Sunday, June 03, 2012

Cue the Twilight Zone Music

I feel like I'm living in an episode of the Twilight Zone this week. 

On Thursday I managed to go to work with my undies on inside out and wore them like that all day without even noticing. I guess I should be grateful I didn't discover I'd gone to work commando.

On Friday my Dad ended up in hospital and it wasn't even anyone's birthday. He's OK now but I'm starting to suspect his forays into hospital are some weird pensioner plot to save money on his home grocery bill.

Saturday I discovered we had run out of tissues so I'm using toilet paper to blow my nose until Wednesday because I'm too lazy to go to the shops. We NEVER run out of tissues. Normally I have 43 boxes in my tissue place stash right next to no less than 89 toilet rolls in case there's a world toilet paper shortage, or a flu pandemic.  

On Saturday I managed to double delete my entire email inbox and I have no idea how I did it. It's like I had an electrical force field around me that sucked all the emails into the ether.  So if you emailed me in the 24 hours between Friday and Saturday and I haven't responded, I'm not being rude, some dumb arse deleted my emails. 

I spent some time Saturday morning pondering the fickle nature of life, and  decided to just go with the flow. If the universe wants to chuck weirdness at me I'm not going to fight it - I'm going to go right along with it. 

And so, I started making a quilt back for a quilt front that I hadn't even started yet because I'm one wild and crazy girl. 

And on Saturday night I discovered I am a mere 1.5 metres short of being able to finish the back and make my binding, so the universe really did have the last laugh. Not to be deterred, I ordered extra fabric online to finish it up and I'm showing what I've done anyway. 

Sunday dawned looking particularly foul so it was a good day to stay inside in my pyjamas (any excuse will do)  

 I cut 324 of these little blighters.

and even managed to get some of them sewn together into  a couple of rows

I also made a big run at my Selvage String blocks this weekend,  prompted in part by this pile of goodness sent to me by Sue at Craft The Final Frontier Thank you Sue. 

By the way my "big run " was 10 whole blocks. I better get a wriggle on because I'm planning to finish this quilt by the end of the month and at this stage I still have 96 blocks to make. 

After a while I got bored with that and went and tortured my oven . Mr. P got banana bread...

and I braved making whoopie pies for the first time since my oven was resurrected.

Finally!  Woopie Pies that don't look like pancakes or have the consistency of Chinese throwing stars. 

I've been meaning to show this pork belly off for about two weeks.  I've cooked pork about three times in my life and this was one of them. I think I'll be cooking it again because it was DELICIOUS! And it looks pretty too-like something out of a food magazine.

Last but not least, I'm at the "finishing the binding" stage for the Hourglass quilt. 

I started that tonight while I watched Downton Abbey. I wonder if I can pull off three quilt finishes for June? 

I hope your weekend has been fabulous. Mine was nowhere near long enough !


  1. It id a definite sign of aging, the hoarding of toilet paper and tissues..called kleenex here in Canada for anything tissue...I used to buy huge double rolls when on sale. Our big house had lots of storage. The cottage has under the sink, but I can put 40 rolls there along with 6-10 tissue boxes and one small garbage..My sweetie looked on in wonder when I filled it up last week! See? Good things like that come with age!
    Now, just a querie...who makes backs before the front is done?

  2. Interesting week to say the least. Congrats on all the fun sewing stuff you got done.

    Based on the good looking eats, it appears the oven has indeed been resurrected.

    Weekends are never long enough. I think you have to make it to retirement to say that you have enough time off.

  3. Do you have a spare box of tissues in your car? When I run out at home there's usually at least half a box in the car.

    Good to see the whoopie pies worked so well, you'll have to make me some next time I'm in the city :)

  4. First things first: Downton there a new season on there? Don't tell me what happens (okay then, if you must).

    I think if I ever run out of tissues, I'D just have to scavenge through the pockets of everything I've worn the past week. I have become that older woman who has balls of Kleenex stashed everywhere.

    Love the glimpses of the quilty stuff you're working on. I bound a quilt yesterday by machine in the most heinous manner. Really, I should be arrested by the quilt police. But the thought of hand binding it gave me the fidgets, so I literally plowed ahead. Well, it's done and will not be re-done, and at least it lies flat. That's all I'm saying.

  5. Hint on the email (as mine were all deleted when I was hacked)_ you can email your provider (gmail, yahoo, etc via help) and they can often restore them as they have the whole darn world on a backup. You can give it a try!

    Lovely work on the quilts, you a re going like a house on fire! Put my lazy arse to shame, though I am almost done another top and have 2 basted...maybe there is hope for a June finish. Would be ideal as they are all gifts meant for the end of the month!

  6. You do have a weird world going there... starting a quilt with the backing shows that you joined right in.
    Looks like your oven likes to be harrassed. Keep up the good work!


  7. Thanks for making me smile and I sure hope my emails don't get sucked up into the blackhole....giggle.

  8. Hope your Dad is feeling much better. LittleGirl wants to know...How come you refer to your mother as Mum, but your father as Dad? Shouldn't it be 'Dud'? ;)

    For all the weirdness, you sure accomplished a LOT. Care to share your pork recipe? I don't eat it, but DH loves it. Yours looks divine.

    Happy Monday! :)

  9. Some days are just weird! Youre really getting through your projects! How clever to make your backing before your quilt, I always put that bit off. Lots of yummy food! I love Downton Abbey, what a great show to bind to. I hope your Dad is okay.

