Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Miscellaneous Post

I've been chasing my tail for the last few weeks and at times even questioning whether my life is decent blog fodder any more. Lets face it-posts about non existent crafting and sewing don't exactly make for scintillating reading. I am beginning to fear I've lost my capacity to poke fun at myself along with all traces of my sewing mojo.  Maybe I need to renovate something again. That usually provides me with more fun than I can poke a stick at. 

Anyway, today you're getting this conglomeration of things that have been going on here while I have been lurking but not actually posting.  

Miss P's birthday cake has been ordered . I almost died of shock when I got the quote. Who knew flour , eggs and water wrapped in a bit of fondant would necessitate a house re-mortgage?  Since Mademoiselle requires two cakes (one for the actual birthday and one for the actual party ) I have decided to go it alone for the family birthday cake and set out to create the worlds biggest cookie cake as a prototype this past weekend. 

I'm showing you the good side. On the other side features the guts of the cake leaking out. Very unappetising. I'm desperate to come up with something that I can make that won't end up looking like dog food. I'm thinking cupcakes. I can cover the mistakes with plenty of icing. And cheat like buggery with some store bought cake toppers. Naturally the supplies have ended up costing me more than buying the cupcakes already made would have. Obviously I didn't really think that through.

I've been a bit spoiled in the mail department lately. Firstly from Ms. Mistea, who thoughtfully sent me some selvages, wrapped in other goodies. Is this a cute mini pin cushion or what ? And that little pouch is perfect for my lip gloss collection that used to reside at the bottom of my handbag, that I could never find in the 3 seconds I had to apply lip gloss in the mornings. 

And I did a swap with the wonderful K at Shocking Hocking for a goodie bag of red and white fabrics so we can both have more variety in our  Farmers Wife Quilts. Look at what she sent me !  Talk about generous. 

Close encounters of the gardening variety have been occurring here as well. In the last three weeks I have  planted mint, parsley , coriander, leeks  and basil. And despite remembering to water them I have managed to annihilate the leeks.

And all of the coriander.

And I had to get Mr. P to build a fortress around the mint and parsley because my cats thought we had provided them with very swish toilet bowls.  

The past weekend saw me being a social butterfly. I attended my monthly Farmers Wife Quilting Group. Pop on over here if you want to see what we got up to. I always remember to take my camera and then forget to take pictures!  It was fantastic to catch up with the girls and gossip and sew. Here are the two latest blocks I have finished (which makes a HUGE total of 4 - only 107 to go ...)

Progress has been made on the hexagon cushion.  A finish could be lurking in the wings but I'm not making any promises. 

I've also been working on the hourglass quilt but I've been too lazy to take pictures ...

And in my last piece of news, my parents have been married for 50 years on Friday and we're all going away this weekend to the land of no wi-fi (I'm pretty sure my Mum organised that on purpose)  to celebrate this incredible milestone. Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad. So FTF will be on hold this week since I wont be around to be amazed by your posts. Hold onto those happy thoughts for another week ! I have a big post coming up next week. 

Just in case you think I was joking about leaking cake guts ...

and FYI marshmallow fluff explodes in under 30 seconds when you try to heat it and it coats the inside of your microwave like builders concrete.


  1. Another exhausting post. Love that cake. Have a wonderful weekend away.

  2. "My cats thought we had provided them with very swish toilet bowls." Umm isn't it funny how cats think they rule just about everything?? Sometimes, they're worse than a three year old in the "I own everything I see" department.

  3. You say you have not creativity going on, yet your pictures tell a different story. Happy Anniversary to your parents! Enjoy your time with them this weekend. Happy Thursday! ☺

  4. Your gardening prowess is awesome...a little like my own! I have adopted the attitude with my garden that if you can survive without too much (any?) TLC then you can stay.....anything that dies will be replaced (at some stage - no holding of breath please) with hardier species. Love the cake! Enjoy your weekend away - and congrats to the 'rents for 50 years together! Good effort!!

  5. not sure why I am suddenly anonymous....last time I looked I was still Loz!

  6. Hahahahaha - always a pleasure! If we can't poke fun at ourselves, we're in trouble. Great pics of the cake! I am totally "not in the quilting mood" lately myself. I did get some pants hemmed yesterday, but it's not really blog-worthy. Have fun this weekend!

  7. Sure looks to me like there's been a lot of creative stuff going on at Chez Shay. I do know what you mean though. Sometimes I'm just not feelin' it. I think a lot more posts that ever end up being put into words. Funny how that works.

    I like those Farmer's Wife blocks, and your cookie cake looks yummy. Happy 50th Anniversary to your parents! Definitely a cause for celebration!

  8. Love the hexagons and the FW blocks.
    I'm sure when you're forced into action those cupcakes will be great.
    Congrats to your mom and dad on 50 years! That's wonderful!

  9. You could write about brushing your teeth and I would read it and laugh anyway. You are much funnier than I think you think you are (does that make sense? I'm so tired...)

