Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Daily Challenge

Chez Sunshine will probably never be the same.  We've implemented a series of challenges to keep this week even more interesting than usual. 

The first challenge was to see how fast we could eat the frog cakes that made the journey north with me. Bonus points were awarded for those that managed to keep them down....BP lost. She couldn't finish her frogs head and passed it on to me . Apparently the fact that I have been in training for this event since birth disqualified me from 1st place on the winners podium, meaning Little Miss Sunshine won by default. 

The second challenge we set was not eating the entire 1/2 kilo Haighs chocolate frog I brought up in one sitting . It's 48 hours since I arrived and we're all eyeing off the one square inch of chocolate we have left. Its all gone a little bit Lord of the Flies here. Nobody wants to be the one to finish it. I predict that level of politeness will last about another hour and then we'll all be wrestling one another to the ground, bitch slapping one another and hair pulling in an effort to determine a winner. I'm seeing a fight to the death for the last of the Haighs and I'm planning to win.

Yesterday we played "lets see who can survive on the least amount of sleep"(Marg won with a total of 4 hours into 60 minute snatches because she's a complete overachiever)which was closely followed by our third challenge of "who can go to bed earliest?". For anyone brought up in the Australia in the 60's, 70's or early 80's, we went to bed at about the same time as Fat Cat.

Last night we had the brilliant idea to set up a swear jar for today because we realized that we had only collectively used 12 words all day that we would be able to say comfortably in church, or in front of our grandmothers. It seemed like such a great idea at the time ...aided I'm sure by several alcoholic drinks that made it seem like the best idea ever. The rules were a dollar per swear. It's 15 hours in and so far we have collected enough for an overseas trip.  

The challenge for tomorrow will be to swear less than we did today....and to punch BP every time she says "Cray Cray "


  1. Well if you ever need to do a charity fundraiser I think you've found your theme - swear jar! Over achieving again, good work!
    And I am totally with you on the Haighs choccie not to mention the frog cakes - I haven't had one for years but every now and then I just have to and then I feel sick! - but they're just so damn cute! A smart woman would sneak out after everyone's in bed and score that last bit of Haighs!

  2. Sounds like your break is off to a great start and you'll all have a fabulous week.
    Enjoy that chocolate.

  3. Keep the swear jar up and you will be able to come with them to the UK in July!

  4. Poor BP, it sounds like you are ganging up on her. Two mad cows must be very difficult for her to cope with!

    Enjoy the rest of the trip x

  5. Sounds like an excellent set of challenges. Little Miss Sunshine does have an overseas trip to save for, so that swear jar booty could come in handy...

  6. Sounds like you all are having fun! Bet that jar is overflowing soon.

  7. I'm so glad you're having such a fun, care-free, lovely holiday! I hope you achieve all your daily goals and have a marvelous time at it.

    I'm afraid you'll be very bored if you ever come to Utah. I don't even know where a liquor store is, I don't swear and I can't eat chocolate unless is dairy free.

    xo -E

    P.S. What are you going to do with the $ in the swear jar?

  8. Have you two even left the house once yet? Seems you've been awfully busy with indoor games :)

  9. I'm sure there is a quilt shop near by that can profit from your jar. Its not even 6 am and I have had to stuff something in my mouth to stop waking up the whole house with laughter. How many drinks have you had while you write this post. If you are desperate I'm heading to glenelg this morning and can swing by Haighs if you want and replenish your supply, though they might not make it to the posty.

  10. You crazy gals!!! Sounds as though you're having an excellent time!

  11. snort! LOL I think you might need to go on a cleansing diet when you come home, for the sake of your liver and purse! OK so you have ticked off most of the good things about holidays; food, drink, friends, fun times but what about the quilt shops and sighseeing?!
    Besides what else are you going to do with the swear jar money, surely that needs to become a quilt challege the three of you can do!

  12. Just back from the ER after losing the battle for the last piece of the chocolate frog. Man you are competitive.

  13. Blogging has a lot to answer for... bringing you two together for one thing !!
    So glad to hear you are having a good time together.
    Cheers (hic !!)
    PS. I fear for poor BP's sanity and am wondering if we need to send in the troops to get her out?

  14. cray, cray? my yd says that all the time. sounds like you are having a marvelous time. sounds like a great idea to have challenges while you're on holiday. how full is the swear jar now?

  15. You really meant a chocolate frog! Being from the other side of the world I had never heard of such a thing, so I did a Google search. Now I want to know, what kind of chocolate?

    Can't wait to see what other challenges you two come up with.

  16. And this is why I think you are 'the bomb'. LOL!! Love it!! But please take care of Marg. I have a soft spot for her. :)

  17. Hahaha, is the sewing that unsuccessful that you're swearing so much? You'll be able to buy enough fabric for a queen size quilt including backing and wadding, with that swear jar collection.

  18. Do be sure to tell us how all that swear jar money was spent. PS - You sure have colorful cash!

  19. You are still as funny as ever! Great to catch up, I love the swear jar! I too, love my kitchen aid mixer, it's not quite as fancy as yours, but I too went for 25 plus years with the hand held - blech!

  20. A swear jar! Now have one for when you don't. Less monies for sure. By the way, your money looks just like our Canadian bucks too! Have had my morning laugh reading of your wonderful adventure. No idea what your are talking about with the froggies, but laughed anyway!


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