Sunday, September 02, 2012

Mish Mash

With our departure drawing closer, I've been working long hours so I can go on holidays from work with a clear conscience. Not much else that's blogworthy has been going on here unless you count the batch of cakes I made that I forgot to put eggs in (they were like little rocks and tasted very strange) or the fact we've been living on takeaway for about a week. 

Mordecai is firmly ensconced back in usual life after his near death experience. My credit card is not so much dented as completely smashed into tiny pieces. But it's nice to have a happy (breathing)cat.

He is minus a lot of fur , and all the neighbourhood cats are taking the piss out of him. I told him to tell them this is the "half poodle" cut and it's very chic right now. 

While I'm bitching and moaning about how poverty stricken I am I'd like to show something I ordered before the cat decided to suck the life out of my credit card. I haven't bought shoes in weeks so I went on a bender.

There are actually two of each shoe but I was trying to be arty with my photography. I Love Billy is my absolute favourite brand of shoes and since I bought three pairs on sale for the price of one it would have almost been sacrilege not to buy them.

I've done a bit of sewing lately but it doesn't feel like a huge amount of progress is being made. I've pressed all the bits for this quilt that is making it's debut appearance on my blog. I stupidly announced to Little Miss Sunshine that I was  aiming to have this top together before we went away and once I have an idea out there I find it hard to change it so watch this space.

And I finally sucked it up and basted Flurry yesterday because it's been sitting here mocking me for about a year now. 

I was assisted by my helper , Little P who has obviously been watching me baste quilts for so long that he knows how it's done without instruction or prompting. And yes- he did it in his pyjamas. I'm so proud. 

The plan for today is to quilt that darn thing. I'm already plotting about how little quilting it really needs to remain stuck together! If you hear crying- that will be me. 

P.S. 9 sleeps!


  1. So glad Mordicae is at home and making a full recovery. He sure looks none the worse for his ordeal.
    What is that about all the extra work required to take a little break?
    Lots of pretty triangles and bright packages.
    Enjoy sewing.

  2. So glad Mordecai is back home and happy. He looks all settled in. He's a very pretty color, by the way.

    I love that Little P knows how to baste quilts. What an adorable helper! And I love his Thomas the Tank Engine pyjamas!

    Cute shoes! Hooray for holidays! I hope the time goes by quickly enough to not make you crazy with anticipation and slowly enough to not make you crazy with trying to get ready without enough time.

    xo -E

  3. Oooooo.....lurve the shoes! Poor Mordecai, no doubt he is dreaming about coming back to life while little bits of your smashed-up credit card are floating round his head. Little P has the right idea, good to see!

  4. Very nice shoes. (And I don't even care about shoes! At least that's what I tell myself when no shoes in my local shoe shop actually fit me.) I haven't had a new pair of shoes for a couple of years now.

    I put the loudly mocking quilt tops in a cupboard whilst they await basting. It's not sound proof, but their mocking cries are suitably muffled. I'm planning to baste today. (Yep. Like every other day!)

  5. Oh so happy your cat is on track...the cut looks great too. I must look at those shoes for myself as they look great! Your helper is looking so focused too :)

  6. So glad there is some sort of normal in your house again. Your kitty looks really healthy and happy.

    Your shoes are so pretty. What kind of heels are they? Will they work for all the walking you will be doing in Hawaii?

    You are one lucky grandma to have such a wonderful helper.

  7. Glad to hear Mordecai is on the mend...hopefully your credit card will start to feel better soon! Love Flurry & your little helper!

  8. Sounds like you need a holiday!! Sorry to hear about Mordecai's near death experience - hope he is feeling better and i hope your credit card recovers before you get to Hawaii!! love the new shoes xxx

  9. You are being very restrained about this holiday. I would be soo excited!
    Glad the cat is better and you can go without worrying about him. Love the Flurry quilt so I'm glad you are finishing it off... and with help like that you'll be really speeding along with your quilts in the future.

  10. Pleased to see Mordecai alive and well and resting up after his big adventure at the vets.
    Now that you have bought three pairs of shoes, which by the way, are very nice indeed, I expect to see action photos of them!
    How's the quilting on Flurry going, have you pulled an all dayer to get it finished?
    I give you permission to not finish the top before you go hula dancing in Hawaii. Maybe you could use Little P to help you finish that too.

  11. Glad puss is on the mend, squid was laughing at the sigh of him too, quilt is looking lovely. How many sleeps till you are off?