  10. Nothing wrong with cake guts, but I'm glad it's your microwave that needs cleaning and not mine......happy 50th to your folks!

  11. Your cake still looks delicious. And I wish I had half of your energy and craftiness. AND you almost got me inspired to making a Framers Wife Quilt too. Or a Sylvias Bridal Sampler...I have been lurking around both of them fpr a very long time. And if you can do it..shouldn´t I be able to get my Butt up too??

  12. Um, I'm sure it tastes fab! In my corner of the world, cupcakes and ice cream are just fine. Ice cream cakes are even better and not as spendy as fondant creations.

    Hope you get back in the swing of things and return to the craftlab for more satisfaction. Your gardening looks like mine!

    Happy Anniversary to your parents--mine reached that milestone a few years ago too.

  13. That cake looks yummy, guts and all. The last cake made at my house didn't even make it out of the pan, but that's another story.

    What wonderful mail you've gotten recently ..

    The Farmer's Wife blocks are nice .. I keep thinking I want to do one of those.

    congrats to your parents. Have a fun weekend!

  14. Is there something amiss with me because I could quite enjoy that cake especially the squishy side. Your 'farmers' blocks are really lovely. Congrats to your parents.

  15. Oh dear the cake probably tasted good but the actual presentation ...??? Have you considered a rocky road ice cream cake. Lots of marshmallows, broken up malteesers,toasted almond slivers etc and lovely vanilla ice cream shaped into a cake ( and covered with chocolate if you so desire. Just the thing for a Summer birthday and add fruit salad and you have dessert covered for a family birthday dinner.

  16. The cake looks delicious - especially when I can see the guts!
    Loving those reds and your farmer wife blocks - will be looking good at the other end of the journey.
    enjoy your weekend away with family and celebrating the milestones.

  17. I LOVE, love, love your Farmer's Wife blocks. The one on the right is especially fantastic! Wow!

    LadyBug's birthday is this weekend, which reminds me that I need to finalize plans for the birthday cake and party. I will definitely not be trying the cake you made.

    Love the hexies! That is going to be amazing!

    xo -E

  18. Have you ever just put a regular marshmallow in the microwave? They swell up huge, then deflate when you stop it - try it with a mini hot chocolate one, that won't make much mess if it goes wrong.

  19. you've been up to heaps! That cake looks yummy! Interesting about the marshmallows, I'll have to remember not to put them in the microwave. Your Farmers Wives blocks are looking fantastic! Red and white was a great choice! Fun hexi cushion too!! Have a fun time away!!

  20. Have a great weekend. Somehow think you are going to get better weather on your weekend than I will swanning about Newcastle while I am away!

    I have a chocolate cupcake recipe on the blog that is too easy for words. Everyone likes chocolate cupcakes. Sod the cake toppers.

  21. Hi Pyjamas. Sorry about your microwave. Congrats to your parents! Will you please post photos of the weekend? Have fun!

  22. The world should have more blog posts that include herb fortresses, cat habits, cake guts, an encrusted microwave, and a golden wedding anniversary.

    Enjoy your family get-together !!!

  23. You are a card! (I'm glad I wasn't in the vacinity of your microwave!) The cake - well, I bet it tastes wonderful!
    Love your FW blocks... I love red.
    Thanks for brightening my day - you always do.
    P.S. Congratulations to you Mom and Dad. That is quite an accomplishment! (I know cause I'm at 43+.)

  24. Happy 50th to your parents and have a great weekend. Are you the eldest? My parents had their 50th last year so that means this year is mine....aaaagh!

    Love the exploded cake, I bet it tasted yummy :-)

  25. Happy 50th anniversary to your mum and dad just read the rest of your post after just skimming it yesterday I have a FTF. Got to say I hate googles new word thinking to let you leave a comment

  26. Hope you have a lovely weekend, congrats to Ma and Pa PJs.

  27. Youre still funny Mrs P! and that cake!!! well I am sure the family enjoyed devouring it to say the least! Enjoy your time away with the Snr P's :) hugs Val

  28. Shay, somehow you manage to make all of your posts entertaining. You've got a gift.

    Sorry you're chasing your tail though. When that happens, it's easy to lose all kinds of mojo.

    Have a wonderful birthday celebration with your daughter, and a wonderful anniversary celebration with your parents. Congrats to you parents!

  29. Your posts always make me laugh!! Love the way you write.

  30. I hear you re the tail chasing and blog fodder...I decided my mojo decided to take long service leave, it just forgot to put in the leave form and actually get approval from management!!'s gradually starting to re-appear, I've told it to go and poke yours and tell it to get on home!
    The cake guts still look edible...bung a piece in a bowl, add ice-cream and call it sweets!
    Happy 50th Anniversary to Parents of Pyjamas...hope you all had a fabtabulous weekend away...even if it was to the land of no wi fi...


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