Friday, February 08, 2013

Favourite Things Friday

I went back to work on Wednesday. It's always a culture shock going back to work after holidays. Its not the going to work part I mind, its the getting out of my pyjamas to go there part. But people were happy to see me after an almost three week absence and I guess work is a good thing because it helps you appreciate your weekend more. For better or worse my real life has apparently re-commenced. At least until the next lot of holidays. 

I've had a lovely week peppered with potential front runners for my Favourite Things Friday post. After much deliberation, I've chosen this weeks mail as my absolute favourite because I had some lovely unexpected mail surprises that completely made my week. I've been smiling ever since this mail arrived. 

From Beck over at Sarcastic Quilter a box of goodness which included chenille and babushkas. I've been rolling around in the chenille since it arrived. I already have plans for that gorgeous blue stuff. 

And for Little P -cookies. 

I don't mind admitting that Little P had some help eating these. C'mon. Did you seriously think I was going to have Oreo's in the house and let the three year old scoff them all? 

Fudge covered Oreos - how I love thee.  

From Thea at California Dreamin I received the mother load of generosity and Oreo-ness. 

Just check out that Babushka fabric (and all those Oreos) I literally squealed when I opened the box. Triple Double Oreos? Are you freaking kidding me? I'm either moving to the US or starting a petition to have those available in Australia. And I've hidden all those Oreo's because they're MINE , MINE all MINE!

These utterly gorgeous handmade snowflakes have taken up residence in my dining room where I can have my own little bit of snow all year round. 

Ladies thank you for making my week with your fabulous surprises. Gotta love any mail that includes my favourite cookies and babushkas. 

The hits just kept coming this week mail wise. From Tasmania I received this postcard from V as part of the postcard swap that was hosted by Clare at Clare's Craftroom. Thank you for your newsy postcard V. Loved it. 

And I got a new winter coat via mail this week too. Hey if the Northern Hemisphere is having winter sales who am I to pass up the opportunity of a new winter wool coat at a third of the price I'd pay here come April?  And I've already spent the money I saved on a waffle iron because I've been coveting one of those for months. 

Now if you'll excuse me I have to have some Oreos for breakfast. 

Got something that rocked your world this week? Something you'd like to share? Then link up to this post to show us your favourite thing this week. 


  1. Oh what wonderful post! and a waffle iron next. Woohoo! Have you seen those recipes for baking brownies in a waffle iron? I want a waffle iron just for that!

  2. Looks like Oreo heaven at your place - perfect breakfast food.
    Love the coat.
    Enjoy all your goodies.

  3. Shivers my mail wasn't nearly as interesting as yours! and since you have loads of Oreos at your house you won't be wanting/needing the ones I have at my house?? oh don't worry...they are still wrapped as I collected them from Annie....will bring them with me next Saturday....

  4. My favourite thing this week is leaving parties :oD

    Oooh, ooh, oreo waffles, you SO have to try this!

  5. Triple doubles? I did notice doubles at my local Coles last week. My Bradley tried to get me to buy them. For the kids. But I'm dieting people! No goodies allowed here!

  6. That's a very nice coat! Lots of yummy goodies this week.....I have some of those measuring cups too. And some babushka fabric, but it's different to yours.

  7. Wow, really fun mail. I'm not a fan of Oreos, but they sure have a lot of different ones these days. Fun fabric too! Definitely a fun favorite Friday.

  8. I love mail too! Looks totally like Oreo heaven -- nothing melted did it? Love the coat. and the chenille. lovely and fun! and yummy!

  9. you like Oreo's? LOL great mail!

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  12. Hey, It's one big oreo party at your house!! Happy mail sure helps to brighten up your days!

  13. Love that picture of Little P. Never had an Oreo and I'm not planning on starting because I am sure they would be too many points 5kg down and counting.

  14. Now you've made me hungry.
    So much goodness in the post, what a fabulous week. I think the whole universe knows you love Oreos now, I'm still on the fence about the deep fried ones though.

  15. Can't talk ... drooling ...

  16. How sweet to be so spoiled!! I think that is awesome! I understand the going back to work part and having to get out of your pj's. Did you shower in those 3 weeks? :)

  17. What an Oreo extravaganza!! Those should last a week or two ;)

  18. Looks like Oreo heaven at your house! Love the other goodies as well, and that coat! I heart the fur collar!

  19. Damm and I had sucesfully ignored the Tim Tams all week, while DH has been out of the house - thus unable to comment re how can I loose weight if I eat a whole packet! So my fav thing is your new measuring cups...damm that makes me want to bake!

  20. Many thanks for your Friday Favourite Things share along. Great way to make friends in this blogging world.

  21. I love chocolate covered Oreos too. They're so addictive, can't eat just one. I love that chenille too, so pretty.

  22. Never tried Oreos! I love the coat, never thought of ordering clothing from overseas.

  23. Well there's certainly plenty of favourites there but be careful of all those Oreos... straight to the hips you know!

  24. I suddenly have an urge to go eat Oreos.

    Nice coat! And what a fun lot of packages! That chenille is beautiful. I'm thinking of investing in some. I found a pattern for slippers that I think might be nice lined in chenille.

    xo -E

  25. I really liked the pictures in this post and a great idea to have favorite things on friday.


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