Friday, March 09, 2012

Favourite Things Friday


It's been another whirlwind of a week. Crazy busy but a "good" kind of busy. Lots of golden moments full of laughter.  I'm looking forward to 5.00pm tonight though and since Monday is a public holiday here, I'm doing the happy dance at the thought of three days off. Tomorrow, Miss P and I are having a spa date and going out for lunch. Tomorrow night is her 21st party and after that I'm planning on collapsing for the rest of the weekend. 

Miss P introduced me to an app this past week called Draw Something , which is essentially like Pictionary for your I phone or I pad. She and I have been drawing back and forth all week. The ability to draw recognisable objects was left out of our DNA at conception so our attempts to convey things through visual means have been somewhat hilarious. 

I talked Little Miss Sunshine into joining me in this time sucking activity on Wednesday. Frankly her attempts to draw are no better than mine so it's an even match.  Everything was going relatively smoothly until I got home from work last night and was greeted by this email. 

"I apologise in advance. I drew something that was totally innocent. When I finished it I looked at it and saw I had drawn you porn. Sorry."

Frankly after an email like that I couldn't find my I Pad fast enough. 

All I could see was a cannon. Can someone please explain what she was talking about?

The resultant flurry of emails back and forth provided about an hour of almost wet your pants laughter. The kind of snickering laughter 15 year olds engage in. Maybe we're both reverting to our adolescence? Gosh  - I hope so because life is generally a serious business when you're a grown up and if I'd known that 30 years ago I would have refused to participate in this nonsense known as adulthood. 

My favourite thing this week is belly aching laughter and outing one of my best friends who said she was going to deny she ever drew anything resembling a cannon. Oh and the shaky writing ? That's because she was laughing so hard that she could barely write. I was so busy laughing at her drawing I didn't even notice the writing. 

Do you have a favourite thing this week?  Link up your post so we can share something that you loved this week. 


  1. Gotta love a good belly laugh. Will have to think of something today while I should be working. Going to have to find a sugar daddy so I don't have to do that any more and I can just stay home and make stuff. Maybe I'll buy a lottery ticket the sugar daddy might be too much work.

  2. Thanks for sharing the laugh! All I would say is that if that "canon" is shooting something red, perhaps it needs to be examined by a urologist. And I don't even want to know what the black dot might represent. A mighty big kidney stone? Ow.

  3. Poor kidney stone cannon. :(

  4. I agree with P. a specialist is a must. A good belly laugh is good for the soul and your health. "You can't choose whether you grow old but you can choose whether you grow up or not" I choose "NOT" LOL!
    Thanks for the giggle.

  5. It sounds like you had a blast!

  6. Laughing is the BEST! Great favorite!

  7. I'm very confused - I just see a canon. What are the other lot talking about urologists for?

    Nothing like a good belly laugh is there. Great favourite thing!

  8. This is too funny! When I first saw the picture I thought, "what the heck is Shay up to now"! I can't wait to show this to my DH.

  9. I have been having a good belly laugh at the "cannon"! Shay, you have always been able to make me laugh!

  10. Gotta love a good laugh and and a good cry too, and if the first causes the second to happen so much the better.

  11. Have a lovely pamper day and a wonderful 21 celebration.

  12. lol We are not old.....we are recycled teenagers.

  13. Yup, definitely looks like porn to me...

  14. hahhaa, I laughed so hard at YOU. :))
    I noticed right away when I looked at the drawing but then, my mind stays in the gutter most of the time. haaaaahaha...
    great post.
    oops, are you aware that you have the dreaded word verification ON. ??

  15. Like minds are attracted to like minds. And you can't beat a good belly laugh. Mind you, next time Marg wants to draw one of 'those' I think she needs to get up close and personal. Never seen one with such a blunt end!

  16. I play draw something on my Galaxy S2, and even though it has a large screen for a phone, it still doesn't feel big enough for me, who used to only draw on my 11 inch laptop. I'm guessing you guys play it on your ipads, because even when I'm in serious mode I can't write that neatly on my phone.

  17. LOL - I can't see anything else I'd say in public. Great post.

  18. I'm saying nothing about that picture! So good to laugh with friends.

  19. Is it bad that I immediately recognized what Little Miss Sunshine was talking about?

    I'm laughing too.

    xo -E

  20. Laughing till you cry is the best medicine for life. That looks like a fun app I will have to check it out. Have a great party...and recovery :-)

  21. sounds like an excellent favourite thing - i hope we never grow up too - we had to take a fruit or vegetable to school on friday, to draw - and someone brought a penis gourd - no doubt some png highlander is missing his cod piece - 14 women, from 39 - 65 years young, snickered and giggled all afternoon....

  22. You guys crack me up!!! Too funny!!

  23. Er, excuse me, but were you a comedian in your past life? Your blog has to be one of my favourites and always cracks me up. Where on earth did you get the gift of writing so funnily?? (not sure if that's a proper word, but you're the teacher round here, you tell me!!)
    Hugs, Cynthia x x x

  24. Thank you for sharing all the laughter. It's a wonderful favorite. Though I have to admit, all I see is a cannon, but I've been told I don't have a great imagination.

    Hope Miss P had a wonderful 21st and that you are well on your way to recovery after your collapse. Enjoy your Monday off.

  25. Laughter is definitely worth favourite things status...hope Miss P had an awesome party and you have now recovered from all this 21sting stuff...

  26. LOL!!! I can always count on a good belly laugh for the day when I read your blog, Shay. Oh my gosh....I LOVE IT!!!! LOL! LOL! LOL!


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