wonderful cause.

  6. Great your cat is okay. We have a ginger one as well. We need to get their secret for sleeping such long hours I think. At least you got lots of sewing done. Hugs....

  7. Cats like to be mysterious, that's why they wait until completely unhelpful hours to do stuff. Glad His Orangeness is okay. I had a long catnap myself the other night after getting home from work...made it very difficult to go to be early as I must these days!

    Looks a satisfactory late night sewing session. Last step closer! I'm sure your quilt will get bids, don't worry!

  8. For having napped for three hours you got lot done. Glad the cat is fine...sorry to hear the vet won´t take you along to BoraBora :p
    Oh and I would bet a lot if I were anywhere near you, cause I really like that quilt!

  9. Glad your cat is ok again - maybe you can share the stress/anxiety meds?
    The quilt is lovely so I am sure you will get lots of bids.

  10. If a cat can eat, all is well with the world!

  11. well, i'm always happy when I'm home eating out of my favorite dish too! good news!

  12. Well I expect hand sewing on binding makes you fall asleep in the chair that you take to do it so how long a process can it become?

  13. Glad the cat is doing well. I'd probably have napped, too, though instead of sewing. That seems to be the way my days are going lately.

  14. Poor Mordecai (at least, I hope that's what his name is). I'm glad he's on the mend so quickly this time.

    Great job on getting the binding on those quilts! You still have time to squeeze in a few finishes (barring any more trips to the pet ER in the middle of the night).

    xo -E

  15. That cat has 19 lives, of which you have paid for 10 - but glad he is OK! Perhaps he is a super hero cat? I am looking forward to the appliqued and trupunto samples, can you then come and teach me? I love verigated thread to, but just realised I have it in green, green and green, need to get some in another colour!

  16. You know that cat is heading for a sex change to fix his problems for good. Our cat even with that was on medication for life. I had a dog that had 3 eye operations and in the end the eye died and it had to be removed, he went to a pet ophthalmologist and his bills made a normal vet bill pail into insignificance but that was 15 years ago so it would be on par with a normal vet bill these days.

  17. I'm reckoning you need to make HRO a throne, as befitting his extortionately expensive being ;o)

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  20. Are you insane? Adding trapunto??? You'll be off to the vet soon for anxiety tablets if you attempt that on the backing.
    So glad to hear Mordy is ok , I think he might like the thrill of night time trips to the vet.
    Maybe you should try working night shifts, then you'd be able to sleep all day, lol

  21. I think your vet and mine may be meeting up in Bora Bora soon. Maybe I will share our new "adventures". At least you made some productive use of being up at 3 a.m. I probably would have started and won a Bejeweled Blitz marathon or something. My March plans were also a little ambitious -- better to have something to aim at though, right?

  22. I'm so glad your cat is doing better! The poor fella. I wonder if he worked out some sort of deal with your vet to get his nice holiday. Hhhhmmm....

  23. I'm sure your silent auction quilt will be a hit. Glad the cat is getting well. Sorry about the hit to the wallet. What we do for our loved ones, eh? Always fun to see what you've got in the works for projects.

  24. Glad that the puss is ok ... love the late night sewing have a great Easter xx

  25. It's me, 5 dates late to comment as usual... I'm glad to see Big Orange cat is still alive and kicking. Good on you for getting some binding done! Happy Easter, the holiday where we get to legitimately eat chocolate for breakfast.

  26. But we love our animals, don't we? (Words I thought I'd never, ever say). So glad mordecai(?) is better!

  27. I'm so glad your kitty is okay, they do cause us stress don't they? You must have needed that nap, I take them all the time :-)

  28. Mordecai's bowl is beautiful - spoiled cat! And of course people are going to bid on that beauty!


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