  10. Well I couldn't stay in my PJ's yesterday, had to go and freeze my butt off at footy, think I need to invest in a coat for footy. Managed to quilt 2 blocks on a quilt and that was it for my effort yesterday. I crocheted in front of Downton Abbey last night. And Who Says you can't cook, looks like you were on a roll to me. We have run out of tissues as well, I normally have at least 3 massive boxes in reserve but they are all gone.

  11. And forgot to mention the weird, hope your dad is on the mend again, and the planet's aline and the weird goes away as long as it doesn't head over to my house.

  12. Hope your Dad's ok, and it's a long time before the next family members birthday!
    Good to see you're cooking skills are going well. I'm still waiting to see photos of what you made with all the fruit and vegetables you bought!
    I love the layout on the quilt backing, it looks great. You could have ordered Hometown from the Little Miss Sunshine fabric stash. I have a metre or two.

  13. Hope your Dad's ok, and it's a long time before the next family members birthday!
    Good to see you're cooking skills are going well. I'm still waiting to see photos of what you made with all the fruit and vegetables you bought!
    I love the layout on the quilt backing, it looks great. You could have ordered Hometown from the Little Miss Sunshine fabric stash. I have a metre or two.

  14. Speedy healing to your Dad. We ran out of tissues here too this week not because I hadn't bought enough because I used every last one of them blowing my brains out through my nose....sorry gross I know but true. Yes I too am a horder of all things tissue related. Great work on your hourglass quilt. Big Yum to all your cooking efforts.

  15. Best wishes to your dad! Heavens girl, at this rate you will exhaust yourself.....slow down, for pity's sake!

  16. *sigh* hometown. That is all.

  17. You had me chuckling. Try pork tenderloin, marinated overnight and then cooked on the grill or in the oven- your choice. It is lean and delicious. It is my go to meal when there is more than the three of us.

  18. LOL I too stock up big time on paper products because running out of dunny paper is akin to a disaster (me), DH frets if we are short of milk, tissues and weetbix the kids just freak out if we run out TV!
    I stitched down binding before Downton Abby because I sit there watching it like a rabbit caught in headlights!
    And I avoid cooking pork (cos Mum never cooked it) but DH loves it and your pic did look super good so would also vote for u sharing the I need to b in DH good books so I can justify a few more stitching days out coming up and food bribery might just do the trick! PS love the tumbler blocks!

  19. PS why does your Dad being sick have to do with family birthdays? Hope he is better soon.

  20. I'm still thinking the Twilight Zone theme... thanks! Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he's feeling better. Must have been a scare.

    There are a few people in my house who stock up on the tissues and the toilet paper so I don't have to.

    I could never do the back of q quilt before the quilt cuz I never know how big the quilt is going to be.

  21. Glad your dad managed to save some on the grocery bill - can't say I'd be choosing hospital food though!
    Good to hear he is okay too.
    Lovely work there on those Whoopie pies - they do look delicious.
    Nice quilt activity at your place. The new backing looks perfect for your new project - enjoy the weirdness.

  22. You're so fancy....we always use toilet paper to blow our noses!

    That pork belly looks so delicious. How did you make it?????

  23. Even when your weekend goes pear shaped you still mange to do so much. Hope your dad is on the mend.

  24. lol - you have a way with words!! my husband hoards loo rolls - i think it's because he was 'caught short' when he was young and it scarred him for life!

  25. You think you had it bad? My Mother was here for 2 WHOLE WEEKS!!!

    I hope your father is doing well. It is hard when our parents get older. Your whoopie pies look fantastic! When we go to the farmers market, I always get a pumpkin spice whoopie pie!

    I love, love, love Downton Abbey! Have you seen the spoof called Downtown Arby? It cracks me up!

    Hope all is going better!

  26. Don't expect things to improve for a bit with the partial luna eclipse and the sun in venus today things are going to stay whacky. At least you are not falling over and dropping things all over the place like I am. LOVE Downton Abbey and yes I had to do a mercy dash to the shops yesterday as we were almost out of toilet paper....where does it all go? that's what I want to know?

  27. I'm liking the backing before the quilt top idea...kinda of like sweets before main for me!
    OK, this going to hospital by your dad just has to stop...even if it does save on grocery shopping...going outside the system of only on birthdays is just taking it too far!
    Impressive food photography going on there (and I don't eat pork but it even looks good to me!)...those whoopie pies make me want to give making some a try...I keep looking at the packets in the marketsuper and wondering...
    The whole tissues/toilet paper thing made me laugh...I had a friend who regularly ran out of toilet paper and substituted tissues...seems you are her opposite number...
    324...that is an achievement! well done...and it is looking good so far...great fabrics...

  28. I just read your post out to The Missus....We were both loved reading it. Your cooking is looking marvellous. Good on you! You are most welcome re. the selvedges. I'm glad I could help.

  29. I can't wait to see this new quilt, I love those fabrics you've cut.
    My DD said to tell you it's a shame you don't live closer because DH delivers pork all over the east coast of the US.
    He works for Hatfield Meats. We always have pork on the grill.

  30. It's always good to embrace the randomly weird!

  31. Hahahahahah - you make me laugh!

  32. Downton Abbey rocks.

    Glad it wasn't your pants on inside out.

    Hope your dad is well.

    Your baking looks amazing; I may have to do banana bread. With nuts. I like walnuts in my banana bread.

    96 selvage string blocks to go? Yikes.

    xo -E

    P.S. You're completely awesome taking life as it comes at you. I should take a lesson.


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