  12. Glad your cat is on the mendand good luck with the creditcard :)
    The shoes look great! And your little helper is a darling!

  13. there's always room on the credit card for more shoes - like there's always room in the tummy for dessert!

  14. Poor kitty hope he recovers well...Love Flurry looks Great...
    Cool Shoes Fab Bargain...hope the coming week goes well for you.
    Take Care

  15. I have never seen that brand of shoes before. I think I am in love too!!! I googled them and up popped red boots!!!! I so want them. Hope I don't manage to find a seller here or I might go on a bender too!

    Special cat hugs to puss.


  16. God, I can't remember the last time I had one pair of new shoes, let alone three. I am stuck in envy land here!!

  17. So glad Mordacai is better. I was thinking he looks a bit like a punk which would be pretty cool on the streets. LOVE your shoes!!! Even Cinderella would trade her glass slippers for those glamorous colourful shoes. Seeing little P basting is the cutest thing ever. When he can manage a whole quilt you'll be able to rent him out. Good luck quilting McFlurry though I know you'll be fine, you're a super star quilter!

  18. So happy Mordecai is back at home. I like his reverse mohawk! ;) Can't wait to see what you do with Flurry. Hurry up with it! I need some inspiration to finish mine. ;) Happy Sunday night!

  19. Mordecai looks like he's back to normal cat life, complete with cap naps. His "do" is a bit extreme, but you'd think he'd be able to trade on that near death thing with the other kitties. Even with 9 lives, I'm sure it has to be impressive that he hung on to one more.

    Looking forward to seeing what you are up to with your new project. Good luck with getting Flurry done. Looks like Little P is already a pro at the basting thing, pretty impressive.

  20. Mordecai needs to know he's a fashionesta, tell him he's setting the trend, not following one. Love your happy shoes purchase, I'm glad you got such a deal, and glad those all came in pairs, lol.
    Look forward to the day when little P is able to do the basting by himself!

  21. Love the shoes - glad you got them ordered before the budget shrunk! Keep counting down the days.

  22. I'm glad that your kitty is alive. Even with less fur at least she's breathing and still kickin'. Wish she get back on her feet soon.
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  23. I'm finding that I'm getting more adventurous with my piecing but my quilting isn't keeping up. We really need to learn to free-motion.

  24. Mordy looks none the worse for wear with his new furcut. Maybe a mohawk?

  25. Glad to see your kitty is back and seems healthy. (He's lucky to have a family like you...)
    Love the shoes! I haven't been shoe shopping in years. N.e.e.d. new ones!
    Little P as a helper!!! I am so jealous!

  26. "I haven't bought shoes in weeks..." ha ha best comment on a blog this week. Your cat is fabulous and your little helper is adorable :)

  27. Oh, Mordecai, I LOVE the new 'do! The other cats are just jealous.

    Nice shoes--I can't even remember when I last bought shoes--had to laugh at your "it's been weeks"...

    Looking forward to seeing your new project, hope Flurry is behaving nicely after the careful pinning by a Little P in pyjamas.

  28. So glad your Kitty kat is on the mend and hope the same can be said for your credit card real soon. Gorgeous shoes and love Flurry. I can see you have instructed the little one in the Art of leisure dressing (sounds good doesn't It).

  29. Mordecai looks recovered and quite content .. catlike indeed. My kitties are all jealous of his do.

    I can't believe your Hawaiian holiday is only 9 (or is it 8 now) sleeps away!

  30. Good to hear kitykat is getting better. Love the shoes - I love Billy - so comfortable! Hope you have a great trip - will be thinking of you on the next FW day!

  31. I'm trying not to laugh at bald kitty, but I think I might be with the neighbourhood cats...

    Anywho, fab deal on the shoes! I'm torn at the moment between a 30% off GAP voucher (10% more if I buy 4 things) which is for use locally next weekend, and waiting til I get to the US where they're normally cheaper anyway *sigh*

    Well done to Little P, the best quilting is always done in one's pyjamas :oD

  32. I'd say things are looking up at Maison Pyjamas! Free labor, a healthy kitty, and an coming vacation! Yay for you, Shay!!!!!

  33. Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur....

    Do you watch The Big Bang Theory there? If not, ignore that. Kisses to Mordecai.


    You don't need anything except flip flops in Hawaii. I wore them to the wedding!

  34. Glad your cat is alive (I'd write his name,but I will not attempt to spell it). Have a fabulous trip in HAWAII!!!!!


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