Friday, March 02, 2012

Favourite Things Friday

Twenty one years ago tonight I crept down to the hospital nursery to stare at my beautiful daughter in her humidity crib and marvelled that I had made something so tiny and perfect.  Even if she had made me sick for 8 entire months every single day and had prevented me from eating cheese for my entire pregnancy. The trade off was that she liked strawberries and chocolate milk so that's what I ate for 9 months. 

Between the ages of 14 - 18 I wanted wild gypsies to come and take her away in the middle of the night and return her again after she'd learned to be a human , but for the majority of the last 21 years I have been utterly , deeply and madly in love with her. So I want you all to indulge me today while we celebrate Chloe's 21st birthday because there have been times when I was pretty sure one of us wasn't going to survive to celebrate this rather large milestone. Having done so is my favourite thing this week. 

I'm resisting the urge to show naked baby shots and all the other embarrassments of her life (gawky pre-teen years , bad fashion mistakes, and all those shots of her scowling and looking rebellious and emo through her teen years ). It would be fun for me to play "lets stick all those incriminating photos on the internet" but if I do it today it'll lessen the impact when I do it next Saturday night at her party in front of people she actually knows. Sometimes you have to chose the greater of two evils.   

My life has taken a few twists and turns since that night in the nursery , many of them unexpected.  There really has been joy , and sorrow and challenges and jubilation. There has been happiness and anger, frustration and emotional highs and finally, over the last few years, a relationship based on us both being adults. (which doesn't mean I can tell her what to do occasionally because I am after all, her mother - and dammit Chloe you will listen to me because I know what I'm talking about ) 

Her Royal Highness  started the day by telling me I wasn't allowed to take any pictures of her until she had showered , dressed, slapped on make up and done her hair. Yep- she's always been a princess.

It isnt a birthday without balloons 

And flowers 

We went out for lunch 

Someone over indulged on the baby cinos...

Presents were unwrapped 

Cocktails were enjoyed 

And my cupcakes weren't a total disaster. 

So Chloe I just want you to know ...I love you once,  love you twice, love you more than beans and rice. 

Oh and I was totally bullshitting about not showing nudey/ embarrassing shots of you . I have another set lined up for next weekend

Feel free to link up and show your embarrassing baby pictures or anything else you like this week too. 

To all of you who have emailed me this week offering your good wishes for my surgery obsessed family, my Dad is fine and Little P sailed through his surgery and woke this morning to wreak havoc through my house as usual. Thank you so much for your lovely emails. 


  1. Such a nice tribute...I don't have to show pictures of my children..they are having their comeuppence...I have 9 grandchildren who are doing that....

  2. So pleased little P's surgery went well!! (already said about your Dad didn't I? If not then him too obviously)
    Happy birthday Miss P! I'm sure my Mum wanted me to be taken by pixies a fair amount too!
    I already feel like that about mine most days and they are years away from their teens. Oh dear!

  3. beautiful pictures of your baby girl! and no way, 21 is not too old to sometimes tell her what to do - I am 27 and my mom does it all the time! Looks like you guys had tons of fun, and happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  4. My DD is 28yrs tomorrow so I can Certainly Understand and Agree with the Trials & Tribulations with Teenage Girls...
    It's Nice when they become Human and you can at least have some sort of
    Enjoy the Party and Happy Birthday Chloe...

  5. A very happy birthday to Chloe. I hope she has a lovely day and that the party goes well next Saturday.
    Glad all the family medical items have been successfully completed too. It has been a big week for you hasn't it?and I guess the next will be busy too.
    Don't knock yourself out but have a good time ( and bask in a little reflected glory too - you've obviously done a fine job Mum !)

  6. Happy Birthday to Miss P! Such a milestone. I love all the pictures. you are a great mum to still do the balloons at 21 ! Lunch looks delicious.

    Glad to hear all are doing well.

  7. Happy Birthday to Miss P! Glad everyone is fine after their surgeries.

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAUTIFUL CHLOE! (What a gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl!)

    And those baby photos - oh my gosh. She has the same AMAZING square jaw and perfect chin that two of mine have - I love that. She is so striking! And her EYES! Oh my gosh. I've looked at those baby photos almost ten times now!

