Wednesday, May 09, 2012

A Pointless Post

After a few weeks where I've worked on multiple projects like a 12 year old kid with attention deficit disorder and have appeared to get nowhere I resolved this week to stick to one thing. OK - two things. And to see at least one of them through to a finish. Or close to a finish.   I'm utterly fed up with showing bits and pieces of progress and I'm sure you're equally sick of seeing the same crap over and over and having to come up with new adjectives in your comments.

I had such high hopes on Friday . I was full of enthusiasm and planned to hit the sewing room as soon as I got home from work that night. 

Didn't happen.

Saturday I did manage to get the inner borders on the jelly roll race quilt. And I made the second wider borders for it ...and then decided I really hated them.

So one border it is.

I planned to get the Jelly Roll quilt basted over the weekend so I could work on the in the ditch quilting this week after work. It sounded like a grand plan . 

It didn't happen... Because every pin I own was still in the Contrary HST quilt which was waiting have the quilting finished.  So I sucked it up and continued the quilting on that confident that I could finish that off by Sunday. 

Didn't happen.

So what we have here is post where nothing much really happened, where I don't really have anything of consequence to link up to Kate's 15 minute challenge for this week , and where I'm refusing to show you pictures of my limited  progress.

 I could have got away with a post that just said 

"Didn't achieve a thing."


  1. That was totally my weekend too, damnit! Maybe next weekend will be miraculous...

  2. Ah well we all have weeks like that, better luck nex week. I don't mind seeing your stuff over and over it's good to see the journey

  3. You're too hard on yourself! A little bit here and there is better than nothing. I just doesn't feel as good.

    I know exactly what you mean though. I've been working on one applique block (Cuddlepie & Snugglepot, or is it the other way around? I forget.{for an Aussie friend [she lives in Adelaide] who's having a baby.}) for over two weeks now. I work on it for an hour or so every night after work and I'm just not getting anywhere. It was supposed to be in the mail on the 5th. Maybe tonight will be the night I FINALLY finish it (that's what I say every night). It is 21" square, so I'll blame it on the size. And the embroidery on the faces. It took forever to get those just right. Meanwhile, my Cookie Monster pattern and fabric have been sitting on my sewing table for so long they've started collecting dust. Blah.

    Notice how I made this all about me so you'd feel better about yourself? I'm totally selfless like that.

    xo -E

  4. So the weekend was a bit blah on the sewing front, is what you're saying?

  5. I have a drawerful of objectives that I can pull out for you and your glorious, sublime, out of this world projects!!!!!! So keep on posting as they really are peachy, and I'm very happy to see what you are making even if you think it's slow going.
    I feel your pain, and totally empathise as I have so many looooooooooong term projects that occasionally I roll out another block for a ta dah moment. One day we'll get them finished.

  6. Hahahahaha - new adjectives - hahahaha - you make me laugh - AND it's a relief you aren't showing millions of darling things you've popped out while working full time and cooking amazing meals - it makes me feel like my life isn't such a waste...

  7. How frustrating! I can hear you, though- that seems to be a pretty constant refrain for me.

  8. Well too!! Great post because it really helped me recognize what's been going on over here. I started a sewing machine cover then started another then quit altogether. I think my mojo went on vacation.

  9. I like your multiple project approach to quilting. You use such fun fabrics and to be honest, I adore your projects, even as repeats. I see my projects every day, yours maybe once a week at most.

    Looking at the motiviation behind the 15 minute challenge, you had a great week. Really. You made progress and worked on stuff at least some last week. Hope this week is even better.

  10. I always make grand plans, blog about them, then never make another comment or update... either from never accomplishing said project, or simply staring at it and deciding to work on something else or watch a movie instead. You mean to tell me it isn't the thought that counts?

    Besides, I'd much rather read about your lack of progress than somebody else bragging about how much they accomplished while they had five children needing attention and dinner and bedtime stories. It makes me feel like we're kindred spirits that way!

  11. well, although you didn't accomplish what you wanted, you did more than 15 minutes a day .. and you did take care of Miss P's meals and allowed her lots of iphone time. and since there is a one inch coating of dust on my sewing machine, who am I to talk?? I appreciate the challenge for new adjectives. :)

  12. I sorta like the posts where I don't have to think of adjectives. It takes the pressure off. ;)

    Methinks you got quite a bit done, just not the big ta-da! kind. I bet you will soon though. I love hearing about whatever you do or do not do. Rock on.

  13. We like seeing the process of making. A blog that only had finishes would make me feel inadequate. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?!!

  14. It's actually a bit of a relief to open a post where someone hasn't done anything. Anyway I read your Sunday post and know why you didn't get any sewing done.

  15. I love seeing all your quilt progress Shay and I never get bored. I think you do an amazing amount of beautiful work.

  16. I like that you used all those words to tell us you did not much - fabulous.
    Hope the projects are more cooperative this week.

  17. I love reading your blog - you always make me laugh! Needless to say, we all have weekends like yours.

  18. you deserve to rest some weekends

  19. I totally understand your pain! I have been starting many projects, but not finishing anything. I have also gotten very side tracked lately! Perhaps there is some weird virus traveling around the world! I think I will stick with that. Your previous post cracked me up - the one about all the cooking. I can't tell you how many times the baby wanted to cook/craft/whatever with me and it translated to me doing it all! Gotta love kids!

  20. LOL!! This is EXACTLY why I loved reading your blog. And probably the reason I haven't posted much on my own blog lately...didn't achieve a thing, so I haven't posted much. But make it look like an art. :o) I still bow to you. Thanks for just being you and always making me laugh. xoxo

  21. Shay - You produce more projects than most of us ever will. Thanks for your delightful post on how you accomplished little. Happy Friday! ☺


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