I wasn't sure I'd make it to my own party this week . There are so many things going on here that if I can find 3 seconds to scratch myself it's a miracle. I've neglected your blogs, my blogs and my emails for the last week in a vain attempt to try and catch up with other things and to minimise stress. It's not working ! Thank goodness for the opportunity to kick back and focus on a bright spot in my week.
Or so I thought. Little P has been sleeping over the last couple of nights and I thought I'd sneak in this post before he got up this morning and before I went to work but he just surprised me with an early morning wake up call. I walked back into the kitchen to find him wide awake and wanting to play cars.
I'm woefully out of practice with the "writing a post and simultaneously playing with a child" juggle. As I write he's sitting next to me on my I pad doing drawing asking me questions approximately every 8 seconds. He's also playing fruit ninja (better than I do ) and destroying my carefully thought out bakery game.
For my birthday last year nephew of pyjamas and his girlfriend gave me a gift voucher for T2 and I finally got there a couple of weeks ago to spend it. For the uninitiated T2 is a shop that sells every single tea related thing imaginable including, you guessed it, about a bajillion different types of tea.
The problem when you go to this store is working out exactly what you want to buy. I drink a lot of tea. Normal tea. Black tea. Occasionally Green tea. But this store has funky teas in every imaginable flavour.
I went nuts. This is "take a second mortgage out on your house to buy it" kind of tea. In the end I spent a small fortune. (and all because I cant buy just one of anything !)
I've been mixing the chocolate chip chai and toffee (doesn't sound much like a cup of tea does it? Sounds more like dessert!) The green rose tea is another fave. Mr. P snaffled the peppermint and took it to work .
I even went out and bought a tea glass so I can look ultra classy while I'm sipping on my tea.
So that's my favourite thing this week. Funky Tea. pop on over any time for a cuppa. I have plenty to go around!
I love tea and afternoon teas and all that comes with it. I'd have done the same, Shay, spent a small fortune. Were there dishes - that's what I'm always buying for teas.
You're one of my favorite things! Thanks for being you!
Chocolate chop chai??? Really?? I gave my boss one of my Cranberry Raspberry and Strawberry tea bags.....he said it was like drinking hot cordial!! I am a bit boring with my normal everyday tea....Irish Breakfast....white with one! But all those boxes look really pretty stacked on your bench!
My favourite thing this Friday is that it is Friday!
Yeah. Friday is good! I posted my FTF.
Even though I am a coffee addict I do love a GOOD cup of tea and tea parties and all things relating to the art of taking tea. I love good strong black tea but also love lemon& ginger, lemon myrtle tea and peppermint. Love your gorgeous glass teacup...very classy. So glad you had a great time spending your loot.
Mmm, I'd like some green rose tea, please. Isn't it fun to splurge on delicious things like that? I mean something you don't have to cut up and sew back together.
I drink tea all day, everyday. I start every morning off with Jasmine Green tea.
Chocolate chip chai sounds wonderful. Enjoy yourself!
Chocolate Chip Chai? how is it? what does it taste like? I'm not big on chai tea but I may need to come around. Nice favorite!
Tea glass!!! How cool!
I like tea, my favourites are either English Breakfast, Lemongrass, or Lemongrass and Ginger.
I love the tea from T2, but I'm not sure about the chocolate chip chai and toffee though.
I can smell the choc chip chai from here - delicious.
Love all those boxes.
Enjoy sipping your tea.
I'm a huge T2 fan!!!! I'll be toasting your favourite friday this week with a cup of Monk Pear, or Lady Grey or Sydney Breakfast.
Great favorite. Tea is such a soothing thing to drink. I have a cabinent full of exotic teas. Nothing better on a cold evening than a cup of tea while you are hanging out in blog land. Too bad it's summer here now.
Hope things slow down for you soon!
Nothing like a good cuppa tea! Those T2's sound yum, Ive been getting into fresh lemongrass tea lately - very noice! Hope you guys are well x
Nothing like a good cuppa tea! Those T2's sound yum, Ive been getting into fresh lemongrass tea lately - very noice! Hope you guys are well x
I used to be an Earl Grey nut but since the naturopath took me off caffine (my hands are shaking as I type this) I have found a new favourite. I am currently obsessed with Rosehip/lemongrass and ginger, its divine. Might just have to go online and get me a new tea glass though, nice aren't they :-)
My favourite tea is sun tea. I take any tea bags I have here at the cottage, which people have left, cause I only drink the above noted tea. I put a lot of water in my "tea jug" and add about 4-5 tea bags. Let sit in the sun for a couple of hours and voila...iced sun tea after it cools.
I can imagine for you tea drinkers down under that this would be bliss!
Am just back from the city, so don't have much to post about this day....
One of my favourite Friday things is popping by your blog. ;-)
Sounds like a fun store to visit, Shay! Nice favourite.
I'm not much of a tea drinker during the summer unless it's Southern Sweet Tea. :) In the winter, I'll have a cup of tea in the afternoon.
Here's hoping you found some time to yourself and your planets realigned a bit. Happy Saturday! :)
Ooh, I'm not a hot drink fan at all, but enjoy your new flavours!
I, too, enjoy tea, like A LOT! My house usually has a pretty decent repertoire to choose from, but girl, you've got me beat! :-)
I think I'm glad we don't have a T2 near us. From your account that sounds pretty dangerous!
I love the tea glass! Do you stick your pinky out while drinking your tea in it? I bet you do look classy cuz you are one classy (and funny) lady. That little P is just the cutest thing! I get you must squeeze him all the time! I know I would.
I had no idea there were such exotic Teas out there. I'm amazed! And that glass is adorable, I could take up tea drinking just to have one.
Have a great weekend hon
That is some serious tea sampling their. My Nail lady told me about Teatonic (online shop) and I might have to buy their sampler pack to try a few before I jump in. Have you tried some of scullery maid tea's brews, I think they are in the Barossa they do have a Facebook page as well I love their Chocolate & Marmalade tea. Sorry not playing along this week been in bed since wednesday night with a tummy bug, have only emerged this afternoon to the land of the living.. just dry toast for me for a few days I am thinking.
I am not really a tea drinker.. But I can do some serious damage to my wallet in a coffee shop..
One of my guilty pleasures in life is having something delicious to drink. I'm so glad you've found lots of yummy new favorites. And I LOVE your little tea cup. So pretty!
xo -E
T2 is the BEST...yum yum yum...love their Bright Nights herbal tea...it's soooo hard to go into a T2 shop and come out with just one flavour and so easy to spend that small fortune...enjoy every cup! chocolate chip chai and toffee - definitely dessert - a yummy dessert at that, love chai...
Oh, I want some! I'll be around in a bit.
Love the tea glass, it is very classy. Sounds like a great store. Right now I'm over my blooming teas and stuck on Darjeeling (bags, no less...oh the horror...not very classy).
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