    What a fun day you made for her!!!

  9. Happy birthday, Chloe!! Enjoy embarrassing the crap out of your daughter at the party ;)

  10. A beautiful FTF for both you and Miss P.

  11. What a wonderful celebration of your daughter's life. A Happy Birthday to Miss P. A great photo tribute.

  12. Happy Birthday Chloe and congratulations! Loved your little rhyme Shay - looks like it was a happy day! Enjoy the party (everyone!)

    Glad to hear all surgeries went well x

  13. What a fabulous post. Thanks so much for sharing Chloe's birthday with us. I'm living in hope that at 18, we will share a similar experience of once again having a human in our lives instead of a grump! Lane

  14. Happy birthday Chloe hope the birthday celebrations are wonderful.

  15. Missed the fine print, you woulnt know I worked in insurance. Glad all the surgeries went well. Squid sailed through 2 surgeries, maestro was a little more in need of attention after tonsils but then he's a boy. They are probably more resilient when they are little pj's age

  16. Happy Birthday Chloe.
    Great photos Shay and nothing too incriminating. So pleased all went well during the week for you. Hope you have a fantastic time with Chloe celebrating her birthday.

  17. How sweet! Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean, we have four grown children, the youngest is going on 22... I sometimes wonder how I survived, but I adore them all and now they have little ones of their own to pass on the fun! Trudy

  18. Happy Birthday to Chloe.....just think, in 19 years or so she can do this to her child!

  19. Happy Birthday Chloe!! Looks like you celebrated in style!!

  20. Happy 21st Birthday Chloe! And well done mum for pulling throught the last 21 years.

    ll the best people are born on 2nd March!!!!

  21. Happy Birthday to Chloe. Congratulations to Shay for being a mom for 21 years, it's not a job for the faint of heart.

  22. Happy Birthday Chloe! I love the photo of you and your princess tiara. Looks like you had a great day celebrating and I am sure you are looking forward to the big party next weekend.

    Well Done Mum for surviving the teen years, I still have that to come and I am not looking forward to them. Thank goodness we have all those adorable baby photos to remind us of what little angels they once were.

    Glad to hear all the surgery went well as well.

    You will be spending this week making and baking I presume?

  23. What a sweet birthday tribute! I love everything about this post, from the cupcakes to the cute kid pics, past and present. Happy 21st BD to Miss P.

  24. What a complete doll she was as a baby, Shay!! And looks and sounds like you've raised her into a beautiful young woman, too. :o) So glad you survived the 14-18 years.. Happy Birthday to Chloe and Happy Mommiversary to you. xo

  25. Happy Birthday Miss P ! Those baby pics are just gorgeous...Enjoy your party! xx

  26. Hip Hip Hooray - 21 is certainly a milestone worth celebrating in style.
    Enjoy your MissP.

  27. Happy Birthday to Chloe...Hope you survive the week ....Glad to hear that all the op people are fine :)

  28. Happy Birthday to Miss P...or is that Princess P...pretty cupcakes..good that the surgery obsessed ones sailed through...

  29. Happy Birthday to Miss P! She's obviously kept you on your toes for many years...I think you could tell by the set of that jaw in the baby photos how it might be :) What an adorable baby! Love the spotted dog's rear in the one shot, lol.

  30. Ah, 21. I spent the best part of a week drunk and the fellas from work got me a male stripper. Can't show you the photos as they are obscene!

    Hope Chloe has as memorable a birthday and you survive it as well!

  31. Happy 21st to Chloe x I cant believe how much like Quilty Gals daughter Whitney - she looked as a baby!

  32. Happy Belated Birthday to Chloe! Isn't funny how are kids can bring out the devil and saint in us, all within 5 minutes of each other? LOL I LOVE the flower balloons. My birthday is in July if you would like to throw a party for me. LOL Have a great day, Shay!!

  33. I haven't read a blog in weeks. I'm happy to know the surgeries went well!
    Looks like there was a wonderful 21st birthday celebration the cupcakes look great and you even managed to get away with sharing the baby pictures! Chloe is a beautiful girl!
    Funny I felt the same way about my DD during the same time ages.

  34. Happy belated, Miss P! You were an adorable baby and you're a beautiful woman!

    xo -E


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