Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weekend Tales

I enjoyed a lovely weekend. On Saturday, The Posse congregated at my crib for a sew-fest. As always the day was relaxing and laced with a smattering of chocolate and a lot of gossip information sharing. 

Loz treated us to show and tell as well as a fascinating story about how she doesn't see the point of Pinterest. After I'd washed her mouth out with soap and water she showed us this gorgeous antique quilt she recently bought home from her US trip.

But wait! There's more. 

Loz delivered a long awaited package foe me from Annie which contained Fudge Oreos (my absolute favourites )  and this cute gift tin. 

This is what was inside. A vintage thread spool that unrolls to show this saying. I love it Annie!

I spent the forenoon grizzling (loudly ) about how many hexies I had to separate from paper. I also announced I was going to publicly name and shame anyone who didn't help unpick hexies during the course of the day. Blackmail is awesome . By the time everyone left every single one of those hexies was naked. I was also crowned the Queen of Over-gluing. Thank you ladies for helping me and not battering me to death with one of my own chocolate dipped double stuffed Oreos. 

I crossed another February job off my list. Meet the fabric for my armchair re-upholstery project. It's hopefully on a plane as we speak and heading for my house. 

On Sunday I hit the ball out of the park when I made this cake. Looks pretty and  tasted good too. Score! 

And I got the urge to challenge myself on Sunday and shelved my plans to finish the quilting on the Superheroes quilt (yes I have started !) and decided to make myself a lunch pail for work instead.  Psttt...If you want to make one the tutorial is over at Pink Penguin

That's what I call a jam packed weekend. 


  1. Loved the pink wedding ring quilt AND your cake looks awesome! Was the lunch bucket difficult to make?? Great fabric choice!!

  2. Geez theres never a dull moment at your house, i wanna come play too! Love your lunch bag, you did an awesome job whipping that up! x

  3. Sounds like an amazing weekend! I love everything you pictured in this post. Enjoy the Oreos--you can have my share!

  4. Great quilts! And I'm sure the chocolate was good but the posse company was even better. Yay!

  5. Sounds like a weekend packed with wonderful!
    Glad those hexies are now paperless ready for whatever needs to happen next.
    The cake looks delicious and you lunch pail is superb.
    Enjoy the Oreos.

  6. Wow, I'm impressed, both that you made something and that your pal apparently has an elephant like memory and doesn't need to bookmark anything!

  7. Loz had a washout, eh? Well, I see she recovered enough to enjoy Oreos and ripping paper from hexies, that's good :) Love your fabric choices for the chair re-do and your lunch bucket! I have some matroishka fabric that would work up really cute like that too. Great weekend round up, and so glad you liked your gifties :)

  8. I adore your new lunch pail! Glad you had a great stitch along weekend and had such wonderfully self sacrificing friends to help you with the depapering of the hexies.

  9. Boy, that first antique quilt has me sinning- I think it is called COVETING- it is a beauty! The oreos look absolutely yum, and your lunch pail is so sweet...I think I still have a piece of those cute babushka dolls somewhere, hmmm ~

  10. Oh my, I lurve that star quilt......lurve lurve lurve you reckon she would give it to me if I asked nicely? Probably not.....what a cute little lunch bucket!

  11. I hope besides washing out Loz's mouth you were able to make her see the error of her ways.
    I'm very very pleased that I won't have to pull out the paper from those hexies when I come to visit, thank you girls.
    It sounds like a very jam packed weekend, did you have any time for a nana nap?
    The lunch bag looks awesome, love the fabric.

  12. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Another gift of oreos! how fun & yummy. glad you got your hexies unpicked. the fabric for your armchair is great. Looking forward to seeing that happen. Your lunch pail is fantastic. I love the way you lines the fabric up.

  13. We dont gossip Shay! Glad you changed that comment!!! LOL

  14. Sounds like a great weekend . Your weekends make mine seem so dull!!! You are really getting on with the sewing aren't you? I really like your lunch bag - handy too for taking food to parties etc. I need to stop fooling around and actually cut something out... I hate that part !

  15. That pink pickle dish quilt is gorgeous. I think I'll pin it, because Pinterest is NOT pointless.

  16. I'm going to gate crash one of these days, but wait I have kids who do a gazzillions sports and I am studying now (idiot) i have no life. But I seriously would have put my name on a sliver of that cake. Heat and steam help lifts the glue but the girls probably know that. Is that the fabric that has Adelaide on it.

  17. Healthy cake! Strawberries are good for you.
    Love your lunch bucket. You can get a bunch o' lunch in that.

  18. Yum, yum and yum...about the fabric and the food! Ahhh you GLUED your hexies down! We just had a conversation about that last week, we were all piecing over papers and owned a glue stick, but had reverted to old fashion tacking. I tried the glue...the glue and I didnt stick! ;-)

  19. Sounds like a fab party!!! How pretty is antique pink quilt! The cake with the strawberries looks so good, now I wish I was having that for breakfast. Love your little lunch bag, it's so cute, is it a gift or will you use it,

  20. The cake looks to die for and I'm with Loz on Pinterest.

  21. you're a rock star!

    Will you be sharing the recipe for the cake????

    love your friends quilts, especially the second one!

    thanks for including us in your girls' day out!

  22. Super cute lunch pail. I'll have to check that tutorial out.

    Loved all your fun activities and those quilts that Loz brought for sew and tell are amazing!

    xo -E

  23. your lunch bag is amazing and perfectly you!! Look at you, making a bag!

  24. Hi Shay,
    I enjoyed reading about your sew-fest weekend, especially the part about Loz and Pinterest. I featured your post on Craft Gossip here,

    Scarlett Burroughs
    Quilting Editor, Craft Gossip


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